CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe


Video to promote organic seed use (T1.2)

A short promotion video will be developed by BIONEXT and IFOAM EU in which farmers from different member states explain why they use organic seed. The price difference to conventional seed and the reduced choice of cultivars work as disincentives for farmers to use organic seed. Reasons for farmers to use organic seed are the fact that they want to produce a 100% organic product (from seed to fork), to live up to consumer expectations, or because the seed is from an organic cultivar and has an added value. Additional incentives could for instance be a bonus for using organic seed, a clear demand from label organisations, traders, wholesalers or consumers and a level playing field across EU Member States. Pilot studies will be set up by BIONEXT and IFOAM EU with partners (ORC, ÖMKI, LBI, SEAE) and stakeholders in UK, HU, NL and ES to test the effect of the different incentives in different crops, value chains and countries. Baseline interviews will be conducted and the effect of the pilots on the organic seed use and on the motivation of the stakeholders to use organic seed will be measured.

Success stories, expert interviews, Practice Abstracts, as well as videos made available on LIVESEED website and/or the Organic Farm-knowledge platform

We aim to publish: • 20 external materials collected from LIVESEED partners (in national languages), deposited on Organic Eprints and made available on Organic Farm-Knowledge Platform with an abstract in English; • 7 Practice Abstracts based on the T2.2.1 cross visits for the EIP-Agri and the Organic Farm-Knowledge Platform ; • 7 Videos: including expert interviews and good practice demonstration videos for the LIVESEED website, social media and the Organic Farm-Knowledge Platform; • 6 to 8 success stories based on cross visits and on WP1 national visits (D5.7) for the LIVESEED website, social media and the Organic Farm-Knowledge Platform.

Video presenting project

Short videos (2-3 minutes with slide shows and video shots) will be used to present the project and to report about events such as farm days, and visits planned under the project. The videos will be disseminated through the website and uploaded in a dedicated YouTube channel for the project. A short introductory video will present the project. Approximately 3 videos will be based on interviews during visits in the framework of all WPs videos will be developed during workshop and activities of WP1 on the importance of organic seeds (ÖMKI)

Project website

Public Website will be set up by Month 6 with official information on the project (e.g. partners, collaborators, EC funding) and publishing all the materials produced by the project. The website will be updated regularly at least 4 times per year (IFOAM-EU).

Project leaflet

Start-up project leaflet (by Month 6) in 10 national languages (EN, ES, FR, IT, PT, EL, HU, PL, BG, RO) to be distributed during events attended by project partners in order to raise awareness about the LIVESEED project (IFOAM-EU, RSR).

Overview of the organisational models of cultivar trials for organic agriculture in some key EU countries

A report describing and analysing the status quo of different organic variety trials for pre- and post-registration as well as VCU testing across 15 EU countries (for arable, vegetable and fruit crops), presented through 4 main criteria (trial setup, organizational model, dissemination of results and financial model). Additional SWOT analysis will give better understanding of pros and cons of the different systems and show necessary infrastructure for different models. These analyses will serve as a base for the development of guidelines i) for on-farm trial models that are low budget, with alternative financing and new infrastructures (D2.3) and ii) for adjusted protocols for organic DUS and VCU testing (D2.4). This Deliverable D2.1 includes former M 2.7 (MS17) “Overview of existing organic VCU protocols in EU and SWOT analysis”. Milestone 2.7 therefore was deleted.

Practice abstracts on LIVESEED results relevant for practitioners

Simple and easytounderstand singlepage Factsheets will be produced on specific themescrop species using the guidelines from EIPAGRI and translated into different languages The first 50 Practice Abstracts will be developed by month 36 D55 In addition 15 will be produced in the last project year and if relevant the first 50 Practice Abstracts will be revised Together these 65 Practice Abstracts will be D512

Booklet on how to implement organic seed regulation at the national level to stimulate their production

At least 5 booklets (approx. 8-16 pages aimed at a range of stakeholders) will be published on the LIVESEED website, and translated into different languages. One of them will be on: How to implement organic seed regulation at the national level to stimulate their production (WP1).

Booklet on guidelines for cultivar trials on organic farms

At least 5 booklets approx 816 pages aimed at a range of stakeholders will be published on the LIVESEED website and translated into different languagesOne will be Guidelines for cultivar trials on organic farms WP2

Data management plan

FiBL-CH with the support of IFOAM EU will develop a data management plan (DMP) and policy for all data produced in the scope of LIVESEED within the first 6 months to allow high transparency. A data base will be installed on the LIVESEED homepage (WP5). In order to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR), the DMP will include instruction on data handling during and after the project, which data set need to be collected, which methodology and standards / controls are used, and which data will be shared among LIVESEED or become open access. Together with the stored data set, information will include metadata about authors and reference, data set description, a protocol on data sharing, data archiving and data preservation. All publications of LIVESEED will be proof-read by FiBL-CH or IFOAM EU to ensure the quality and coherence of the publications.

Scientific publications and Conference proceedings

Scientific articles published in peerreviewed scientific and technical journals Presentations on application of research results and activities in European and international conferences All scientific partners will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and results among the scientific community through joint articles in peerreviewed scientific and technical journals such as Organic Farming Sustainability and Euphytica Openaccess publications will be targeted with a maximum 6 to 12month embargo FiBLCH will develop a publication plan across WPs in collaboration with the WP leader All scientific publications from LIVESEED will be archived in organic Eprints the research archive for organic agriculture and authors will be encourage to make use of Research Gate

Inventory of scientific, technological and legal measures to improve seed health and seed quality in European organic farming

This report will first present an inventory of seed health and seed quality related issues in European organic farming Secondly it will describe activities and preliminary outcomes of i the 2 main case studies developed under T231 and T232 activities Alternaria sp on Carrot Lead WR and Bunt on winter bread wheat Lead ITAB ii the additional initial studies eg on Alfalfa Potato and Pea For each case related scientific technological and legal aspects will be covered

Report on the National Visits

A report containing the methodologies, interview questionnaires, visited stakeholders, presentations, the outcomes of the visits (10 country reports on Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Spain, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria). This output replaced former M1.7.

