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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Towards better Synchronisation of Priority Settings and Evaluation Mechanisms for Research Infrastructures Beyond National Relevance

Risultati finali

Project Newsletters

The Project Newsletters will be published every six months and list all activities of the project. They will be disseminated among the Reflection Group and sent to main stakeholder groups, according to the dissemination plan.

Result report on methodologies for RI Monitoring and Evaluation

This deliverable is a report that presents the results of an in-depth analyis of evaluation methodologies. This deliverablewill consider in more depth especially those monitoring and evaluation procedures which will be carried out in relation to the elaboration of the national RI roadmaps in European countries in order to include also life-cycle orientation.

Categorization of facilities according to overall business/financial models

In order to prepare the work in WP5 and link to WP3 and WP4, this deliverable will consist in a series of definitions and a categorisation of facilities. They will be discussed during the Definition Workshop and then further refined. This deliverable will contain: - the definition of the scope of WP5 activities; - definitions and contents of business plan’s items:; - the identification of the potential correlations between the business model and the type of RI; - the identification of the relevant stakeholders to contact and engage.

Report from regional technical workshops

This deliverable will contain the summary reports of a first series of 3 in-depth roundtable discussions (regional technical workshops) in month 10 and a second series of 2 more workshops in month 16 of the project. The workshops will last 1 day and will gather at least 20 participants, typically 30-40 participants in total, including experts on the sectors or topics addressed in the case studies and workshops, as well as interested stakeholders. Possible locations are Czech Republic (on the European Light Infrastructure), Italy (on Trieste RI area), Poland (where a new synchrotron is going to be built), Portugal (where structural funds are used for RI included in the national roadmap) and Germany, e.g. the Hamburg region (DESY). The findings from the regional technical workshops will feed into the best practices and recommendations identified and will be further discussed by the wider community of stakeholders in the Reflection Group at dedicated sessions during the Engagement and Validation workshops. For each workshop, we will draft a workshop summary report within 10 working days after the event. This will normally be a document of approximately 6-8 pages (+ annexes), including a summary of the presentations and main points discussed, and proposed conclusions and implications to be drawn from the discussion.

Best practices for RI business plans

This deliverable will build upon previsous report and present a synthesis of best practices for business plans, taking into consideration discussions with the Reflection Group. We will consider 3 main practices that could help for conducting ex-ante and ex-post evaluations: the setting up of a solid budget plan, the risk assessment methodology and the evaluation procedures. Special attention will be paid to the analyses of the information gathered on business plans’ elaboration especially the models defining the economic criteria currently used for including the whole life cycle of a facility. The best practices will be refined during exchanges with the Advisory Board and the Reflection Group in the Definition and Engagement Workshops.

Final Project Report

The final project report will bring together the findings from WP3, WP4 and WP5. It will consists in analyses and recommendations.

Report on review on Funding of RI

In order to Analyse the link between RI roadmapping and their funding, a first litterature review will be carried out in order to better understand the the mechanisms that link with, or have emerged from national roadmapping and evaluation procedures for funding RIs, in terms of: - Typology of existing and future possible investments sources and costs assessment to be considered eligible for Pan-European RIs; - Management of intersectorial coordination and implementation plans with mechanisms: funding calls, eligible recipients, industry partnerships, requirements, evaluation process, timings, etc.; - Financial dimensions and scope. This deliverable will provide the outcome of the desk Research and include a first series of categorization and definitions of funding instruments as a result of the discussion at Definition Workshop at montrh 3.

Policy Briefs

The project will produce two policy briefs after the Engagement (month 13) and Validation (month 21) Workshop. The policy briefs will contain a series of recommendations for policy-makers, funders and Operators building upon the findings of the Workshops.

Factsheets on RI funding mechanisms

From the desk research carried out in WP4 at start and building upon deliverable 12, the content of this deliverable are a series of factsheets on RI funding mechanisms. The factsheets will be used as models for the future Tasks.

Report on state-of-the-art elaboration of business plans by RI managers/owners

This deliverable will present the results of the collection of information on the business plan evaluation in the national RI's roadmapping and in internal assessment exercises. The reliverable will take the form of a Report and look at: - what methods are generally implemented for establishing the business plan, depending (or not) on the type of RIs - how the components are included in the business plan - how the socio economic parameters and the full life cycle are included - what fee structure and commercial policy are in place - what others challenges the RI’s encounter to establish a business plan - what are the key-parameters that are required for appraising a major change in the RI’s lifecycle (up-grades, extensions, modernization, shut-down), - what procedures exist for establishing internal evaluations of business plans, - what are the weak points in business plans’ elaboration and the measures taken to strengthen the business case of RI

Final recommendations

The best practices summarised in deliverable 19 will be further refined in the Validation Workshop and the final project Conference. This deliverable will provide a series of final recommendations oon how to best design business plans for RI and take them into account in roadmapping procedures. This deliverable will be disseminated among the main stakeholder group as a report and a series of regional technical workshops.

