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Development of ‘Less than Wagon Load’ transport solutions in the Antwerp Chemical cluster


Report of environmental assessment for “Less than wagon load” for each cluster

“Less than wagon load” is an implementation of several solutions which will radically change the environmental impact. This new concept will be analysed in detail (WP1). Furthermore eight potential added value services will be analysed: - Parking for chemical wagon with dangerous goods (WP5); - Specialised wagon repair services for chemical wagons (WP5); - Wagon picking and buffering services to optimize the fleet (WP5); - Advanced cleaning serviced for chemical wagons and trucks (WP6); - Cross docking of pallets in rail connected warehouse (WP4); - Extend intermodal terminal with depot services for empty containers (WP4); - Container drop-off point for left bank – right bank connection (WP4); - Improved rail services by combining conventional and intermodal volumes (WP7)

Review feasibility of LWL concept

- Impact study of reduced handling costs on LWL concept [M24] - Final overall feasibility assessment [M24] In WP2 and WP3 an automated pallet loading system for wagons will be design and a prototype will be build. If the outcome of these work packages demonstrate that there is a potential cost decrease by using an automated wagon loading system, the costs of LWL will further decrease. The impact of this cost decrease will be assesed on the LWL concept.

Presentation of the pro & contra’s of the different technological options and the selected technology

There are five standardized types of systems for automated (un)loading. The following table provides an overview of the types of systems and applications.The different technologies will be assessed on their suitability for application on the quay and in the wagons. This will be done by bringing together the Ancra experts in loading systems, wagon specialists from BLOG and ZOS and mechanical engineers from Technical University of Kosice. The most suited system will be selected, taking into account the specifications from Task 2.1.

Exploitation plan

The Exploitation plan will describe the Consortium and individual partner strategies. It will provide information about the potential results of the project and will define a proactive behaviour to protect them, according to the detailed Consortium Agreement signed upon approval of the project. The following subtasks will be carried out: • To follow up all developments suited for patent application and search for other existing patents • To develop a exploitation strategy for the commercial valorisation of the project results. • To resolve contractual issues, coordinate knowledge protection activities. • To monitor the market in order to detect new trends and possibilities, which allows the consortium to react to the market changes and adapt the investigations to the business model.

Plan for dissemination of project results

Draft plan for dissemination of project results: Technical publications, exhibitions listed and training plan [M12] Final plan for dissemination of project results: Technical publications, exhibitions listed and training plan [M36]

Assess potential roll-out of multi-modal freight village with cross docking warehouse for pallets

- Feasibility report on the potential to extent the logistical hub Nola with added value services developed in the context of the multi-modal freight village in Antwerp [M24] - Market research on business potential for new rail connected cross docking warehouse [M30]

Advisory board reports (expert network)

Every 18 months (18, 36M)

Report on the recycling and re-use of waste waters

One of the mayor issues with a cleaning service are the waste waters. Due to that fact, our main goal is to reduce dramatically the amount and grade of effluent by: • 100% removal of rest residue left in the railcars and ISO-containers before commencing the cleaning process. Residue will affect the final grade and amount of effluent • Reducing the level of injected cleaning chemistry into the cleaning process • Reducing significantly the volume of used fresh tap clean water in the cleaning process • Reducing the level of effluent waste water generated by the cleaning process itself • Re-use treaded water in the cleaning process

Commercial presentation about new added value services

This presentation should summarize the potentially new added value services for the chemical industry. Partners involved: B Logistics and essenscia

Functions specifications of the requested AWLS

The lead partner Ancra will organize a kick off meeting and follow-up meetings with different partners in the consortium. During these meetings the business and technical requirements of this AWLS will be discussed and aligned. These specifications will include: flexibility in type of wagons, flexibility in pallet type (EURO, IND, etc), required loading and unloading speed, optimal volumes to be loaded, maximum CAPEX, etc. These parameters will set the boundary conditions for the best AWLS.