Report on importance of the holobiont as potential selection target to improve resilience and product quality

Report summarizing the research results on the holobiont as potential selection target to improve resilience and product quality based on the cultivar testing in T331 and on microbiome mediated breeding for disease resistance in pea in T332 Holistic breeding strategies for resilience will be developed integrating plant and its microbiome

Report on the results of Workshop 1 for input from formal and informal breeders involved in breeding for organic farming systems for priority setting of research needs for organic plant breeding and selection methods

A summary report of the workshop at the special LIVESEED & ECO-PB Organic Breeders Day on 21st February 2018 at University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany, written by LBI, that summarises the discussions and outcomes of the group sessions on system based breeding. This deliverable is based on former M3.3.

Booklet of success stories on organic seed production

At least 5 booklets (approx. 8-16 pages aimed at a range of stakeholders) will be published on the LIVESEED website, and translated into different languages. One of them will be on Success stories on Organic seed production (WP2)

Guidelines for adjusted procedures for marketing of Organic Varieties and for Organic Heterogeneous Material

This report will present recommendations criteria procedures and decisional guidelines to make certified production and marketing of organic plant reproductive material with special emphasis on OHM accessible and fair to ultimately support sustainable and resilient organic crop production It will consist in a report containing an overview of existing procedures for organic VCU and DUS testing for variety registration as well as guidelines and recommendations on i improving VCU and DUS protocols for organic varieties ii characterisation and testing of Organic Heterogeneous Material OHM as part of the revised organic regulation Reg 2018848EU that will come into place in 2021

Policy recommendation to boost organic seed & breeding sector

Policy recommendations will be elaborated in workshops and during email consultation considering the responsibilities of different policymakers and competent authorities EU national regional and multiactors farmers breeders seed producers organic associations the policy instruments and measures that will boost the production and use of organic seed in Europe as well as bottlenecks or gaps in the current policy framework Policy recommendation will be presented at a separate section at the final conference in Brussels and will specifically address EC officers and country representatives of the Regulatory Committee on Organic Production COP The report would furthermore contain regulatory and policy measures based on information collected through the national workshops identifying regulatory and policy measures and formulating recommendations to improve the production and use of organic seed through such measures formerly D14recommendation on how to improve the organic seed sector aimed at farmers as users and producers of organic seed breeders and seed traders with a particular focus on success factors and business models and the economic rationale behind policy measures supporting organic seed productionformerly D45recommendations for an integrated strategy to optimise organic seed health and quality Based on the inventory of seed health and seed qualityrelated issues in European organic farming and on the learning from the models case studies published in D23 a list of recommended priority areas for future research and an analysis of potential solutions eg management practices seed treatment or coating technological and legal aspects will be produced Scientific literature and expert knowledge will also be mobilised to develop and propose this innovative organic seed health strategy that will be based on the multiactor and integrated approach where production systems are considered in their integrity going from the microbial life associated to the crops to the practitioners managing seed quality Milestone 27 Inventory of seed health and seed qualityrelated issues in European organic farming is planned to be regularly updated until Month 42 and published formerly D27a common vision on the development of the organic seed sector by 2050 and develop a research and policy agenda to achieve that vision in a defined time frame Key points for improved availability of organic seed and organic cultivars as well as main breeding gaps will be identified formerly D62

Report on the European-wide workshop

A summary report of the outcome of the workshop in T143 will be produced and integrated into a European progress report on organic seed The report draft will be presented and discussed with the Regulatory Committee of Organic Production COP formerly SCOF and DG Agri to take further steps to promote the organic farming sector Final report with recommendations that feed into D63 will be published

50 Practice abstracts on LIVESEED results relevant for practitioners

Simple and easy-to-understand single-page Factsheets will be produced on specific themes/crop species using the guidelines from EIP-AGRI and translated into different languages. The first 50 Practice Abstracts will be developed until month 36.

Report from the Final Congress

The Final Congress will be organized during the last project year involving policymakers researchers and different stakeholders of the seed sectors to discuss and disseminate project results including recommendations at a European level involving EU Commission The event will be combined with the Organic Innovation Days organised by the European Technology Platform TP Organics to widen participation and outreach A report of the event will be published and made available on the project public website and on platforms such as Organic Eprints IFOAM EU

Booklet on the state of Organic seeds in Europe

At least 5 booklets (approx. 8-16 pages aimed at a range of stakeholders) will be published on the LIVESEED website, and translated into different languages.One of them will be on State of organic seed use in Europe (WP1).

Report describing three crop case studies investigating the detail socio-economic factors influencing the behaviour of various stakeholders regarding the use of organic seed

The aim of this task is to understand the reasons for market failure on organic seed markets and identify ways to overcome it, by describing and modelling the decision-making behaviour of operators connected either directly or indirectly to organic seed markets, including organic and conventional breeders, seed producers, farmers, food producers, traders and consumers. Three crop case studies will focus on a selected crop in the category of vegetables or fruit (led by FIBL-CH), cereals (led by UNIVPM) and forage crops (led by ORC). The selection will consider different aspects that are of varying importance in the different crops: use of local and/or international markets, functioning and failing supply chains, farmer-driven, commercial and community-based seed business models and farm saved seed based on the outcomes of T1.1 and T4.1. A potential case could, for example, centre on the organic tomato market in a region of Europe. Additional criteria include data availability, the presence of different forms of market interactions, use of less widely grown cultivars, reliance on organic multiplication of conventionally bred cultivars and the presence of derogations. The case studies will at first lead to a description of supply chain structure and business practises in the respective crop markets, including existing examples of food retailer/wholesalers that have actively encouraged the use of organic seed (e.g. organic potatoes in NL). For each case small stakeholder advisory group of project partners (including business partners of the consortium) will be established by the responsible partner.

