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An integrated interdisciplinary approach to animal-free chemical and nanomaterial safety assessment

Description du projet

Des produits chimiques plus sûrs sans expérimentation animale

Les produits chimiques et les nanomatériaux manufacturés (NM) potentiellement dangereux pour l’homme sont testés sur des animaux. Malgré des améliorations notables dans ce domaine, il n’existe toujours aucune plateforme intégrée d’évaluation des risques. Le projet in3, financé par le programme MSCA, entend réaliser une évaluation de la sécurité des produits chimiques et des NM sans recourir à l’expérimentation animale en combinant des tests in vitro sur l’homme et des méthodes informatiques. L’accent sera mis sur la multiplication des cellules souches pluripotentes induites (CSPi) qui seront envoyées à des laboratoires partenaires dans toute l’Europe. Les CSPi ont la capacité de se développer sous forme de peau, de nerfs, de muscles ou de pratiquement n’importe quel autre type de cellule correspondant aux organes ou tissus cibles exposés aux NM. Ils peuvent donc être utilisés dans le cadre de la recherche sur les NM, et se substituer à l’expérimentation animale.


All chemicals whether they are drugs, cosmetics, agrochemicals or others need to be tested for their safety to man and the environment. The use of whole animal studies for the prediction of adverse effects in man, is problematic due to species dependent effects, high costs and a large burden to animals in terms of numbers and suffering. While there have been major improvements in human in vitro and in silico techniques, there is still a lack of an integrated risk assessment platform. The in3 proposal aims to significantly further the development of animal-free chemical and nanomaterial (NM) safety evaluation by creating a scientific and training program aimed at integrating human in vitro testing with computational approaches. The project will focus on human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) derived tissues, including liver, kidney, brain, lung and vasculature and to utilise mechanistic toxicology, quantitative adverse outcome pathways, biokinetics, cheminformatics and modelling approaches to derive testable prediction models. hiPSC present the major advantages provide non-cancerous derived tissues with identical genetic backgrounds. All Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will work towards the same goal, utilising the same chemicals, donor cells, assays and software packages. All data will be centrally housed in standardised formats, appropriately annotated and linked with protocols and material information. While ESRs will hone their skills in their own field of expertise, they will also collaborate to create an in depth safety evaluation testing platform for the chosen test compounds. By interaction, problem solving, training and secondments over the three years, they will acquire a unique set of interdisciplinary skills for chemical and NM safety assessment. The project aims to accelerate the realisation of animal-free safety assessment and to graduate 15 PhD students with the ideal skill sets to carry out the strategy designed in in3 in the near future.

Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 510 748,56
1081 HV Amsterdam

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Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 510 748,56

Participants (13)

Partenaires (5)