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Risultati finali
Comprehensive toolkit for making a successful transition from linear to circular business models
Initial Dissemination and Communication PlanIt will detail the tools, modalities and channels to communicate and disseminate to targeted stakeholders. It will be mapped out in a timetable
Report with policy recommendationsReport from the feasibility studies including insights into challenges and opportunities in the new sectors. This will feed into WP7 overall policy packages and business toolkit.
Case-study reportFor each case-study a report shall be produced, documenting its particularities in relation to Circular Economy Business Models. Some 15 such reports are expected.
Higher Education Module on CEBMReport on the educational course material produced; carried out by ESCP Europe; linked to Task 8.1
Conceptual Framework/Formalisation of conceptsRelevant concepts and notions formalised into an Ontology (concept mapping)
Web-Based PlatformsCollaboration with other circular economy platforms to share webinars, directories, calendars of events, links to information and academic research.
Stakeholder considerations for the CE policy package and the CE Business toolkitGathering Stakeholder input on Circular Economy policy packages and Circular Economy Business Toolkit through workshops with industry, political actors as well as the Advisory Board. Such stakeholder insights will provide a useful dimension to the policy packages and business toolkit.
Tools and methodologies for case-study analysisExplanation of methodology and tools to be applied in analysing case-studies
Final selection of case-studies to be analysedList of approximately 15 businesses/initiatives and rationale for their selection
R2Pi Project Fact SheetA synthesis of the project as a 2 page document for dissemination purposes
Review of State-of-the-Art Research in Circular EconomyReview including best practices and barriers for success
Inventory of casesInventory of cases analyses including categorical attributes
Protocol Capstone conferenceProtocol of main remarks, interventions, feedback of the conference
Establish Governance StructureDocument that governance structure has been established and which participants constitute the respective consortium bodies (General Assembly, Executive Board, Management Support team)
Circular Economy Policy PackagesPractical guidelines for the design of effective policy. Generalising sector-specific policies into a set of broad policy recommendations
Circular Business Model innovation toolboxDocumenting the tools, methodologies and approaches used in piloting the feasibility studies in new sectors
Case-study report on CEBM in new sector"Report on how up to 3 companies have reacted and tried to create a CEBM in a hitherto linear form of business (""business model innovation journey"")"
Stakeholder views reportResulting from the stakeholder dialogues in Task 4.5 The interviews and stakeholder dialogues will be conducted with the purpose of understanding: • The central value proposition of the Circular Economy Business Model, with specification of products and services; • The considered values that support the CEBM (profits making logic, traceability, trust, environmental values, social values,…); • Preferences and views regarding the value proposition: does CEBM imply to change established production and consumption patterns? • What are the required policy environment requirements as perceived by stakeholders
Summary of key factors of CEBMSummary of key factors that stimulate or hinder circular business models. Identification of the main drivers and barriers to their implementation.
A video on Circular Economy will be produced and uploaded to the R2Pi website. It will be disseminated to research centres and academic environmental faculties. It can serve as a training tool and will be accessible also via Youtube.
Webinars on successful CEBMWebinar (online paedagogical tool) to illustrate issues in developing business models around circularity
Web portal architectureDesign of the functionalities and features of R2Pi website
Plan to provide open access to research data and results
Preparation of logo, templates for local and international communication, standard presentations, leaflets, brochures.
Final Communication an Dissemination PlanThe Final Plan for Using and Disseminating Knowledge will describe the project’s dissemination achievements according to activities planned for the duration of the project, as well as any variation and new activities that were initially unplanned. It will include a plan for the further dissemination of results and the planned exploitation (considering scientific dissemination at the level of individual researcher, group of researchers from the consortium, and group of researchers from different institutions outside the consortium). The Final Plan will be planned for two years after the end of the project. It will be structured according to the same dissemination strategies of the initial plan (publication, conferences, Consortium, end-users) and linked to the plan for raising public participation and awareness.
Sylvie Geisendorf, Felicitas Pietrulla
Pubblicato in:
Thunderbird International Business Review, Numero 31 July 2017, 2017, ISSN 1096-4762
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Xavier Vence, Ángeles Pereira
Pubblicato in:
Contaduría y Administración, Numero 64/1, 2018, Pagina/e 64, ISSN 2448-8410
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Leandro Javier Llorente-González, Xavier Vence
Pubblicato in:
Sustainability, Numero 11/18, 2019, Pagina/e 4898, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Beltrán Puentes Cociña
Pubblicato in:
ICEDE Working paper series:, Numero 21/07/2018, 2019
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
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