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Periodic Reporting for period 3 - IntEnSys4EU (INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEM - A PATHWAY FOR EUROPE)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-10-01 al 2020-09-30

The ambitions of INTENSYS4EU project have been multi-fold, based on constant interactions between the energy stakeholders (network operators, industry, consumers, research and Member States representatives) which detail R&I priorities through the new ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition acting as an advisory body of the SET Plan.

The overall goals achieved by INTENSYS4EU project are:
• providing strategic guidance about the R&I activities (low to high TRL, priorities) raised by the integration issues of the electricity system into the wider European energy system
• interacting with the stakeholders of the ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) at European level as well as the ETIP stakeholders at national and international level.
• Setting several long-term energy scenarios at European level
• Analysing the on-going research, development and innovation projects in the EU and, when relevant at Member State levels
• Enhancing collaboration between projects through support to the on-going BRIDGE process initiated by the European Commission for the funded R&I projects of Horizon 2020
• Maximising cross border knowledge sharing about energy system optimization through interaction with national level players
• Supporting in fine-tuning the development of an upgraded draft R&I roadmap and its yearly implementation plans for approval at SET plan level, covering integrated network solutions of low (TRL=2) and high (TRL=8) maturity.
• Extending the existing Research and Innovation roadmaps through permanent and direct interactions with the impacted energy system stakeholders and all the Member States in view of validating the portfolio of innovative solutions via appropriate funding mechanisms.

Along the project duration which started in September 2016 and ended in September 2020 several tangible achievements were reached and activities have been performed by the Secretariat of INTENSYS4EU within ETIP SNET and BRIDGE and in particular:

• Launching the ETIP SNET Governance, Missions and activities and setting up the internal structure in 5 thematic Working Groups
• Restructuring BRIDGE Initiative and his structure and missions and setting up the internal structure in Working Groups and Task Forces.
• Gathering together over 350 experts across Europe involved in the ETIP SNET Working Groups activities and around 400 people involved in the BRIDGE Working Groups and Tasks Forces
• Synthetising and prioritising R&I priorities needed for the Energy transition in Europe through 2 Implementation Plans 2017/2020 and 2021/2024 based on the 2 Roadmaps published covering the periods 2017-2026 and 2020-2030
• Launching the ETIP SNET VISION 2050 – Integrating Smart Networks for the Energy Transition: Serving Society and Protecting the Environment.
• Development and strengthen the relation with the others ETIPs set up under the SET PLAN to better understand and streamline common R&I priorities at European and national level
• Organisation of 4 high-level multi-stakeholders events, 10 Regional workshops and 6 webinars to disseminate and exchange about the ETIP SNET activities and focus
• Become a key reference adviser for research and technology priorities for integrated energy system in Europe by answering European Commission official consultations
• Publishing an Energy story compilation “ETIP SNET Energy Stories” designed to bring successful applications in energy transition technologies, often developed through public funding, closer to the citizen, highlighting whenever possible the direct benefits of the latest technologies to the energy consumer. This include a collection of 20 stories.
• Publishing 22 high level Publications which include White Papers, Key messages, Position Papers, Action Plans and event proceedings.
• Developing the ETIP SNET repository “Knowledge Sharing Platform” as source of information for key facts on R&I projects on smart grids, contributing to the update of the Roadmaps and participating to the BRIDGE initiative.
ETIP SNET and BRIDGE dealt with multifaceted challenges within INTENSY4EU project in order to move towards a low carbon energy sector, to maintain and extend global industrial leadership, to create a pan European integrated energy system and to mobilise public and private sector towards the same objectives to finance the changes.

Thanks to the commitment of the research and industry experts, European and national public authorities, European associations and others, ETIP SNET has accomplished an exemplary job in gathering all actors from the energy sector to tackle the key aspects of a very complex issue.

Indeed, with the key publications of ETIP SNET (Vision 2050, Roadmaps and Implementation Plans) created effective tools that demonstrates to all in Europe and elsewhere that the EC has technical insights into its challenges, that the EC investments in human and financial capital will have an impact and an effective life-span well beyond 2050 for Europe to create a secure, sustainable and competitive energy system.
The common goal of the two initiatives make sure to have important and tangible advancements toward a more unified Europe based on a: low-carbon, secure, reliable, by the year 2050, while maintaining and extending global industrial leadership in energy systems during the energy transition.

The activities carried out within ETIP SNET and BRIDGE supported daily by the INTENSYS4EU Secretariat have been:
• Providing strategic guidance about the R&I activities (low to high TRL, priorities) raised by the integration issues of the electricity system into the wider European energy system
• Interacting with the stakeholders of the ETIP SNET at European level as well as the ETIP stakeholders at national and international level
• Enhancing collaboration between projects through a support to the on-going BRIDGE process initiated by the European Commission for the funded R&I projects of Horizon 2020
All the activities planned within INTENSYS4EU have been carried out as planned.
Some additional activities have been carried out not originally planned:
• Thematic webinars per ETIP SNET WGs
• The development of the KSP
• Energy Story Compilation
• Restructuring of BRIDGE structure and activities in collaboration with the EC.+

The Target audience originally addressed has been successfully reached as proved by their deep involvement in drafting the main results and publications listed above and by the Great commitment in the Events, meetings and Calls as proved by the numbers mentioned above and in all the Reporting of INTENSYS4EU.
More and more attention and focus on the Customers and Citizens as beneficiaries and related part of the energy value chain have been put in the last years and will be done in the next period, to guarantee that all the proposed tools and identified R&I priorities are fully in line with the needs of the Customers as well as the Industries and the Research Centres.
Intensys4EU cover picture