CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Project visual identity guidelines

Guidelines for a consistent format of the project’s identification will be created in order to ensure an adequate recognisability of the project. This deliverable relates to Task 9.1 – Visual identity and collaterals.

Dissemination materials leaflet, poster, info package

This deliverable will consist of the production of standardised, high quality printed material for dissemination purposes. It relates to Task 9.4 – Production of dissemination material & final event.

Dissemination movie

Media release, a GRIDSOL video and media support will be created, in order to raise social awareness of the project, etc. It relates to Task 9.4 – Production of dissemination material & final event.

Dissemination final event

A dedicated final dissemination event at the end of the project to summarise project achievements and open the channels for commercial exploitation of the project results will be organised, It relates to Task 9.4 – Production of dissemination material & final event.

Project Workshops

Holding of dedicated workshops by GRIDSOL consortium, both for facilitating the communication with the end users and keeping them informed about the progress and achievements of the project. One of them will be included under the umbrella of ICREAS conference (Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Sytem). This deliverable relates to Task 9.3 – Workshops and events with stakeholders.

GRIDSOL website, regularly updated

The website of the Project will be created and regularly updated. It will contain general project information, information about project results, news on the project activities. Two-level access to the web site (public and internal) will be established. This deliverable relates to to Task 9.1 – Visual identity and collaterals.

IPR management procedures

This deliverable summarises the IPR strategy of the consortium, based on the project Consortium Agreement. This will monitor the protection of IPR within and outside the Consortium. It relates to Task 8.1 - IPR management.

Communication & dissemination plan

This document will summarise the dissemination and communication strategy of GRIDSOL, covering coordination of the overall dissemination and communication efforts of the consortium and consideration of the information sensitivity issues emerged from the ethical framework and multicultural aspects. It relates to Task 9.2 – Communication & dissemination plan.

Electricity storage system Validation Report

Modelling and validation (carried out with the results of TECNALIA’s proprietary software) of electricity storage systems, such as batteries and flywheels, will be described in this report. Validation results and the possible inclusion of additional storage technologies will be included in this document. Static and dynamic models will be used. D2.5 relates to Task 2.5 - Electricity storage system.

Dissemination final report

This document will summarise project achievements. It relates to Task 9.4 – Production of dissemination material & final event.

Innovative business models and legal issues

D8.2. will describe the integrated business model of the project, able to best exploit project outcomes, while identifying barriers and anticipating and putting forward adequate measures for overcoming them. The analysis of the specificities in the context of business models and legal framework in the different European countries will be also included in this document. This deliverable relates to Task 8.2 - Innovative business models and legal issues.

Assessment of GRIDSOL configuration technical performance adequacy in the non-interconnected systems

This report will summarise the conclusions of the study of the dynamic behavior of the CSP stations in an island environment and of the assessment of different ancillary services. D6.4. relates to Task 6.4 - Assessment of GRIDSOL technical performance adequacy in the non-interconnected systems.

Project Management Plan

This deliverable will provide a detailed Project Management Plan. For this aim, a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) will be prepared. It will include a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks. D1.5 relates to Task 1.2 – Administrative, legal and financial management and Task 1.3 – Technical Coordination.

Assessment of GRIDSOL configuration feasibility in Non-Interconnected Systems

This report will summarise the characteristic of the potential market niche of GRIDSOL in European islands. It will take into account the particular challenges associated with project development in islands, detect local particularities and propose mitigation actions. This deliverable relates to Task 6.3 - In-depth assessment of GRIDSOL in Non-Interconnected Systems.

GRIDSOL impact in summary

This report will summarise the conclusions of the impact of GRIDSOL in existing systems, including its main potentials and opportunities. It relates to all the tasks developed during the WP.

Exploitation strategies and Market uptake

The overall exploitation strategy of the consortium as a whole and of the partners will be described here. An in-depth market research will also be included. D8.3 relates to Task 8.3 - Exploitation strategies and Market uptake.

Assessment of GRDISOL integration into the EU electric power system

This deliverable summarises the results of the complete set of simulations aimed at evaluating the performance of GRIDSOL power plants connected to the European transmission network. Steady state, dynamic and power quality analysis are performed with commercial tools in order to identify potentialities, constraints and benefits for both GRIDSOL plants and the power network. It relates to Task 5.4 - GRIDSOL technical performance adequacy in the EU electric power system: potentialities, constraints, benefits.

Non-synchronous technologies Validation Report

This report will summarise the results of the validation of simplified libraries of static and dynamic production models for PV plants and wind farms- Validation will be carried out with commercially available software such as System Advisor Model (SAM). D2.3. relates to Task 2.3 - Non-synchronous technologies modelling.

