At the project outset, only one singular MOF (DUT-49, DUT = Dresden University of Technology) was recognized as pressure amplifying dynamic material for limited gases such as methane and butane. Within the project, conditions were identified to achieve pressure amplification with DUT-49 using a wide variety of gases, temperatures (67 – 308 K) and pressure range, establishing NGA as a general phenomenon. Significant progress towards the fundamental understanding of NGA in DUT-49 was achieved regarding the critical impact of metal content, crystallite size, pore filling mechanism. Systematic study of flexibility and NGA using inert gases and hydrocarbons in the broad pressure and temperature range allows to derive the empirical equations, allowing to predict the NGA and flexibility for a variety of fluids. A crucial methodology developed is in situ adsorption experimentation in parallel to advanced diffraction and spectroscopic techniques, but also sophisticated theoretical calculations allow assessing the conditions, required for NGA. Subsequently, a complete energy surface has been charted indicating the possible pathways and energy barriers. Based on this knowledge, new NGA materials for example DUT-50, DUT-147, DUT-148, DUT-160 and DUT-161 were identified as pressure amplifying porous solids. An exciting fluorescence and optical properties could be observed in DUT-140(Cu). The study on influence of metal ion in the paddle-wheel on the stability of the framework allowed to identify DUT-49(Ni) as potential candidate for further studies of NGA properties. The study of the desolvation mechanism by in situ PXRD confirmed this finding. Significant efforts have been made in terms of identifying the existing and new MOFs and COFs, showing NGA phenomenon, however, the desired stress/strain conditions could not be reached and only adsorption-induced breathing could be reached in DUT-13 and DUT-190 frameworks. In turns, interesting acidochromic effects have been observed in the new covalent-organic frameworks DUT-175 and DUT-176. Due to the softness of this class of materials the NGA phenomenon is not expected. Implementation of photoactive azo-group in the ligand leads to DUT-163 solid showing NGA. At defined pressure and temperature, pressure and gas loading conditions the irradiation of the MOF by UV light triggered the transition in the cp phase. In depth studies of CO2 induced transitions in DUT-49 and DUT-50 proved the concept of pressure amplification devices, based on this solid.