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Low cost, early Phytosanitary monitoring and alert service for horticultural farmers

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - VegAlert (Low cost, early Phytosanitary monitoring and alert service for horticultural farmers)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2017-06-01 al 2018-11-30

VegAlert aims to generate a change of trend in the prevention of diseases in crops, allowing to convert the current systematic application of phytosanitary products, quite effective at killing many pathogens but has serious negative impacts on environment, into an objective application, based on real and reliable data on the phytosanitary status of crops that will avoid the following social and environmental damages:
a. Spoilage of fertile soils due to eradication of the soil biodiversity, thereby reducing future yields.
b. Increasing phytopathogen virulence and prevalence, as well as the development of pathogen resistance.
c. Environmental and health studies demonstrate that the use of chemical pesticides generates human health and environmental costs estimated in tens of billions2.
d. Inevitably killing a wide range of beneficial organisms.
Integration of the DSS System
VegAlert combines the benefits of a fast and reliable molecular diagnosis, with a computer system to help decision making, which generates periodic sampling and a system of alerts throughout the production. In this way, the DSS system have been developed using the statistical language R, and several algorithms of machine learning and spatial geoprocessing. The final prototype is able to anticipate a possible problem, giving the opportunity to decide whether or not a treatment is necessary, what is the best application time and the most specific product, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment and minimizing costs and waste.
Pilot in commercial plots
VegAlert system was conceived as a useful tool, functional for any farmer and plot setting. Having that in mind, the system was evaluated in 5 different setting, one of them carried out entirely by an external laboratory. (Fig A, Table containing the crops studied and additional information about the plots)
The validation assay covered 5 different crops, a control plot and a test plot was selected for each one. The control plots were treated by the farmers’ protocols, while in the test plots the treatment was modified according to the results of each analysis. One of the crop was entirely managed by an external laboratory, Generon.
The aim of this assay was to prove the efficiency of the VegAlert system, operating in a variety of plot, management setting, crops and location.
The microarray has proved to be agile, and able to respond the exigencies of a great European project like this one. The sensibility of this technique has allowed to go ahead a possible phytopathology on the fields reacting quickly and accurately.
In the other side, the Decision Support System is completed and validated. A prove of this is the quality of the description the system makes of plots and crops. This system has proved its ability of keep learning for the variable found in its calculation.
These both part together have achieved the main goal of making precision agriculture available for all kind of farmer. That is why this project has been well received by the farmers and generates high expectation within the agricultural sector. (Fig B, Example of alert service, detecting high concentration of microorganisms in an early phase.)
Intellectual property and certification
1. Phytoarray design. Certificate of Phytoarray design as “Registration of the intellectual property”.
2. VegAlert®. Certificate of registration of VegAlert product as “European Trade Mark”.
3. Phytalert®. Certificate of registration of PhytAlert product as “European Trade Mark”.
4. Quality certification ISO 9001. For the activities of: Development and production of microarrays in addition to phytopathogen identification kits by means of DNA oligonucleotides in environmental samples.

Dissemination, market and business plan
The market approach of the project made dissemination and exploitation a mayor issue.
1. VegAlert increases its presence in social network through its Twitter account.
2. Publication of project website:
3. Microgaia Biotech was interviewed by local channel “7” and explained the VegAlert project
4. Microgaia Biotech was present in national and international congress.
All these dissemination activities, among others, have been collected in the VegAlert Blog, accessible through the VegAlert webpage.
The objectives to achieve by Microgaia Biotech and VegAlert project were:
Brand positioning
Investment in Marketing and Marketing
Development of the Demand
Opening of commercial channels to Laboratories and Farmers
Selection of prescribers
Be selective with laboratories [Transfer of influence]
Generation of alliances: commercial and promotional [Co-creation]
Know the evolution of the market + detect opportunities [Monitoring]
Positioning on the Internet
Continue deepening the needs of distribution, customer and user
Define the service according to the needs of distribution, client and user
Generate barriers + scale the project
Design an international strategy [scalability vehicle]

A SWOT analysis is essential for a proper exploitation of the product. (Fig C, SWOT analysis of Microgaia Biotech).
Market Study
The target market for this innovation is huge. Just in the EU, the production of vegetables, fruits and horticultural plants accounted for 82€ billion. There is a niche sector, which includes DNA sequencing, biochips, RNAi, synthetic biology, and genome editing tools was valued at 120€ million in 2013 and it is set to grow to 1.1€ billion by 2019.
VegAlert shows a considerable advantage against competitors. VegAlert is very fast and very sensible, allowing detecting very small amount of microorganisms.
Marketing Strategy
The marketing strategy has been developed by company “Take off”. This Marketing strategy pretend to make commercial contacts with which Microgaia already has some working relationship in addition to identify those clients and markets where the company currently has no contact. It devised routes to reach these clients such as considering the opening of offices in other European countries like France or Italy.
Some of the action carried out were:
A. Construction of the Ecosystem 2.0 for the diffusion of the VegAlert Trials.
B. Promotional Material Design
C. Design and Management of Institutional Visits Agenda
D. Institutional Visits
E. Monitoring and Dissemination VegAlert Field Trail
F. Professional video recording interview
G. Dissemination Actions in Specialized and Generalist Media
All this information was compiled in the creation of an Investor Business Plan.
Microgaia has developed a tool able to change how the phytosanitary products are used in the field, suggesting a guided application against the current systematic one. The results of the validation comparing test and control plots have confirmed a reduction of the phytopatogens’ concentration by using less amount of a more specific phytosanitary product. The potential impact of the VegAlert system is the reduction of the use of phytosanitary products, and therefore, an improvement in the quality of the final product as well as in the general environmental conditions.
Fig9. Bubble representation of the sample analysis separately and mixed by groups. Analysis of 9 phy
FigC. SWOT analysis of Microgaia Biotech
FigA. Table containing the crops studied
Fig5: Distribution of sampling
Fig6. Distribution of sample pool by analysis
Fig4: Overlap of the schematic of the plots to be tested in the map viewer.
Fig11: A) DSS plot B)DSS grid information C) DSS 400 sampling points
Fig8: Summary of the monthly climatic conditions during the months in which the trial is carried out
FigB. Example of alert service
Fig12: Combination of the samples for later analysis
Fig7: Leaf sampling schedule
Fig3: Greenhouse scheme with plots (P1, P2, P3 and P4) and sampled plots (A B C D E F).
Fig2: Microarray results from samples collected. It is chows net fluorescence values (SNR) of two in
Fig1: Scheme of the muskmelon plot on which sampling was carried out.
Fig10: SNR values (phytoarray fluorescence signal) during samplings carried out for 3 months