Booklet on case studies of pilots providing incentives for farmers to use organic seed (New)

A booklet based on the analysis of existing pilots case studies identifying the bottlenecks success factors and effects of these different farmers incentives in different regions and for selected crop groups The target groups of the publications will be farmers seed producers seed networks seed suppliers and selected nongovernmental stakeholder groups The booklet will form part of the Toolbox in T122 along with the videos for farmers on why to use organic seed and the key success factors identified in T143

Project list of running national, EU and international project with potential relevance for LIVESEED

A list of currently running and initiated national, EU and international project with potential relevance for the topics involved in LIVESEED. This deliverable builds on former M 6.4.

Reports on the outcomes of the cross-visits on organic seed production

A report covering 4 cross-visits explaining their programs, the participants, the methodologies applied, the learning outcomes, and their impact. The report will deal with the network building capacity of our approach and reflect on the methodology to provide recommendations for future uses.

Optimised cultivar trials for organic agriculture: methods, tools and guidelines

Based on the outcomes of comparative field trials on some strategic crop species in Cereals Wheat and Barley led by MTA ATK and MKi Faba Bean led by LF SEGES Carrot and Broccoli led by VITALIS and ITAB Potato led by AREI Tomato led by RSR and Apples linked with T343 AEG this report will describe methods tools and organisational models for optimised postregistration cultivar testing The report will provide guidelines to scope setup and manage networks for cultivar testing under organic conditions to the benefit of the whole organic sector as well as nonorganic low input farming Specific and relevant combination of traits will be defined with partners to assess the cultivar performances for these crops including agroecosystem productive and quality performance The design and statistical methods for field trials as well as new sociotechnical organisational models eg onfarm low budget will also be covered

Report on enhancing resilience at systems level through breeding for diverse cropping systems

The report will be drafted based on the new breeding methods and codesign approaches for optimised annual crop mixtures with a focus on cereals T321 and for optimised perennial crop mixtures with a focus on grasslegume mixtures T322 and on the agroforestry subtask T323 The chapter on agroforestry to be incorporated in D36 M48 will be i a systematic framework of breeding approaches and methods relevant to agroforestry systems ii a matrix highlighting Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats of different approaches and stages definition of the breeding goal selection within populations selection between populations variety testing etc in different silvoarable layouts parklands wide alleys narrow alleys etc and iii practical guidelines for the setup of appropriate experimental designs and related data analysis methods

Report on novel breeding concepts and strategies for organic and low-input farming systems – from trait-based to system-based strategies

A summary report of the literature review and expert consultation on basic breeding concepts methodologies and tools with information from Milestone 20 relevant for organic farming systems

Report on breeding gaps and key factors for strengthening small breeding initiatives

A report exploring the breeding gaps for White lupin (CREA), T3.4.2: Brassicas (BNN), T3.4.3: Apple (AEG), T3.4.4: Winter wheat (KU), T.3.4.5 Tomato: (UVP) and key factors for strengthening small breeding initiatives.

Report on the relative importance of different factors encouraging farmers to use/ not use organic seed in organic supply chains

The report will provide better understanding of the values and preferences associated with organic seed use and bottlenecks in the organic seed market and breeding. It will be fed with the following: A mapping of normative values in the literature and in private and governmental standards in the EU and other parts of the world will be carried out by ORC. The value-map will cover both the requirement for use of organic seed as well as the specific organic breeding initiatives. The views of project partners and the status quo analysis in WP1 will also be considered. This mapping exercise will form the basis for consultation, using up to 60 expert interviews (including seed producers, seed traders, breeders, organic organisations and regulators) in BE, BU, DE, DK, ES, FR, GR, HU, IT, LV, NL, PL, UK and CH. The consultation will establish the importance of specific values of organic seed to various stakeholders and their preference regarding the use of organic seed as well as bottlenecks in the organic seed markets. The selection of experts will be developed in collaboration with T4.2 with input from project partners, based on guidance provided. Partners of the respective countries will carry out face-to face or phone interviews and report back on the results, using an interview guide developed by ORC. Small workshops for example at existing organic events (such as European and national organic congresses) might also be used. The consultation will be carried out in close collaboration with WP1.1 and WP6.2 (Stakeholder Platform) and analysis will consider farmers’ view gathered in T1.1.3.

State of the art of existing breeding initiatives

A list of existing breeding initiatives is compiled based on existing public information and information from all LIVESEED partners. Per breeding initiative, the list gives a brief description of the activities, contact details, crops worked on, type of breeding approach and type of organisation. This information will be used for further collaboration with the initiatives and sharing of information and knowledge. This Deliverable is based on former Milestone 21, M3.2.

Booklet of policy recommendations on promoting organic seed systems in the EU

At least 5 booklets approx 816 pages aimed at a range of stakeholders will be published on the LIVESEED website and translated into different languages One of them will be on Policy recommendations on promoting organic seed systems in Europe WP6 The policy recommendations will also be printed in English for the final Conference in Brussels RSR

Report with political bottlenecks

Political bottlenecks are obstacles at the level of the competent authorities that hamper the implementation of the rules on organic seed within the organic regulation (EG 834/2007) and in the implementing rules (889/2008). The report will be compiled based on information from several subtasks: national visits and country reports, T1.3.1. contacts with database managers and competent authority, publications ECO-PB /Solibam, status quo analysis from LIVESEED of EU Member States, seed suppliers survey, farmers survey, database survey and further literature. Based on the identified bottlenecks and the information provided in 2018/848 the report discusses and concluded what measures should be included in the delegated acts to avoid/reduce the identified bottlenecks/obstacles for a more harmonized implementation of the new regulation. This deliverable is replacing former M1.9.