Recommendations on the synchronisation and interoperability of RI funding instruments

This is the main deliverable of WP4. The report, to be prepared following the workshops and presented at the final conference, is expected to provide an analytical response to the urgent need for more and better knowledge on how to efficiently fund Pan-European RIs, what are the success factors and impact of framework conditions. The report will be therefore complementary to the case studies (offering individual micro-perspective on RI funding) and intend to enrich the analysis with further sectoral, political, socio-economic and policy context. Additionally, preparation of each report will be complemented by a development of appropriate policy recommendations at European, national and regional levels.

Report on the elaboration of good practices and common trends of NRIRMP and RI Evaluation

Documentation of good practices and common trends of NRIRMP procedures and evaluation mechanisms also with respect to synergies with the ESFRI roadmap

Best practices and common trends of NRIRMP, Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms including recommendations

Policy brief on best practices and common trends of NRIRMP and Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms including recommendations of areas where further work towards harmonisation of NRIRMP and evaluation mechanisms would be needed.

Project Website

The Project Website is the main communication tool of the project. It contains a public and a private part. The public parts presents the project and lists of all its activities and outputs. The private part is used to shared documents and facilitate communication within the consortium.


InRoad Consultation Report Prioritisation, Evaluation and Funding of Research Infrastructures in Europe

Autori: University of Lausanne - Isabel Bolliger with inputs from the InRoad Consortium
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

InRoad Compendium Country factsheets on research infrastructure roadmapping procedures, funding, evaluation and monitoring as well as national embedment of European Member States and Associated Countries

Autori: DLR Project Management Agency – GERD RÜCKER, DANIEL GEYER, ANKE WEKERLE, SOPHIE VON KNEBEL DOEBERITZ, CLAUDIA RITTER; Sociedad Para El Fomento De La Innovacion Tecnologica S.L. – JOAQUIN GUINEA, ANTONIO J. GÓMEZ; Comissao de Coordenacao e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro – TERESA JORGE, CARLOS SILVEIRA, CARLA COIMBRA, ANA QUINTAIS; Czech Academy of Sciences – JAN HRUŠÁK; Consiglio Na
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Press release - InRoad Regional Workshop on 'The role of structural funds in the mix of funding sources for the long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures', Aveiro (PT)

Autori: Teresa Jorge (CCDRC), Carlos Silveira (CCDRC), Margarida Franca (CCDRC), Carla Coimbra (CCDRC), Ana Quintas (CCDRC), Alexandra Rodrigues (CCDRC)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

InRoad Consultation on National Research Infrastructure Policies in EU Member States and Associated Countries -Glossary of common terminology with references

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

5th Regional Workshop on Interoperability of funding instruments and governance of Research Infrastructures - Wroclaw Report

Autori: Beata Lubicka (EIT+), Carme de Andrés Sanchis (HGF) and Annika Thies (HGF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Dissemination Plan InRoad - Communication, networking and stakeholder engagement activities

Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

InRoad response to the European Commission report on the long-term sustainability of research infrastructures

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF), Alizée Francey (SNSF), Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press Release - Engage with InRoad

Autori: Alizée Francey (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

The InRoad Newsletter - Issue 03

Autori: Alexandra Griffiths (SNSF), Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

The Role of Regional, National, Institutional & EU Frameworks in the Long-term Funding of Research Infrastructures - Hamburg Report

Autori: Carme de Andrés Sanchis (Helmholtz Association) and Annika Thies (Helmholtz Association)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

The InRoad Newsletter - Issue 01

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

"InRoad Policy Brief #1 - Insights on research infrastructure roadmap processes, funding and business models"

Autori: Alizée Francey (SNSF), Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad


Autori: Carme de Andrés Sanchis (Helmholtz Association, Germany) and Annika Thies (Helmholtz Association, Germany).
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

The InRoad Newsletter - Issue 02

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF), Alizée Francey (SNSF), Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

InRoad Engagement Workshop Summary Note

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad


Autori: Carme de Andrés Sanchis (Helmholtz Association, Germany), Claudia Ritter (German Aerospace Centre), Gerd Rücker (German Aerospace Centre), Teresa Jorge (Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission, Portugal), Cecilia Lalle (National Research Council of Italy), Augusta Maria Paci (National Research Council of Italy) and Annika Thies (Helmholtz Association, Germany)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Regional Workshop, Hamburg, DE

