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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ENCIRCLE (European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-03-10 bis 2021-09-09

The ENCIRCLE project has developed a structured and comprehensive approach to facilitate the development of an EU CBRN competitive and sustainable industrial sector in the global market, capable of improving EU resilience to CBRN new threats and attacks.
This approach has resulted in five main objectives and results:
1. Create an open and neutral EU CBRN cluster.
• The communities have been enlarged and now has 141 registered organisation in the Technological community and 94 practitioner organisations. 279 tools are in the ENCIRCLE sustainable and secure dynamic catalogue and 39 finished and running projects are listed in the catalogue.
2. Provide a sustainable and flexible vision and roadmap for the development of the European CBRN market and innovations.
• The ENCIRCLE Needs and gaps analysis and workshops have concentrated on short term requirements to match the 2017, 2019 and 2020 topic calls. The final list of needs and gaps, taking into account all the updates over the whole project duration, has been generated at the end of the project. The innovation roadmaps for CBRN Cluster Part B projects has been created.
3. Provide integration with platforms (systems, tools, services, products) by proposing standardized interfaces and future EU standards to integrate CBRN technologies and innovations developed from the Part b projects of the H2020-SEC-05-DRS CBRN Cluster call
• Standards and Interfaces have been collected and assessed and the project has actively collaborated with Stair4Securtiy in the Standards arena A Human Factors questionnaire has been developed and disseminated among different EU projects and human factors reports have been generated and are available in the ENCIRCLE Catalogue. A Facility in the ENCIRCLE dynamic catalogue has been implemented to highlight integration platforms.
4. Support CBRN safety, security and defence commercial and market services.
• A number of surveys were conducted on financial instruments and these are available on the ENCIRCLE project site. A business maturity model was developed and implemented with all of the Part B DRS04 Projects so that the projects can be baselined and gaps understood for future support. Funding schemes at national and EU have been identified and highlighted as resources. In addition two market analysis reports have been be issued and are available in the ENCIRCLE Catalogue Networks and Forum in the resources folder.
5. Improve and facilitate European CBRN dissemination and exploitation.
• The EDEN platform information has been incorporated in the ENCIRCLE platform. The cluster has reported publicly all results whilst respecting IPR and confidentiality. Business developments have been assessed although no business deals to date can be reported. All the project resources will be publicly available on CORDIS when the project ends. ENCIRCLE has supported and conducted many dissemination activities during the course of the project as described in the previous sections at conferences and exhibitions and the COU and SRE events have been supported. Relevant results and innovations have been communicated directly or indirectly via the COU with DG ECHO and the Centres of Excellence. An exploitation and sustainability plan for the cluster has been proposed and is under review which paves the way for the future of the cluster.
Overall conclusions: The project has successfully met its objectives and has put in place a framework, tools, resources and community to support and improve CBRN business innovation.
The ENCIRCLE dynamic catalogue now has 141 registered organisation in the Technological community and 94 practitioner organisations (not including 15 consortium organizations). 278 tools are in the ENCIRCLE dynamic catalogue and 39 finished and running projects are listed in the catalogue
The ENCIRCLE Needs and gaps analysis and workshops have concentrated on short term requirements to match the 2017, 2019 and 2020 topic calls. The final list of needs and gaps, taking into account all the updates over the whole project duration, has been generated at the end of the project.
The innovation roadmaps for CBRN Cluster Part B projects have been created.
Standards and Interfaces have been collected and assessed and the project has actively collaborated with Stair4Security in the Standards arena
A Human factors questionnaire has been developed and disseminated among different EU projects and human factors reports have been generated and are available on the ENCIRCLE website.
A Facility in the ENCIRCLE dynamic catalogue has been implemented to highlight integration platforms.
A number of surveys were conducted on financial instruments and these are available on the ENCIRCLE project site.
A business maturity model was developed and implemented with all of the Part B DRS04 so the projects can be baselined and gaps understood for future support.
Two market analysis reports have been be issued and are available in the ENCIRCLE Catalogue Networks and Forum in the resources folder.
- The needs and gaps from the EDEN project have been updated and relationships are in place with the practitioner networks. These needs and gaps have been prioritised for the DRS calls in collaboration with the practitioner and technological communities and DG HOME. The ENCIRCLE market surveys have provided an early indication in the change of needs such as the increased emphasis on the biological threat and the improvements required for information management and DIM
- The ENCIRCLE Dynamic Catalogue contains nearly 300 registered organisations and nearly 300 tools. The innovation watch resource is operational and includes an “innovation watch” widget which presents potential interesting novel innovations and a “radar” widget that provides a pre-analysis on on-going developments in the field of CBRN.
- Links to financial instruments to support innovations are available on the ENCIRCLE project site. ENCIRCLE has been working with TERRIFFIC, COSMIC and EU-SENSE and latterly SERSing and EU-RADION in supporting their innovations and tool kits are being put in place to support the 2019 and 2020 projects when the ENCIRCLE project finishes.
As part of the project support IPR assessments and business maturity assessments have been made to start to support their needs
- An ENCIRCLE Toolkit has been generated to support the DRS04 projects when ENCIRCLE completes.
- The recommendations for the topics in the 2017, 2019 and 2020 DRS Calls were successfully completed.
- An integration report has been produced and an interface and standards collection and assessment exercise has been conducted. Within the ENCIRCLE Resources on the network and forum Resource site the latest integration report and standards database can be found.
- A Market analysis was conducted and is also posted in the ENCIRCLE Dynamic Catalogue Network and groups forum in the resources folder. An updated market analysis has been conducted which considers Needs and gaps, standards, procurement, policy and the market and was made available from October 2020 in the same repository. This report was further refined in 2021.
- Interfaces to allow better integration of CBRN solutions were collected and workshops conducted in 2019. Recommendations have been made for more standardised communication protocols and for Civil Protection symbology to aid integration and interoperability.
Issue 3 of the ENCIRCLE Magazine
Issue 4 of the ENCIRCLE Magazine
ENCIRCLE Cluster Dynamic Catalogue