Progress report on breeding activities of white lupin, cell fusion free brassica vegetables, apple, smut resistance in winter wheat and participatory tomato breeding

A report summarizing the research results on T341 White lupin CREA T342 Brassicas BNN T343 Apple AEG T344 Winter wheat KU T345 Tomato UVP

A toolbox for identification and description of organic heterogeneous material (New)

A synthetic report to contribute to the future negotiations with stakeholders and policy-makers for the delegated act of the new organic regulation with respect to OHM. This report will propose a proof-of-concept of: (i) different possible tools for characterisation of OHM, regarding constitution, traceability, and description, (ii) a tentative swot analysis of each tool based on experience with the temporary experiment 2014/150/EU (Milestone M2.8) and on stakeholder inputs; (iii) a proposed decision tree to forecast scenarios of application of these tools to particular cases.


System-based breeding with Sativa and GZPK

Autoren: Lammerts van Bueren, E.; Nuijten, E.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Need for integrated approach for Organic PlantBreeding to secure integrity of organic food.

Autoren: Messmer M. M., Schäfer F., Winter E.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Beneficial effects of Trichoderma on nitrogen fixation and root rot disease symptoms in pea.

Autoren: López-Gómez, Miguel; Wille, Lukas; Messmer, Monika and Hohmann, Pierre
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -


Autoren: Dimante I., Skrabule I.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Cauliflower and Cabbage Participatory Breeding in Brittany

Autoren: Véronique Chable
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Quantifying resistance and lifestyle assessments of Colletotrichum in lupin.

Autoren: Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika M.; Finckh, Maria R.; Vögele, Ralf T. and Hohmann, Pierre
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: -

Assessment of spring barley populations in comparison to homogenous varieties

Autoren: Ločmele I., Legzdiņa L., Piliksere D., Gaile Z., Kronberga A.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Holistic Consideration of the Inheritance and Use of the Potential of On-Farm Selection Shown on the Example of Poma Culta Apple Breeding

Autoren: Bolliger, N.
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Plant Breeding for Organic and Low-input Agriculture

Autoren: Messmer, M.; Hohmann, P.; Arncken C.; Vonzun, S.; Wille L.; Haug B.; Alkemade J.; Riar A
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Host genotype x soil interaction in the composition of pathogenic and beneficial fungi of pea lines screened for root rot resistance. 

Autoren: Wille, L., Messmer, M. M., Studer, B., and Hohmann, P.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

The EU organic seed sector – statistics on organic seed supply and demand

Autoren: Solfanelli, Francesco; Ozturk, Emel; Orsini, Stefano; Schäfer, Freya; Messmer, Monika and Zanoli, Raffaele
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: LIVESEED

Why does organic farming need more varieties derived from organic breeding?

Autoren: Niggli, U.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Apple variety testing under organic condition and market introduction in Switzerland.

Autoren: Friedli M., Messmer M. M.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Symposium on organic breeding activities

Autoren: Monika Messmer
Veröffentlicht in: Symposium on organic breeding activities, Ausgabe 19th of July 2018, 2018
Herausgeber: FiBL Switzerland

LIVESEED-boosting organic seed and plant breeding 10th Organic Seed Growers Conference February

Autoren: Messmer et al.
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Organic seed production and use in Hungary

Autoren: Judit Fehér, Tina Kovács, Freya Schäfer, Maaike Raaijmakers, Bram Moeskops, Dóra Drexler
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Holobiont-basierte Pflanzenzüchtung

Autoren: Hohmann, Pierre; Wille, Lukas and Messmer, Monika
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Boosting organic seed and Plant breeding across Europe 2017‐2021-A multi‐actor approach

Autoren: Messmer, M.; Moeskops B.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Participatory breeding for Securing OrganicCotton and Genetic Diversity

Autoren: Monika M. Messmer; Tanay Joshi; Shivraj Raghuwanshi; Ramprasad Sana, Rajeev Verma; Surendra Deshmukh; Ashok Kumar; Vikram Raghuwanshi; Adinath Paslawar; Ashis Mondal; Prakash Shastry; Arun Ambatipudi; Seraina Vonzun; Amritbir Riar
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Pea root rot: Will understanding plant-microbiota interaction support resistance breeding?

Autoren: Wille, Lukas; Messmer, Monika; Studer, Bruno and Hohmann, Pierre
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Shaping Diversity for On-farm Organic Plant Breeding of Wheat (and Other Cereals)

Autoren: Estelle Serpolay, Véronique Chable
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Books of Abstracts of the Organic World Congress 2021, September 8-10, Rennes, France.

Autoren: Rahmann, Gerold, Rey, Frédéric, Ardakani, Reza, Azim, Khalid, Chable, Véronique, Heckendorn, Felix, Migliorini, Paola, Moeskops, Bram, Neuhoff, Daniel, Rembiałkowska, Ewa, Shade, Jessica, & Tchamitchian, Marc.
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Thünen Report 88
DOI: 10.3220/rep1629982382000

The Effects of Interventions Targeting Increased Organic Seed Use—The Cases of Perennial Ryegrass in England and Durum Wheat in Italy

Autoren: Winter, Eva; Grovermann, Christian; Orsini, Stefano; Solfanelli, Francesco; Aurbacher, Joachim
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su132313326

Factors Affecting the Use of Organic Seed by Organic Farmers in Europe

Autoren: Stefano Orsini, Ambrogio Costanzo, Francesco Solfanelli, Raffaele Zanoli, Susanne Padel, Monika M. Messmer, Eva Winter, Freya Schaefer
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, Ausgabe 12/20, 2020, Seite(n) 8540, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12208540

Farmer involvement in agro-ecological research: organic on-farm wheat variety trials in Hungary and the Slovakian upland

