CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Full project meeting in West Africa (probably Cape Verde)
Implementation of SEACRIFOG Website (M12)
Kickoff Meeting with Stakeholders in East Africa (probably Kenya)Kick off meeting with stakeholders (M4)
Thematic workshops in data, management and quality control
Thematic workshops in data collection, management and quality control (between M14 and M30).
Prototype implementation of African e-Infrastructure, including a Brokering RegistryPrototype Implementation of African e-Infrastructure, including a Brokering Registry
Training school at ILRI campus on GHG measurement techniquesReview of available knowledge on currently established agricultural productions systems in Eastern Africa including mixed-livestock systems and their potential climate resilience.
Review summarizing available knowledge on currently established agricultural productions systems in Eastern Africa, including mixed-livestock systems, with respect to food and nutrition security and the potential to make them more resilient to future climate change
Concept paper for an adapted observation system for Africa.Concept paper for an adapted observation system for Africa including special and sectoral observational requirements to integrate multiple Grand Challenges in Africa.
Integrated strategy for a sustainable EU-Africa research cooperation on food security and GHG observationsAn integrated strategy for a sustainable EU-Africa research cooperation on food security and GHG observations
A dataset of current measurement parameters across all systems and the spatial representation of key climatic, land use and GHG data plus a description of best practices.A dataset of current measurement parameters across all systems and the spatial representation of key climatic, land use and GHG datatogether with a description of best practices or case studies of where the datasets can be applied to products and services that can be of value to communities (M18).
A minimal dataset of mandatory climatic parameters and ecological and land-use assessment criteria, together with an “ideal” set of criteria.A minimal dataset of mandatory climatic parameters and ecological and land-use assessment criteria, together with an “ideal” set of criteria, where the minimal set can be supplemented by suitable secondary data sources (e.g. remote sensing data) (M12).
A report on EU-Africa joint requirements for cooperation and capacity buildingA report on EU-Africa joint requirements for cooperation and capacity building (including human capital development) for research on food and nutrition security and greenhouse gas observations under a changing climate.
Final report on feasibility and synergy potential of the “three-spheres-approach”Final report on feasibility and synergy potential of the “three-spheres-approach” (project month 24)
Roadmap report with the blueprint for a EU-African e-infrastructureConcept paper on GHG observations in mixed-livestock systems and approaches to quantify net impacts of smallholders on GHG emissions
Concept paper on GHG observations in livestock systems (from mixed crop to extensive) and approaches to quantify net impacts of smallholders on GHG emissions highlighting hotspots of GHG emissions in such systems
Co-financing concept for the establishment and long-term maintenance of adapted observation systems on food security and GHGsA co-financing concept for the establishment and long-term maintenance of adapted observation systems on food security and GHGs
Report on results of the international workshop in Cape VerdeReport on results of the international workshop in Cape Verde (project month 18)
A standardized protocol to measure key environmental parameters within atmospheric, marine and terrestrial systems.A standardized protocol to measure key environmental parameters within atmospheric, marine and terrestrial systems (M24)
Report on activities and results of research stayReport on activities and results of research stay (project month 12)
A report on users’ needs and knowledge gaps in Africa with recommendations for a joint EU-Africa Research & STI agenda on food and nutrition security and climate change mitigation.A report on users’ needs and knowledge gaps (in terms of data, knowledge and research infrastructures) in Africa with recommendations for a joint EU-Africa Research & STI agenda on food and nutrition security and greenhouse gas observations under a changing climate.
Training schools with focus on preparing data for sharing (M14 and M26)
Guidance on Data Policy and Supporting Open LicensesPubblicazioni
Ana López-Ballesteros, Johannes Beck, Antonio Bombelli, Elisa Grieco, Eliška Krkoška Lorencová, Lutz Merbold, Christian Brümmer, Wim Hugo, Robert Scholes, David Vačkář, Alex Vermeulen, Manuel Acosta, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Jörg Helmschrot, Dong-Gill Kim, Michael Jones, Veronika Jorch, Marian Pavelka, Ingunn Skjelvan, Matthew Saunders
Pubblicato in:
Environmental Research Letters, Numero 13/8, 2018, Pagina/e 085003, ISSN 1748-9326
Institute of Physics Publishing
J.P. Goopy, A.A. Onyango, U. Dickhoefer, K. Butterbach-Bahl
Pubblicato in:
Agricultural Systems, Numero 161, 2018, Pagina/e 72-80, ISSN 0308-521X
Applied Science Publishers
P. W. Ndung'u, B. O. Bebe, J. O. Ondiek, K. Butterbach-Bahl, L. Merbold, J. P. Goopy
Pubblicato in:
Animal Production Science, 2018, ISSN 1836-0939
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
Yuhao Zhu, Lutz Merbold, David Pelster, Eugenio Diaz-Pines, George Nandhoka Wanyama, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
Pubblicato in:
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2018, ISSN 0886-6236
American Geophysical Union
Johannes Beck, Ana López-Ballesteros, Wim Hugo, Robert Scholes, Matthew Saunders, Jörg Helmschrot
Pubblicato in:
Data Science Journal, Numero 18/1, 2019, Pagina/e 42, ISSN 1683-1470
Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) International Council for Science (ICSU)
Ana López-Ballesteros, Johannes Beck, Jörg Helmschrot, Matthew Saunders
Pubblicato in:
Environmental Research Letters, 2020, ISSN 1748-9326
Institute of Physics Publishing
Alecia Nickless , Robert J. Scholes , Alex Vermeulen , Johannes Beck ,Ana López-Ballesteros , Jonas Ardö , Ute Karstens , Matthew Rigby , VilleKasurinen , Karolina Pantazatou , Veronika Jorch, Werner Kutsch
Pubblicato in:
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 2020, ISSN 1600-0889
Taylor & Francis
Lutz Merbold, Robert J. Scholes, Manuel Acosta, Johannes Beck, Antonio Bombelli, Bjoern Fiedler, Elisa Grieco, Joerg Helmschrot, Wim Hugo, Ville Kasurinen, Dong-Gill Kim, Arne Körtzinger, Sonja Leitner, Ana López-Ballesteros, Mylene Ndisi, Aecia Nickless, Emmanuel Salmon, Matthew Saunders, Ingunn Skjelvan, Alexander T. Vermeulen, Werner L. Kutsch
Pubblicato in:
Regional Environmental Change, Numero 21/4, 2021, ISSN 1436-3798
Springer Verlag
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