Periodic Reporting for period 4 - SPONGE ENGINE (Fast and efficient sponge engines drive and modulate the food web of reef ecosystems)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-07-01 al 2021-12-31
The discovery of "sponge loop" pathway (De Goeij et al. 2013, Science), in which sponges efficiently shunt a significant proportion of the reef's food and energy to higher trophic levels in an otherwise low-food environment, has provided new insight into how sponges are key ecosystem drivers that act as ecosystem “engines”: by efficiently retaining, transforming, and allocating food and energy, they drive communities within the food web of coral reefs. Current reef ecology models, without the inclusion of sponge-driven resource cycling, are therefore incomplete and need be redeveloped. These models are a much-needed foundation to predict future scenarios for tropical, temperate, and cold-water reef ecosystem ecology. However, mechanisms that determine the capacity of sponge engines, how they are fuelled, and how they drive reef communities within the food web are at present largely unknown. Moreover, the sponge loop sparked significant interest, controversy and discussion in the scientific world. In this project, we assessed critical knowledge gaps at the organismal and ecosystem level concerning the integration of sponges as ecological drivers of shallow and deep-sea ecosystems.
We conclude that sponges are important ecological drivers of coral reefs and many other ecosystems where they are abundant. On the Caribbean reefs of Curacao, we estimated sponges to be the largest group of benthic reef organisms. More than half of the biomass and diversity on these reefs is usually missed through traditional 2D photosurveys performed around the world, since these organisms largely live under and within the 3D reef framework. Sponges possess different strategies to feed on the largest source of food in marine ecosystems: dissolved organic matter. DOM produced by algae is processed better than coral-DOM, and with a more prominent role by the microbial symbionts. But, sponge cells are very important in the uptake, the “drinking”, of DOM and translocation to their symbiotic microbes. Additionally, algal-DOM causes a higher stress and immune response than coral-DOM and increases local eutrophication. Sponges are very abundant in our oceans, even form sponge reefs in the deep-sea, and likely influence the world’s carbon cycle. But to confirm the global role of sponges, to manage and protect them, we need much more precious data from ocean floor.
We then focused on ecosystem scale processes. First, we determined how many sponges and other benthic organisms there are on a reef. Many reef organisms live under, or even inside the reef, hidden from sight. We found a huge difference in the community composition when using traditional 2D photosurveys (relative cover of projected reef surface) compared to 3D biomass estimates, including the cryptic surfaces, usually not “seen” in surveys. Sponges are shown to be the largest group of benthic organisms on the reefs of Curacao, and more than half of these sponges are cryptic! Furthermore, we show that sponges literally “sneeze” their waste into their environment through wonderful and unique time-lapse movies, fertilizing the reef. Ultimately, we constructed a new food web model for tropical coral reefs, now including sponges and microbes! Using state-of-the-art stand-alone metabolic chambers that can operate to 3,000 m depth, we gathered the first data to assess how sponges “drive” the shallow and deep-sea ecosystems of our planet.
The project so far yielded 16 publications (8 more in development) in high-end scientific journals, of which 2 Feature Articles, 1 book chapter, 1 PhD-thesis (3 more in development) and 6 policy briefs on the distribution, ecosystem functions, and threats of deep-sea sponge ground, and 1 policy brief on the state of present-day reefs and challenges to mitigate the loss of these important ecosystems. We have also reached >50.000 school children (age 6–12) through live Youtube "lectures" (Axa Coral Live events), the sponge loop was mentioned in the biology final exam of Dutch high-school students, and is now integrated into general textbooks.