Autoren: Mihály Földi, Szilvia Bencze, Péter Hertelendy, Sára Veszter, Tina Kovács, Dóra Drexler
Veröffentlicht in: Organic Agriculture, 2021, ISSN 1879-4238
Herausgeber: Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1007/s13165-020-00335-x

Multi-Parental Advances Generation Inter-Cross Population, to Develop Organic Tomato Genotypes by Participatory Plant Breeding

Autoren: Gabriele Campanelli, Sara Sestili, Nazzareno Acciarri, Francesco Montemurro, Daniela Palma, Fabrizio Leteo, Massimiliano Beretta
Veröffentlicht in: Agronomy, Ausgabe 9/3, 2019, Seite(n) 119, ISSN 2073-4395
Herausgeber: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy9030119

Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum lupini and its virulence on white and Andean lupin

Autoren: J. A. Alkemade, M. M. Messmer, R. T. Voegele, M. R. Finckh, P. Hohmann
Veröffentlicht in: Scientific Reports, Ausgabe 11/1, 2021, ISSN 2045-2322
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92953-y

Why farmers should manage the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis

Autoren: Matthias C. Rillig, Carlos A. Aguilar‐Trigueros, Tessa Camenzind, Timothy R. Cavagnaro, Florine Degrune, Pierre Hohmann, Daniel R. Lammel, India Mansour, Julien Roy, Marcel G. A. Heijden, Gaowen Yang
Veröffentlicht in: New Phytologist, Ausgabe 222/3, 2019, Seite(n) 1171-1175, ISSN 0028-646X
Herausgeber: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.15602

Can the Market Deliver 100% Organic Seed and Varieties in Europe?

Autoren: Susanne Padel, Stefano Orsini, Francesco Solfanelli, Raffaele Zanoli
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, Ausgabe 13/18, 2021, Seite(n) 10305, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su131810305

A qPCR Assay for the Fast Detection and Quantification of Colletotrichum lupini

Autoren: Tim Kamber, Nachelli Malpica-López, Monika M. Messmer, Thomas Oberhänsli, Christine Arncken, Joris A. Alkemade, Pierre Hohmann
Veröffentlicht in: Plants, Ausgabe 10/8, 2021, Seite(n) 1548, ISSN 2223-7747
Herausgeber: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/plants10081548

Sow what you sell: strategies for integrating organic breeding and seed production into value chain partnerships

Autoren: Eva Winter, Christian Grovermann, Joachim Aurbacher, Stefano Orsini, Freya Schäfer, Mariateresa Lazzaro, Francesco Solfanelli, Monika M. Messmer
Veröffentlicht in: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 2021, Seite(n) 1-28, ISSN 2168-3565
Herausgeber: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2021.1931628

A high-throughput phenotyping tool to identify field-relevant anthracnose resistance in white lupin

Autoren: Joris Alkemade, Monika Messmer, Christine Arncken, Agata Leska, Paolo Annicchiarico, Nelson Nazzicari, Michal Książkiewicz, Ralf Thomas Voegele, Maria Finckh, Pierre Hohmann
Veröffentlicht in: Plant Disease, 2020, ISSN 0191-2917
Herausgeber: American Phytopathological Society
DOI: 10.1094/pdis-07-20-1531-re

Towards resilience through systems-based plant breeding. A review

Autoren: Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren, Paul C. Struik, Nick van Eekeren, Edwin Nuijten
Veröffentlicht in: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Ausgabe 38/5, 2018, ISSN 1774-0746
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s13593-018-0522-6

Insights to plant-microbe interactions provide opportunities to improve resistance breeding against root diseases in grain legumes

Autoren: Lukas Wille, Monika M. Messmer, Bruno Studer, Pierre Hohmann
Veröffentlicht in: Plant, Cell & Environment, Ausgabe 42/1, 2019, Seite(n) 20-40, ISSN 0140-7791
Herausgeber: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/pce.13214

A generalized statistical framework to assess mixing ability from incomplete mixing designs using binary or higher order variety mixtures and application to wheat

Autoren: Emma Forst, Jérôme Enjalbert, Vincent Allard, Christophe Ambroise, Inès Krissaane, Tristan Mary-Huard, Stéphane Robin, Isabelle Goldringer
Veröffentlicht in: Field Crops Research, Ausgabe 242, 2019, Seite(n) 107571, ISSN 0378-4290
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2019.107571

Alternative Oxidase (AOX) Senses Stress Levels to Coordinate Auxin-Induced Reprogramming From Seed Germination to Somatic Embryogenesis—A Role Relevant for Seed Vigor Prediction and Plant Robustness

Autoren: Gunasekaran Mohanapriya, Revuru Bharadwaj, Carlos Noceda, José Hélio Costa, Sarma Rajeev Kumar, Ramalingam Sathishkumar, Karine Leitão Lima Thiers, Elisete Santos Macedo, Sofia Silva, Paolo Annicchiarico, Steven P.C. Groot, Jan Kodde, Aprajita Kumari, Kapuganti Jagadis Gupta, Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Plant Science, Ausgabe 10, 2019, ISSN 1664-462X
Herausgeber: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01134

Assessment of spring barley populations in comparison to homogenous varieties

Autoren: Indra Locmele, Linda Legzdina, Dace Piliksere, Zinta Gaile, Arta Kronberga
Veröffentlicht in: Research for rural development, Ausgabe Agricultural Sciences, 2019, Seite(n) 21-28, ISSN 0317-8471, ISBN 978-9934-14-548-3
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.22616/rrd.25.2019.044

Re-Introduction of Ancient Wheat Cultivars into Organic Agriculture—Emmer and Einkorn Cultivation Experiences under Marginal Conditions

Autoren: Szilvia Bencze, Marianna Makádi, Tibor J. Aranyos, Mihály Földi, Péter Hertelendy, Péter Mikó, Sara Bosi, Lorenzo Negri, Dóra Drexler
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, Ausgabe 12/4, 2020, Seite(n) 1584, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12041584