Autori: Sönke Bauck (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Report from Regional Technical Workshops

Autori: InRoad - Work package 4
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Regional Workshop in Liblice, CZ

Autori: Ivana Paidarova (HIPC)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

The role of structural funds in the mix of funding sources for the long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures - Aveiro Report

Autori: Carme de Andrés Sanchis (HGF), Teresa Jorge (CCDRC) and Annika Thies (HGF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

InRoad 2nd Engagement Workshop - Final Report

Autori: Swiss National Science Foundation – ALIZÉE FRANCEY, SÖNKE BAUCK, MARTIN MÜLLER
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Funding of RI - Report on literature review

Autori: Teresa Jorge and Marta Lima (CCDRC), Carla Coimbra (CCDRC), Margarida Franca (CCDRC), Isabel Bolliger (UNIL), Dr. Jan Hrušák (Czech Academy of Sciences), Augusta Paci (CNR), Annika Thies (Helmholtz), Beata Lubicka (EIT+)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press Release - 2nd Regional Technical Workshop in Rome on National Funding: build awareness on policy perspectives

Autori: Augusta Maria Paci (CNR) and Cecilia Lalle (CNR)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Successful Horizon 2020 RI Support-Project Meeting

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Constructive Advisory Board and Steering Board Meeting in Liblice, CZ§

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF), Alizée Francey (SNSF) and Martin Mülller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Research infrastructure stakeholders hit the (In)road

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press release - InRoad at ESOF 2018, Toulouse

Autori: Alexandra Griffiths (SNSF), Isabel Bolliger (Unil)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Press release - InRoad Consultation Laucnhed

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press release - InRoad Regional Workshop in Wroclaw, PL

Autori: Beata Lubicka (EIT+)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Constructive Consortium Meeting in Coimbra

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

Press release - Reaction of InRoad to the Competitiveness Council (28-29 May 2018) conclusions

Autori: Alizée Francey (SNSF), Alexandra Griffiths (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: InRoad

Press Release - First Results of the InRoad Consultation

Autori: Max de Boer (SNSF) and Martin Müller (SNSF)
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: InRoad

The InRoad Newsletter - Issue 04

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

InRoad policy brief n°2 - Recommendations and policy insights

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

InRoad Final Report - Main findings and recommendations

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

5th Regional Workshop on Interoperability of funding instruments and governance of Research Infrastructures Report from an InRoad regional workshop

Autori: Beata Lubicka (EIT+), Carme de Andrés Sanchis (HGF) and Annika Thies (HGF)
Pubblicato in: 2018

Best practices and common trends of national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms including recommendations

Autori: Gerd Ruecker, Daniel Geyer, Claudia Ritter (DLR), authors of Finnish and Dutch Case Studies, cross-country analysis (5.2, 5.3) Isabel Bolliger (UNIL), Alexandra Griffiths (SNSF), authors of Swedish and Czech Case Studies, cross-country analysis (5.1, 5.4, 5.5) Joaquin Guinea Innovatec), author of desk study on evaluation and monitoring, cross-country analysis (5.6,5.7) Editor: Maria Nash (SFI)
Pubblicato in: 2018

Press release - InRoad Final Conference

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

Press release - InRoad Validation Workshop

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

D.4.4. Report from Regional Technical Workshops

Autori: InRoad WP4 partners
Pubblicato in: 2018

The role of structural funds in the mix of funding sources for the long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures Report from an InRoad regional workshop

Autori: Carme de Andrés Sanchis (HGF), Teresa Jorge (CCDRC) and Annika Thies (HGF).
Pubblicato in: 2018

Briefing for InRoad Validation Workshop

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

InRoad Validation Workshop Report

Autori: InRoad consortium
Pubblicato in: 2018

Good practices and common trends of national research infrastructure roadmapping procedures and evaluation mechanisms

Autori: Gerd Ruecker, Daniel Geyer, Claudia Ritter (DLR), authors of Finnish and Dutch Case Studies, cross-country analysis (5.2, 5.3) Isabel Bolliger (UNIL), Alexandra Griffiths (SNSF), authors of Swedish and Czech Case Studies, cross-country analysis (5.1, 5.4, 5.5) Joaquin Guinea (Innovatec), author of desk study on evaluation and monitoring, cross-country analysis (5.6, 5.7)
Pubblicato in: 2018

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