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European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Report on technology priority area webinars

After organising the series of webinars and other interactions on the identified challenges, the following set of documents will be produced, made available online and delivered: - Presentation slides - Links to relevant external material - Audio and video of presentation - Audio and video of question and answer session - Summary report of webinar findings - List of participants This report will also be of interest to all members of the ocean energy sector and thus serve to further promote knowledge sharing. This deliverable will be a direct input for Deliverable 7.1: An Integrated Strategy Document.

Report on an integrated framework of ocean energy sector challenges.

An integrated framework of ocean energy sector challenges will be developed using existing strategy and road mapping documents from the ocean energy sector. From these, barriers and challenges will be identified and prioritised and these will be used to steer webinars and workshops carried out within Work Packages 3, 4 & 5. Associated tasks include Task 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.

Brokerage events report

This deliverable will assemble a list of participants into a report. During the event, participants will have to fill out a survey, of which the results will also be compiled into the report.

Report on financing priority area webinars

After organising the series of webinars and other interactions on the identified challenges, the following set of documents will be produced, made available online and delivered: - Presentation slides - Links to relevant external material - Audio and video of presentation - Audio and video of question and answer session - Summary report of webinar findings - List of participants This report will also be of interest to all members of the ocean energy sector and thus serve to further promote knowledge sharing. This deliverable will be a direct input for Deliverable 7.1: An Integrated Strategy Document.

Schedule of webinars and workshops for remainder of project

Taking the priority findings from the synthesis report, a schedule of webinars and workshops will identified for the remainder of the ETIP Ocean Project. This will include preliminary dates (which may be subject to change to align with other events in the sector) and topic areas for discussion, based on the synthesis report. Associated tasks include Task 2.5.

Report on Integrated Strategy document presentation workshop

A seminar for EU and national officials ETIP Ocean interacts with during the duration of the project, will be organised where the Integrated Strategy (WP 7, deliverable 7.1) will be presented and discussed. ETIP Ocean’s Strategic Advisory Board and other relevant civil society organisations that ETIP Ocean will engage with over the project duration will also be invited, to ensure feedback and discussions are inclusive. A short report on the meetings will be produced for reporting to the European Commission and shared among project partners on the intranet.

Report on presentation of stakeholder engagement results workshops

Reports on the results of the workshops organised by ETIP Ocean (deliverables 3.1, 4.1 & 5.1), engaging with experts and stakeholders within the technology, finance and environment & socio-economic areas of the ocean energy sector will be produced.

Report on environment and socio-economic priority area webinars

After organising the series of webinars and other interactions on the identified challenges, the following set of documents will be produced, made available online and delivered: - Presentation slides - Links to relevant external material - Audio and video of presentation - Audio and video of question and answer session - Summary report of webinar findings - List of participants This report will also be of interest to all members of the ocean energy sector and thus serve to further promote knowledge sharing. This deliverable will be a direct input for Deliverable 7.1: An Integrated Strategy Document.

Educational materials

This deliverable will assemble educational materials which will be downloadable on the project website for a broad audience. These materials will help to increase awareness and knowledge of the ocean energy sector to a wider audience and civil society.

Report on face-to-face meetings with Member State and European Commission officials

The project partners will request meetings with appropriate national (from 6 Member States) and EU officials to present ETIP Ocean’s Integrated Challenges and work programme. Input and feedback will be sought and the officials encouraged to participate. Short reports on the meetings will be produced for reporting to the European Commission and shared among project partners on the project's intranet.

An Integrated Strategy Document

The Integrated Strategy document will be produced based on the results of the project. This document will present a concise framework of required activities for the ocean energy sector along with an assignment of activities to stakeholders. The intended audience for this document is representatives of European and member-state governments.

Report on regular project update mailings containing links to updates on website and in ETIP Ocean actions and activities

A report on all the mailings mailings sent out during ETIP Ocean's duration will be produced. The mailings will be scheduled on a regular basis to the entire Dissemination Network, sent out in a template designed following ETIP Ocean’s visual identity. They will include information on updates made on the website, reports on past events and announce upcoming events.

Website and visual identity charter including document, mailings and presentation templates and three pop-up banners

Development of a project visual identity ensuring all documents and publications are immediately recognisable as originating from ETIP Ocean. The visual identity will also be the basis for the design of ETIP Ocean’s website. The creation of a logo, document and presentation templates will be included in a sub-contract made with the professional web and graphic designers for creation of ETIP Ocean’s website and intranet (see deliverable 1.1, Work Package 1). Three pop-up banners to promote ETIP Ocean at events will also be included in the sub-contract.

Social media accounts: LinkedIn and Twitter reflecting ETIP Ocean’s visual identity and populated through regular posts

Using the logo and visual identity from deliverable 8.1, the project coordinator will set up a Twitter and a LinkedIn account for ETIP Ocean. Regular posts will be made to both social media accounts including information on ETIP Ocean activities and ETIP Ocean deliverables.

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