Effect of Low-Input Organic and Conventional Farming Systems on Maize Rhizosphere in Two Portuguese Open-Pollinated Varieties (OPV), “Pigarro” (Improved Landrace) and “SinPre” (a Composite Cross Population)

Autoren: Aitana Ares, Joana Costa, Carolina Joaquim, Duarte Pintado, Daniela Santos, Monika M. Messmer, Pedro M. Mendes-Moreira
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Microbiology, Ausgabe 12, 2021, ISSN 1664-302X
Herausgeber: Frontiers Media
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.636009

miCROPe 2019 – emerging research priorities towards microbe-assisted crop production

Autoren: Pierre Hohmann, Klaus Schlaeppi, Angela Sessitsch
Veröffentlicht in: FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Ausgabe 96/10, 2020, ISSN 0168-6496
Herausgeber: Blackwell
DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa177

Heritable Variation in Pea for Resistance Against a Root Rot Complex and Its Characterization by Amplicon Sequencing

Autoren: Lukas Wille, Monika M. Messmer, Natacha Bodenhausen, Bruno Studer, Pierre Hohmann
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Plant Science, Ausgabe 11, 2020, ISSN 1664-462X
Herausgeber: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.542153

Breeding Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in Mixture with Grasses

Autoren: Christoph Grieder, Katharina Kempf, Franz Xaver Schubiger
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, Ausgabe 13/16, 2021, Seite(n) 8929, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13168929

Agronomic and genetic assessment of organic wheat performance in England: a field-scale cultivar evaluation with a network of farms

Autoren: Ambrogio Costanzo, Dominic Amos, Charlotte Bickler, Andrew Trump
Veröffentlicht in: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Ausgabe 41/4, 2021, ISSN 1774-0746
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s13593-021-00706-y

On-farm comparison of trialsbased on different plot sizes to help farmers’ wheat cultivar choice. In: Int. conf. on breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems by Eucarpia section organic and low input agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia.

Autoren: Miko Péter
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

On-farm testing of emmer and einkorn landraces under organic conditions and ancient wheat varieties as a tool for diversification. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Judit Feher and Szilvia Bencze
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Organic plant breeding and systems approaches. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Monika Messmer, Ambrogio Costanzo
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Plant breeding and food quality. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Edwin Nuijten, Adrian Rodriguez Burruezo
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Collaborative approach for resilient food systems: seeds. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Stephanie Klaedtke
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Implementing the systems-based breeding concept.

Autoren: Edwin Nuijten
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Genetic diversity. France, Rennes. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Riccardo Bocci
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Drivers & tools for organic development. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Raffaele Zanoli
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Plant and seed health in organic systems are embedded in or disconnected from interactions with microbial communities. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Stephanie Klaedtke
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Organic plant breeding and participatory approaches. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes.

Autoren: Edwin Nuijten, Eva Winter, Francesco Solfanelli
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Jérôme Enjalbert, Assessing mixing ability from incomplete designs in binary or higher order variety mixtures and application to wheat. At: 21st general congress Eucarpia Breeding: the key to innovative solutions, Netherlands, Rotterdam.

Autoren: Jérôme Enjalbert
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

How to increase production and use of organic seed? State ofthe art and best practices. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Freya Schaefer
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Yield stability of barley mixtures and populations.

Autoren: Ločmele, I., Legzdiņa, L., Gaile, Z., Kronberga, A.
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: -

Highlights on recent heterogeneous population research results. At: 21st general congress Eucarpia Breeding: the key to innovative solutions, Netherlands, Rotterdam.

Autoren: Linda Legzdiņa
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

From Cereal Populations to Organic Heterogeneous Material: success stories and lessons learned in Italy. At: 21st general congress Eucarpia Breeding: the key to innovative solutions, Netherlands, Rotterdam.

Autoren: Matteo Petitti
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Legal framework and temporary experiment on Organic Varieties. At 21st general congress Eucarpia Breeding: the key to innovative solutions, Netherlands, Rotterdam.

Autoren: Monika Messmer
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Yield performance and LER of organic mixtures of lupins with spring cereals. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Jarosław Stalenga
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Boosting common bunt management in Europe. In: Int. conf. on breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems by Eucarpia section organic and low input agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia.

Autoren: Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Borgen, Anders; Thüringer, Angela; Feher, Judit; Petcu, Victor; Bouchet, Jean-Pierre and REY, Frederic
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Breeding for Crop Mixtures and Agroforestry in Organic and Low Input

Autoren: Mendes Moreira, Pedro; de Buck, Abco; Kokare, Aina; Pereira, André; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Christine, Arncken-Karutz; van Malland, Floor; Stalenga, Jarosław; Müller, Karl-Josef; Leitão, Ricardo; Nuijten, Edwin; Legzdina, Linda; Bruszik, Ágnes and Messmer, Monika.
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

Taste the innovation of seed ambassadors. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Micaela Colley and Edwin Nuijten
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Abstract E-book and E-poster collection. Proceedings of International Conference on BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS. By EUCARPIA Section Organic and Low Input Agriculture jointly with LIVESEED, BRESOV, ECOBREED, FLPP projects and ECO-PB, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia, 8-10 March 2021.

Autoren: Devīte, Marta; Rābante, Lāsma; Dzedule, Līga; Bleidere, Māra; Skrabule, Ilze; Ferrari, Leone
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4727961

Genomic selection in white lupin

Autoren: Annicchiarico, P., Nazzicari, N., Ferrari, B.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: -

Boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe – Main achievements of LIVESEED. At: 21st general congress Eucarpia Breeding: the key to innovative solutions, Netherlands, Rotterdam.