Power System impact and GRIDSOL potentials

This deliverable will describe the conclusions of the non-marginal analysis of GRIDSOL integration in EU power systems. GRIDSOL potentials will be estimated based on different assumption on selected parameters and system developments. D7.3 relates to Task 7.1 - Indicators and power system integration.

Final Project Management Plan Review

D1.7. will include the final revision of the Project Management Plan, at the end of the project. Any change in project execution, planning, etc., will be describe in this document. If required, an updated Gantt chart will be provided. D1.7 relates to Task 1.2 – Administrative, legal and financial management and Task 1.3 – Technical Coordination.

Feasibility of GRIDSOL solutions

This deliverable will include the conclusions of the analysis and evaluation of GRIDSOL power plant with regard to costs of power production (LCOE) and CO2 emission. D 7.2. relates to Task 7.1 - Indicators and power system integration.

Report describing the most suitable solar field configurations both trough and heliostat for a given site technology & cost and methodology used to identify them

The main features of the solar field configurations selected, regarding cost-efficiency and suitability for GRIDSOL plants (including parameters such as topography or latitude) will be described in this deliverable. D3.7. relates to Task 3.3 - Comparative assessment of trough and tower solar fields for selected sites.

First Project Management Plan Review

D1.6. will include the first revision of the Project Management Plan, at the end of the first reporting period. Any change in project execution, planning, etc., will be describe in this document. If required, an updated Gantt chart will be provided. D1.6 relates to Task 1.2 – Administrative, legal and financial management and Task 1.3 – Technical Coordination.

Methodology assessment for Smart Renewable Hubs implementation

This deliverable will summarise the novel approach for energy project development of Smart Renewables Hubs tackling with regulatory and policy obstacles and proposing sustainable roadmaps towards EU decarbonisation goals up to 2050. It covers the activities done in Task 7.2 First of its kind (FOIK) projects and Task 7.3 Life Cycle and Cost Analysis (LCCA).

Other synchronous technologies Validation Report

This report will summarise the results of the validation of simplified libraries of static production models for biomass power plants and non-renewable systems (such as coal or combined cycles): Validation will be carried out with commercially available software such as System Advisor Model (SAM) or Thermoflex. D2.4 relates to Task 2.4 - Other synchronous technologies modelling.

WP5 Executive summary

This deliverable will integrate and summarise the tasks accomplished during WP5 and the main conclusions achieved during the development of the WP. It relates to all the tasks developed during the WP.

Consortium operating procedures

This deliverable will describe the consortium operation procedures, that set the framework for a successful project management and monitoring. These procedures will include administrative forms, financial aspects, chain of custody, etc. D1.1. relates to Task 1.1 – Consortium operating procedures definition.

Report on advisory management procedures

D1.4. will describe the work and meetings of advisory boards, that will provide guidance during the project execution. It will also summarise the main conclusions of these advisory boards. D1.4. relates to Task 1.5 – Formal/organisational management of advisory boards.

Assessment of GRIDSOL integration into the EU power system market

This deliverable will describe the results of the assessment of GRIDSOL integration into the EU electricity market, which will be performed using the developed model and scenarios representative of the European wholesale electricity market. A pilot system of reduced size and representative of the European system (both in terms of market, adequacy and operation) is used in order to allow the checking of the performances of GRIDSOL plant. The evaluation of the possible incomes and costs for one year of GRIDSOL plant operation is provided for different scenarios (2020, 2030). Furthermore a quantitative analysis of the ancillary service markets will be carried out for selected countries. This deliverable relates to Task 5.3 - Model and scenario development for GRIDSOL market performances simulations in the EU power system.

WP8 Executive Summary

This deliverable will summarise and update the previous deliverables D8.1, D8.2 and D8.3 (IPR management, Innovative business models and legal issues and Exploitation strategies and market uptake). By this way, D8.4 will cover the work done related to IPR management, business models and exploitation activities during the whole project.

Methodology for GRIDSOL feasibility and adequacy assessment

This deliverable will describe the methodology and procedures for the following steps to be performed within this WP (simulations of electricity market, settings assessment, etc.). D5.2 relates to Task 5.1 - Detailed methodology development for the assessment of adequacy of GRIDSOL.


