CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Consolidated findings from building condition assessments and feasibility studies before renovation.
Report on EeB PPP clustering activities involving P2EndureActive participation in clustering activities and contribution to clustering knowledge dissemination.
4M process roadmap and implementation guidelinesThe 4M procedure model in the form of a flowchart and case study templates for applying the 4M process on each of the live demonstration projects.
Validation report of reduced disturbance for inhabitants during renovationFindings and recommendations for optimisation of targeted achievement: Minimized disturbance.
Sets of deep renovation solutions of building HVAC systemsReport of the programme of requirements and critical review of the novel PnP prefab components and systems for deep renovation of HVAC/MEP systems.
Report of joint initiatives within EeB PPPThis deliverable represents the outcomes of the exploitation-related activities. (M24-update M48)
Validation report of lowered embodied energy at prefab renovation projectsFindings and recommendations for optimisation of targeted achievement: Embodied energy and the possibility of reusing and recycling materials at the end of a building's lifespan.
Exploitation plan based on Exploitation Strategy SeminarThe ESS results will be available at different stages at the project website for internal use of the partners. Additionally a report of the results with hints and comments will be produced at the end of the project. This report will include a SotA analysis of the existing market, related business scenarios and objectives and the details of the key exploitation activities. (M24-update in M48)
Technical and alliance plan for temporary local renovation factory at district levelDistrict Alliance Model for deep renovation that enables P2Endure Product Innovations and the Local Renovation Factory Concept.
Report of the TCP business workshops and for market upscalingThe market analysis includes technical and economic appraisal addressing: building stock analysis, cost effectiveness appraisal of renovation options, quantification of energy saving potential, development of a long term investment horizon, and quantification of other benefits. (M24-updated in M48)
Validation report of improved indoor environment qualityFindings and recommendations for optimisation of targeted achievement: High indoor environmental quality (thermal and visual comfort, acoustics, air quality, etc.).
Reports of field implementation at demo casesProgress and outcomes of the demonstration projects, including report on market / stakeholder’s acceptance and recommendations.
Techniques, protocols, applications for 3D scanning / geomaticsPractical guidelines and set-ups for deployment of 3D scanning for the live demonstration projects.
State-of-the-art report of innovations for deep renovationConsolidated outcomes from FP7, H2020 and IEE programmes on prefab solutions for deep renovation.
Standardised deep renovation feasibility assessment and project proposal for client’s and authority’s approvalFeasibility plan for deep renovation based on P2Endure demonstration cases, and recommendations for European wide upscaling of deep renovation through public-private partnership (PPP) with local municipalities.
Organisational and activity plan for establishment of the TCP and engagement of stakeholders in e-MarketplaceA report will summarise the plans and activities of the TCP along with the contributions to the e-Marketplace.
Validation report of replicability and scalability of PnP prefab solutionsFindings and recommendations for optimisation of targeted achievement: Demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to reach an increased rate of renovation of a defined building typology in a specific district/city/region; achieving the economics of scale.
Validation report of reduced renovation cost and timeFindings and recommendations for optimisation of targeted achievement: Cost reduction of at least 15% compared with a typical renovation (i.e. a renovation that meets current minimum requirements of existing building regulations [Definition of typical renovation is based on each country’s implementation of Art. 4 of the EPBD]); Reduction in time needed for renovation by a factor of 2 at least compared to typical present day renovation.
Validation report of reduced use of net primary energyFindings and recommendations for optimisation of targeted achievement: Net primary energy use reduced by 60% compared to pre-renovation levels.
Sets of PnP prefab components for building envelopesReport of the programme of requirements and critical review of the novel PnP prefab components and systems for deep renovation of building envelopes.
3D models and specifications of prefab components in BIM prepared using the parametric modeller, and stored in a solution library to be presented in e-Marketplace.
Design of energy systems at building and district levelProposed solutions for RES and energy grid connection to be verified and implemented in relevant demonstration cases depending on the location and grid availability.
Deployment of “Comfort Eye” technology for IEQ monitoringInstallation and operationalisation of Comfort Eye system for IEQ monitoring at the selected demonstration projects.
BIM parametric modellerDynamo-based configurator for each of the demonstration projects.
Design of integrated packages of deep renovation solutionsProposed deep renovation solutions to be elaborated and implemented in all demonstration projects.
Demonstrator of 3D printing with on-site roboticsTested 3D printing technologies and on-site robotics for deep renovation, ready for deployment in the relevant live demonstration projects.
Presentation of virtual demonstratorsParametric BIM modeller implemented and deployed for the demonstration cases, presentation of current progress and outcomes of the demonstration cases in e-Marketplace.
BIM models of existing buildings based on 3D scanningPre-renovation BIM models constructed based on drawings, photogrammetry, 3D geomatics, and 3D thermal scanning depending on needs, practicality and availability.
e-Marketplace architecture, repository (such as GitHub) for agile development of the e-Marketplace and the information management system.
Mobile inspection tool demonstrator for building condition assessmentImplementation of building condition assessment for Mapping process before renovation and (self) inspection during and after renovation.
Software demonstrator for energy monitoring, LCC and asset managementUML class diagram of the information model, configured and deployed asset management system.
Set-up of a database for asset management of deep renovationConfiguration and data entry of the deep renovation technical and organisational plans.
The knowledge from P2Endure R&D and demonstration activities will be presented at university training courses at UNIVPM and TUB as well as in various scientific publications. (Continues M6-M48)
Public and internal project websites; graphic designs and templatesThis deliverable represents the communication and PR infrastructure for the project.
Annual newsletters and media/PR activitiesThis deliverable represent the real output of the communication activities. (Periodic update M6-M48)
Professional knowledge dissemination and trainingsProfessional publications and short films of the live demonstration cases will be prepared; training activities might become part of the business workshops with the TCP members, training. (Continuous M6-M48)
Arnesano, M., Revel, G.M., Zampetti, L., Sebastian, R., Gralka, A., Bornemann, R., Willems, E., Visser, L.
Pubblicato in:
WSED2018 World Sustainable Energy Days Proceddings, 2018
Conference Proceedings
Marco Arnesano, Lorenzo Zampetti, Gian Marco Revel, Rizal Sebastian, Anna Gralka, Carlo Macciò, Eva Raggi and Michele Mililli
Pubblicato in:
Conference Proceedings of IBPC2018 7th International Building Physics Conference, At Syracuse, 2018, Pagina/e 737-742
Conference Proceedings
Christoph Bindal-Gutsche, Timo Hartmann
Pubblicato in:
EG-ICE 2019 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering Proceedings, Numero Vol-2394, 2019, ISSN 1613-0073
Rizal Sebastian, Anna Gralka, Rosamaria Olivadese, Marco Arnesano, Gian Marco Revel, Timo Hartmann, Christoph Gutsche
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings, Numero 2/15, 2018, Pagina/e 1157, ISSN 2504-3900
Simona D’Oca, Annarita Ferrante, Clara Ferrer, Roberta Pernetti, Anna Gralka, Rizal Sebastian, Peter op ‘t Veld
Pubblicato in:
Buildings, Numero 8/12, 2018, Pagina/e 174, ISSN 2075-5309
Simona D’Oca, Annarita Ferrante, Peter Op ‘t Veld, Nicolas Peraudeau, Christoph Peters, Roberta Pernetti, Oana Schippers-Trifan, Regis Decorme
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings, Numero 20/1, 2019, Pagina/e 11, ISSN 2504-3900
MDPI Proceedings
Pubblicato in:
Techne : Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, Iss 18 (2019), Numero 1, 2019, Pagina/e 215-225, ISSN 2239-0243
Firenze University Press
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