Autoren: Monika Messmer
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Pre-conference Seed Ambassadors: Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems. Organic World Congress 2021 , France, Rennes

Autoren: Monika Messmer, Mariateresa Lazzaro
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Plant Health management. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Christine Arncken
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

SYMPOSIUM ON BREEDING FOR DIVERSIFICATION. A Joint Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section Organic and Low - Input Agriculture, ECO - PB, DIVERSify, INSUSFAR, HealthyMinorCereals, LIVESEED, ReMIX and Wheatamix. University of Kassel, 19 th – 21st February 2018 Witzenhausen

Autoren: Bacanovic - Šišic Jelena, Dennenmoser Dominic, R. Finckh Maria
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the EUCARPIA Organic and Low-input Agriculture Section Meetings, 154 pages, Ausgabe 19th to 21st February 2018, 2018, Seite(n) 1 - 154, ISBN 978-3-7376-0462-8
Herausgeber: Kassel university press GmbH
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1288661

LIVESEED - A project boosting varietes and seeds in organic farming funded by EU

Autoren: Weinhappel M.
Veröffentlicht in: Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs (Ed), Ausgabe 20-22 November 2017, 2018, Seite(n) 63
Herausgeber: Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs

Yield stability of barley mixtures and populations

Autoren: Ločmele, I., Legzdiņa, L., Gaile, Z., Kronberga, A.
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the EUCARPIA Organic and Low-input Agriculture Section Meetings, 154 pages, Ausgabe 19th to 21st February 2018, 2018, Seite(n) P7/36-38
Herausgeber: 8, kassel university press GmbH

Perspectives on European organic apple breeding and propagation under the frame of LIVESEED Project

Autoren: Koutis, K., Warlop, F., Bolliger, N., Steinemann, B., Rodriguez Burruezo, A., Mendes Moreira, P. & Messmer, M.
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of 18th International Organic Fruit Conference, Germany, Ausgabe February 19-21 2018, 2018, Seite(n) 104-107
Herausgeber: University of Hohenheim

Proceedings of 4th Fruitculture symposium, Portugal November 29-30 2018

Autoren: Koutis, K., Warlop, F., Bolliger, N., Steinemann, B., Rodriguez Burruezo, A., Mendes Moreira, P. & Messmer, M.
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: IPC (Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra)

Vorstufenselektion auf Anthraknosetoleranz bei Weisser Lupine; Nationale Bioforschungstagung Nov. 2018, Switzerland, Frick

Autoren: J. Alkemade, C. M. Arncken, R. T. Veogele, M. R. Finckh, P. Hohmann, M. Messmer
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: FiBL

Improving disease resistance of pea - clues from plant-microbe interactions

Autoren: Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika und Studer, Bruno
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of WFSC Symposium 2017, ETH, Zürich, 25.10.2017., 2017
Herausgeber: ETH Zürich

Fitomejoramiento participativo: Proyecto EU Liveseed.

Autoren: Rodriguez, A et all.
Veröffentlicht in: "Proceedings de las XXVI Jornadas Técnicas SEAE ""Innovación Agroecológica y Cambio Climático”, X Seminario Agroecología, Cambio climático y Agroturismo. Orihuela (Alicante)", Ausgabe 19-20 October, 2017, Seite(n) 245
Herausgeber: SEAE

El proyecto Liveseeds, las semillas tradicionales y los huertos urbanos ecológicos.

Autoren: Gonzálvez V, Cifre H, Raigón MD
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings del III Congreso Estatal de Huertos Ecológicos Urbanos y Periurbanos. Valencia, 18-19 junio 2018. Ed. SEAE. pp 53, Ausgabe 18-19 June, 2018, Seite(n) 53
Herausgeber: SEAE

Promoviendo el uso de semillas ecológicas procedentes de cultivos ecológicos adaptados. Proyecto Liveseed. Cuaderno de Resúmenes (Book of abstracts) del XIII Congreso de Agricultura Ecológica: “Sistemas alimentarios agroecológicos y cambio climático”.

Autoren: Almenar L, Cifre H, Gonzálvez V, Maixent F
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings del XIII Congreso de Agricultura Ecológica: “Sistemas alimentarios agroecológicos y cambio climático”., 2018, ISBN 978-84-946563-7-8
Herausgeber: SEAE

Performance and selection of winter durum wheat genotypes in different European conventional and organic fields.

Autoren: Mikó P, Vida G, Rakszegi M, Lafferty J, Lorentz B, Longin CFH, Megyeri M
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of A Börner, G Galiba, A Bálint (eds.): 4th Conference of Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding (CBB4) CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 45:(S1), Ausgabe 06-09 November 2017, 2017, Seite(n) 51-52
Herausgeber: MTA ATK

Triticum timococcum: vad fajok egyidejű kiaknázása a búzanemesítésben. In: Karsai I és Polgár Zs (eds.): XXIV. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Nap – Összefoglalók – 2018. március 6. MTA Agrártudományok Osztályának Növénynemesítési Tudományos Bizottsága, Magyar Növénynemesítők Egyesülete, Budapest, 106.

Autoren: Mikó P, Megyeri M, Lángné Molnár M, Rakszegi M, Vida Gy
Veröffentlicht in: 2018, Seite(n) 314-318
Herausgeber: MTA ATK

Selection of winter cereals for organic agriculture. In: Langin T et. al. (eds.): Breeding cereals for sustainable agriculture. Book of Abstracts - EUCARPIA Cereal Section Meeting 19-22 March 2018. INRA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 122.