Assessment to connect Main Hub with Avantida Container Re-Use system

This existing application allows transporters to request the Re-Use of containers in order to optimize container moves from import to export. This saves empty container trips to the depots and provides transporters with lower costs and carriers with a new income. This system is currently pure for trucking, but by providing temporary container depot, close to the MainHub, it could become connected with rail.

Publication of European potential of “Less than wagon load”

With the investigation for two sites, some parameters will be identified to evaluated the impact of “Less than wagon load”. These results will be used to extrapolate the potential benefit in the most important logistical cluster in Europe. To extrapolate the impact to other clusters, we will take into account different parameters of the logistical cluster that will be evaluated: - Size and volume indicators - Capacity of rail traffic; - Land use of the cluster and capacity to implement the specific “Less than wagon load” services; - Profile of the cluster in terms of users; - Cost levels; - Etc. This task will be done based on desk research. This extrapolation will allow to assess the environmental benefit of the full potential of implementing “Less than Wagon Load” for the whole European society.

Report on capacity of improvement of actual services

For each element of each site, three key factors will be investigated : energy efficiency, energy mix and load factor. The energy mix could have a huge impact on the greenhouse gas emissions, but it could have an adverse effect on the energy consumption. It is often hard or nearly impossible to win more than 20 or 30% in energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution (not just one indicator). In that case it might be better to radically change the service. The aim of this part is to identify the limits of improvement on the actual situation.

Conceptual design of Truck Hub with a description of the main functions

In the past some initial drawings have been made on the potential layout of this new area for trucks. This Truck Hub is necessary to support the other logistical services in the area and to attract additional volumes to this new multimodal logistical center.

Project management and quality plan (PMQP)

The main objective is to set up a governance and management structure that will ensure that Less than Wagon Load is a well-managed, efficient and financially transparent project. This ensures that all knowledge created is managed and disseminated (WP12) in a co-ordinated manner, along with technical activities, finance, legal and other issues.

Report on potential innovative cleaning techniques

We will analyse the market to apply state-of-the-art cleaning techniques to have the most advanced, efficient, innovative and environmental friendly techniques to manage the cleaning services. The new cleaning services shall be performed according to the applicable Hygiene and EFTCO (European Federation of Tank Cleaning Organisations) codes and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) standards.

Market report on existing LTL volumes and solutions in Antwerp cluster and in selected industrial area’s in Europe

This task consists of desk research and interviews with industry experts to identify the existing type of groupage and other LTL volumes, the different type of customers and their requirements. In this task also the existing products, shipment flows and added value services will be clarified. This is an as-is analysis to understand the specific needs of LTL truck transport. This desk research will be performed by TransCare, using its extensive experience in European logistics. They will be supported by other partners in the consortium for different industrial area’s in Europe.

Report on environmental assessment for each cluster

To identify the environmental benefit of “less than wagon load”, it is essential to have a reference. A first assessment of each site will be done. Three indicators will be established: energy consumption (kWh), greenhouse gas emissions (CO2), and air pollution (fines particles, nitrous oxide). For this last indicators, the localisation of the pollution will be analysed (it will be relevant for the energy switch road/fuel – rail/electricity). An additional indicator, not environmental, but very relevant to include: the injuries of the truck traffic. All the indicators will be measured in a relative way per ton and per tonkilometer.

Report of the environmental benefit for each cluster

comparison will be done for e.g. on the same quantity of freight. As an example, the actual modal split of the Port of Antwerp, will be compared with the future modal split: - Actual situation : 100.000 tons of freight : 25.000 tons per pipeline; 41.000 tons per barge; 30.000 tons per road; 4.000 tons per rail. - “Less than wagon load” : 100.000 tons of freight: 25.000 tons per pipeline; 41.000 tons per barge; 20.000 tons per road; 14.000 tons per rail. With this approach we will assess the environmental improvement of “Less than wagon load”.