Smart renewable hubs: Multi-hybridization to achieve high RE penetration in a grid-friendly manner

Autoren: Jorge Servert, Eduardo Cerrajero, Francisco J. Comas, Alberto R. Rocha, José M. Estebaranz, Rubén Durán, Eirini Stavropoulou, Maria Kourasi, Petros Markopoulos, Aris Dimeas, Andrea Vaiani
Veröffentlicht in: AIP Conference Proceedings volume 2033, 2018, Seite(n) 180010
Herausgeber: Author(s)
DOI: 10.1063/1.5067182

Smart Renewable Hubs: Solar Hybridisation to Facilitate Renewable Energy Integration

Autoren: Jose M. Estebaranz, Ruben Duran, Alberto R. Rocha COBRA Madrid, Spain Jorge Servert, Eduardo Cerrajero, Diego Lopez IDIE Madrid, Spain Eirini Stavropoulou, Maria Kourasi, Petros Markopoulos HEDNO Athens, Greece Eutimio Sanchez, José M. Oyarzabal TECNALIA Bilbao, Spain Andrea Vaiani, Maurizio Ledda, Antonio Ardito, Cinzia Puglisi, Stefano Mandelli, Andrea Venturini CESI Milan, Italy Aris D
Veröffentlicht in: 7th Solar integration Workshop, 2018, ISBN 978-3-9816549-5-0
Herausgeber: EBSCO

Feasibility Analysis of Smart Renewable Hubs in Non-Interconnected Island Power Systems: A Case Study for GRIDSOL

Autoren: Mattia Baldini, Luigi Bottecchia, Alberto Dalla Riva, Andrea Pasquali, Jose Miguel Estebaranz
Veröffentlicht in: Solar Paces Conference Proceedings, 2020
Herausgeber: AIP

Methodology for Identifying Improvements to a Heliostat Field Layout

Autoren: Willem A. Landman, Fabian Gross and Gerhard Weinrebe
Veröffentlicht in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020
Herausgeber: AIP

Potential of Smart Renewable Hubs including Concentrated Solar Power in the Interconnected European Power System

Autoren: A. Dalla Riva, A. Pasquali, J. Hethey, A. Kofoed-Wiuff, M. Baldini and J.M. Estebaranz
Veröffentlicht in: ISES Solar World Congress 2019, 2020
Herausgeber: ISES

Multi tower systems and simulation tools

Autoren: Florian Arbes, Willem Landman, Gerhard Weinrebe, Markus Wöhrbach, Daniel Gebreiter, José M. Estebaranz, Daniel Pereira, Alfonso Jurado
Veröffentlicht in: SOLARPACES 2018: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2019, Seite(n) 030004
Herausgeber: AIP Publishing
DOI: 10.1063/1.5117516

Feasibility Analysis of Smart Renewable Hubs in EU Islands

Autoren: J. M. Estebaranz, D. Pereira, A. R. Rocha (Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios, Spain), R. Gkogkou, G. Asimakopoulou, A. L. Dimeas, N. D. Hatziargyriou, G. Milionis (National Technical University of Athens – NTUA, Greece), P. Markopoulos, M. Kourasi, E. Stavropoulou (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator – HEDNO, Greece), J. Servert, E. Cerrajero, D. Lopez (IDIE, Spain)
Veröffentlicht in: 4th international Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, 2019
Herausgeber: Energynautics GmbH

Methodology to Elaborate a Roadmap for a 100% Renewable Energy Mix in Isolated Grids Using GRIDSOL’s SRH-M

Autoren: Jorge Servert, Eduardo Cerrajero, Robert Valencia, Juliette Marti, Jose M. Estebaranz, Eirini Stavropoulou, Maria Kourasi, Aris Dimeas, Mattia Baldini
Veröffentlicht in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020
Herausgeber: AIP

Smart renewable hubs: Multi-hybridization to achieve high RE penetration in Island Grids

Autoren: Jorge Servert, Eduardo Cerrajero, Francisco J. Comas, Alberto R. Rocha, José M. Estebaranz, Rubén Durán, Eirini Stavropoulou, Maria Kourasi, Petros Markopoulos, Aris Dimeas, and Rebekka Gogou
Veröffentlicht in: 3th International Hybrid Power Systems workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: Energinautics GmbH

Feasibility analysis of GRIDSOL technology in Fuerteventura: A case study

Autoren: E. Fedato, M. Baldini, A. Dalla Riva, D. F. Mora Alvarez, A.K. Wiuff, J. Hethey, E. Cerrajero, J.M. Estebaranz
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Engineering, Ausgabe 2019/18, 2019, Seite(n) 5208-5213, ISSN 2051-3305
Herausgeber: IET Digital Library
DOI: 10.1049/joe.2018.9285

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