Autoren: Mikó P, Megyeri M, Molnár-Láng M, Rakszegi M, Vida G
Veröffentlicht in: Breeding cereals for sustainable agriculture. Book of Abstracts - EUCARPIA Cereal Section Meeting, Ausgabe 19-22 March 2018., 2018, Seite(n) 122, ISBN 978-2-9563873-0-5
Herausgeber: INRA

Strategic use of virulence pattern to develop genetic markers for resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries) in wheat

Autoren: Anders Borgen, Gunter Backes, Karl-Josef Müller, and Hartmut Spiess
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the XXth International Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts, 2018
Herausgeber: XXth International Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts

Continued Discussion in Europe on Breeding Techniques Suited for Organic Agriculture

Autoren: Edith Lammerts van Bueren
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the 9th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Ausgabe February 14 - 17, 2018, 2018
Herausgeber: Oregon State University

2nd EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Breeding

Autoren: Pierre Hohmann, Friederike Trognitz, Monika Messmer
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: Universitäts- und Forschungszentrum Tulln

Integration of organic plant breeding into the organic value chain. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Mariateresa Lazzaro
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Identifying resistance genes in wheat against common bunt (Tilletia caries) by use of virulence pattern of the pathogen

Autoren: Borgen, Anders; Backes, G.; Müller, Karl-Josef; Gallehr, Andrea; Scherrer, Bettina; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Spieß, Hartmut
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: -

Plant breeding for organic cereals. France, Rennes. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Carl Vollenweider
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Calorespirometry as a phenotyping tool for selection of genotypes with high plasticity for temperature stress – analysis of pea seeds. Proceedings of the 71st Plant Breeders.

Autoren: Lénia Rodrigues, Amaia Nogales, Lee Hansen, Fátima Santos, Steven Groot, Ana Elisa Rato, Hélia Cardoso
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: -

The Organic Seed & Plant Health Strategy developed in LIVESEED is presented, based on the seed and plant microbiome and seed vigour.

Autoren: Stephanie Klaedtke
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

ASSESSMENT OF POLICIES AIMING AT BOOSTING ORGANICSEED USE. In: Int. conf. on breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems by Eucarpia section organic and low input agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia.

Autoren: Eva Winter
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Fitomejoramiento participativo: Proyecto EU LIVESEED

Autoren: González, V.; Cifre, H.; Moreno, J.L.; Fita, A.; M.D. Raigón; Rodríguez-Burruezo A.
Veröffentlicht in: 2017
Herausgeber: -

Boosting the use of organic seed and cultivars – How to assess public and private sector interventions. Organic World Congress 2021, France, Rennes

Autoren: Eva Winter
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: -

Efficacy of non-synthetic seed treatments against anthracnose (Colletotrichum lupini) in white lupin

Autoren: Esther Sophie Haesen
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 5, 2018
Herausgeber: ETH
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4737057

Analysis of changes and developments in the organic cereal seed market based on a statistical evaluation of the German national organic seed database organicXseeds

Autoren: Babette Reusch
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 8, 2020
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4737140

Comparaison de deux stratégies de création de populations diversifiées de blés tendres adaptés à l'agriculture biologique

Autoren: Henri Gorioux
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 5, 2019
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4737075


Autoren: Indra Ločmele
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: University of Life Science and Technologie
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4771800

Baking Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Grown Intercropped with Leguminous Crops

Autoren: Maud Siegerink
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 3, 2020
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4738954

Quantification of selected pathogens of the root-rot complex of pea using qPCR

Autoren: Mario Kurmann
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 2, 2018
Herausgeber: ETH
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4738448

Organic Variety Testing - Qualitative content analysis approach to assess organic variety testing, case study of Germany

Autoren: Kaja Gutzen
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 4, 2019
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4737000

The root rot complex of pea - Screening for resistance and quantification of microbial key players in the rhizosphere

Autoren: Lukas Wille
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 7, 2020
Herausgeber: ETH
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000452791

Effects of Intercropping and Plant Variety on Root Fungal Community

Autoren: Ming-Hui (Maggie) Hsung
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 4, 2019
Herausgeber: ETH
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4737166

Gestion des virus sur plants de pomme de terre en Agriculture Biologique

Autoren: Simon Le Grumelec
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 6, 2019
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4737018

Incentives and constraints for the use of organic seeds in organic farming: example of Capsicum annuum seeds in the Netherlands and Spain.

Autoren: Brühl, Katharina
Veröffentlicht in: 2017
Herausgeber: University College Dublin, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Professur für Organischen Landbau, FiBL Germany

Comprendre les performances et l'adaptation de deux variétéspopulations de tomate (S. lycopersicum) dans un système agroforestier via l'étude du microbiome racinaire dans le cadre d'une recherche participative.

Autoren: Solène LEMICHEZ
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 1, 2020
Herausgeber: -
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4736988

Seed databases boosting organic production

Autoren: Gatzert, Xenia; Messmer, Monika; Schäfer, Freya; Klaiss, Matthias; Aigner, Magdalena; Kurrig, Magdalena und Mészáros, Dóra
Veröffentlicht in: Rural Connections Magazine, Ausgabe Spring/Summer 2018, 2018, Seite(n) 22-23
Herausgeber: Rural Connections Magazine, Spring/Summer 2018 Edition,

Key issues in breeding and trialling robust cereal cultivars for organic farming

Autoren: Spieß, H. Schmehe, Ben Vollenweider, Carl
Veröffentlicht in: Improving organic crop cultivation, 2018, Seite(n) pp.3-32
Herausgeber: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing

Valorização de recursos genéticos endógenos através das sinergias multi-ator: O caso do programa VASO 2.0

Autoren: Mendes Moreira P, Dinis I, Santos D, Vaz Patto MC
Veröffentlicht in: Cooperação entre a Comunidade e o Ensino Superior, 2018, Seite(n) 270, ISBN 978-989-99463-7-8
Herausgeber: CINEP

Necessidades Educativas Especiais e Inclusão

Autoren: Gaspar J, Mendes-Moreira P, Brites C, Gomes D, Dias S, Melo F, Ferreira R, Abreu H
Veröffentlicht in: Cooperação entre a Comunidade e o Ensino Superior, 2018, Seite(n) 270, ISBN 978-989-99463-7-8
Herausgeber: CINEP

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