Technical specifications and legal conditions that the wagon parking need to fulfil

List the technical specifications that are required (duration, length of the rail tracks, accessibility, etc). Combine this with a review of the legal barriers and rules linked to this kind of parking area. Based on this summary, it should be possible to match it with some areas in the MainHub area that could be appropriate. As we solve technical specifications of wagon parking, we have to solve handling and storage of dangerous goods in the wagons to. The wagons and the load should be stored and suitably secured to prevent displacement. It is forbidden to open and handle the dangerous goods during transportation.

Meeting reports of one-on-one meetings with chemical industry

The target is to meet with at least 20 companies that could benefit from the new services. These meetings will be hold by different members of the consortium and the representatives of the chemical industry. This interaction with a large part of the industry is necessary to create the necessary support for these services and to capture their feedback and integrate their suggestions.

Data management plan

We want to participate in the Pilot of Open Research Data to maximise the re-use of our non-confidential data. We will make sure the data are FAIR: • Findable: with a simple search functionality • Accessible: via a API or a download button • Interoperable: data of different sources must be comparable. • Reproducible: data must be reproducible for the reliability of answers to research questions

Prototype of AWLS dock side

Ancra is well equipped and experienced in building automatic loading and unloading systems. At their production site in Boxtel they will assemble the complete dock side of the AWLS. Components will be sourced at different suppliers, depending on the final design. They have own mechanical and electrical technicians to do the system integration. Below a picture of the assembly hall of Ancra Systems.

Installation and commission of the prototype in rail connected warehouse

Finally the fixed part of the AWLS (dock site) and the wagon will come together in a rail connected warehouse in Antwerp. BLOG has an agreement with a warehouse operator in the Port of Antwerp to rent a part of the rail connected warehouse to install this prototype. This installation and commissioning will be done by Ancra in coordination with the warehouse operator.



Autoren: Lucia Knapcikova, Rob Konings
Veröffentlicht in: Acta logistica, Ausgabe 5/3, 2018, Seite(n) 71-77, ISSN 1339-5629
Herausgeber: 4S go, s.r.o.
DOI: 10.22306/al.v5i3.97


Autoren: Lucia Knapčíková, Michal Balog
Veröffentlicht in: Acta Tecnología, Ausgabe 3/2, 2017, Seite(n) 1-4, ISSN 2453-675X
Herausgeber: Acta Tecnología
DOI: 10.22306/atec.v3i2.22

Fakulta výrobných technológií je členom európskeho projektu (Original in Slovak) “Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies is a member of European project)”

Autoren: Lucia Knapcikova
Veröffentlicht in: Energetika a strojárstvo (Energy and Engineering Journal), Ausgabe 2/year, 2019, Seite(n) 56-57, ISSN 0000-0000
Herausgeber: INFOMA Business Trading, spol.s r.o


Autoren: Lucia Knapčíková, Patrik Kaščák
Veröffentlicht in: Acta logistica, Ausgabe 6/4, 2019, Seite(n) 165-170, ISSN 1339-5629
Herausgeber: Acta Logistica
DOI: 10.22306/al.v6i4.144

Selected legal conditions valid by transport of dangerous goods by rail in european union

Autoren: Lucia Knapcikova, Michal Balog
Veröffentlicht in: Acta Tecnología- International Scientific Journal about Technologies, Ausgabe 4/year, 2017, Seite(n) 7-10, ISSN 2453-675X
Herausgeber: 4S go, s.r.o.

Investigation of freight rail transport in worldwide logistics important area Port of Antwerp: A review

Autoren: Lucia Knapcikova, Michal Balog
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the 3rd EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, Ausgabe 1/year, 2018, Seite(n) 19, ISBN 978-1-63190-167-6
Herausgeber: EAI
DOI: 10.4108/eai.6-11-2018.2279354

Monitoring of Hazardous Goods by Rail in the Europe: A Review

Autoren: Michal Balog, Lucia Knapcikova
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the 2nd EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, Ausgabe 1/year, 2018, Seite(n) 1-9, ISBN 978-1-63190-158-4
Herausgeber: EAI
DOI: 10.4108/eai.22-11-2017.2273407

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