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Risultati finali
This document reports on the outcomes of the collaboration implemented between HPCEuropa3 and PRACEETP4HPCCoEs
Second HPC-Europa3 research projects directoryThis directory, which will be compiled in electronic format, will contain the project reports of the users whose visits were completed during the period PM19-36, organised by scientific discipline. The directory will be made available on the HPC-Europa3 website and disseminated via all the available channels.
Report on the Workshops for SMEsThis report summarizes the outcomes of the three workshops organized for increasing the SMEs awareness of the HPC methods and benefits.
Orchestration of applications packaged as containersThis deliverable will report on the studied mechanisms to package single steps of a pipeline in the form of application containers and on the different investigated ways to orchestrate their execution to compose the desired workflow. It also will report on the identified constraints in the container orchestration system required to support the envisaged execution model.
Second Transnational Access Summary reportSecond report on the Transnational Access activity, including statistics relating to the number of applications received, users given access, and computing time used with summary data and details for each centre. This report will also include information about the outreach and dissemination activities, selection procedure, Transnational Access Users’ Meeting, and any other issues relating to the Transnational Access.
Workload collocation based on container technologies to improve isolationThis deliverable will report the design followed to implement the workload collocation, together with the design and implementation details of the Dynamic Resource Assignment. The document will also include the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the collocation concept.
UEDIN-EPCC and ICHEC transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at EPCCICHEC
USTUTT-HLRS transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at USTUTTHLRS
Third HPC-Europa3 research projects directoryThis directory which will be compiled in electronic format will contain the project reports of the users whose visits were completed during the period PM3748 organised by scientific discipline The directory will be made available on the HPCEuropa3 website and disseminated via all the available channels
First HPC-Europa3 research projects directoryThis directory which will be compiled in electronic format will contain the project reports of the users whose visits were completed during the period PM118 organised by scientific discipline The directory will be made available on the HPCEuropa3 website and disseminated via all the available channels
CINECA transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at CINECA
Third Transnational Access Summary reportFourth annual report on the Transnational Access activity including statistics relating to the number of applications received users given access and computing time used with summary data and details for each centre This report will also include information about the outreach and dissemination activities selection procedure Transnational Access Users Meeting and any other issues relating to the Transnational Access
KTH-PDC transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at KTH-PDC
Container-as-a-service analysis reportThis deliverable will report on the evaluation of different containervirtualization technologies in terms of supported features already known advantages and drawbacks together with the level of community acceptance It will also describe the architecture of the proposed containerasaservice solution for HPC building on the chosen technology It will include Overview of system management and application deployment on clusters deployed on bare metal virtual machines and containers along with considerations advantages and disadvantages of each approach statement of the problems which containerized applications can address information on the architecture and technologies to be used together with any needed configuration Report on security issues Examination of potential performance impacts which require investigation in subsequent benchmarking tasks Examples of applications deployed with the containerasaservice architecture for HPC
CSC transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at CSC
GRNET transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at GRNET.
Benchmarking resultsThis deliverable will present all benchmarking information and results obtained.
SURFsara transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at SURFSARA
Container-as-a-service technical documentationThis deliverable will represent the container-as-a-service technical documentation which will include: information on the architecture and technologies to be used together with any needed configuration, report on repeatability of results, report on security issues, and examples of applications deployed with the container-as-a-service for HPC.
Marketing PlanThe Marketing Plan will establish the membership and duties of the Marketing Team and describe in detail the dissemination activities which will be used to identify and communicate with potential new user groups It will coordinate the actions to publicise HPCEuropa3 to prevent duplication of effort and will ensure that effort is maintained throughout the lifetime of the programme
BSC transnational access success storyTransnational access success story at BSC
First Transnational Access Summary reportFirst report on the Transnational Access activity including statistics relating to the number of applications received users given access and computing time used with summary data and details for each centre This report will also include information about the outreach and dissemination activities selection procedure and any other issues relating to the Transnational Access
Using containers technologies to improve portability of applications in HPCThis deliverable will include: Overview of the issues to be addressed when porting an application to a containerized platform; Technical information about the integration with queuing systems; Technical information about MPI interactions; and Optimizations implemented and/or identified.
Sustainability roadmapThis document will identify the services that need to be sustained, how these services map into the European HPC landscape, and identify potential sources of funding for these services.
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