Risultati finali
Report on the results of the survey on general consumer behaviour and habits of use
Delivery and update of performance indicators
Update of impact indicator
"Update Report summarising the: - background documents on how EU legislative initiatives influence national legislation and consumers' role in renewable energy markets - overview of European and Natinal practices - review of the KPI ""number of policy"""
"Update Report summarising the: - background documents on how EU legislative initiatives influence national legislation and consumers' role in renewable energy markets - overview of European and Natinal practices - review of the KPI ""number of policy"""
Report over national campaigns and advocacyReport summarising the result of optimization potential of existing RES and optimisation of use
Update of report summarizing publications (policy papers, factsheets) and communication
Report on the results of the changing behaviour survey
"Report summarising the: - background documents on how EU legislative initiatives influence national legislation and consumers' role in renewable energy markets - overview of European and Natinal practices - review of the KPI ""number of policy"""
"Report summarising the: - background documents on how EU legislative initiatives influence national legislation and consumers' role in renewable energy markets - overview of European and Natinal practices - review of the KPI ""number of policy"""
Report summarising the National dissemination activitiesReport summarizing publications (policy papers, factsheets) and communication
Report summarising BEUC dissemination activities
Overview of the main physical campaigns and results (plus learnings)
Report on the relevant Energy Consumption Segments in the Residential Sector
Working RES communities integrated in Italy main consumer organisation website
Decision making tool also available in the main websites of the 4 countries
Overview of the press releases in each country plus reach-out in national press
Overview of the press releases in each country plus reachout in national press
Update Overview of the main physical campaigns and results (plus learnings)Update of the Overview of articles published in consumers associations magazines
Overview of articles published in consumers associations magazines
Development of personalised heat pump for heating and cooling tool
Working RES communities integrated in Spain main consumer organisation website
Working RES communities integrated in Belgium main consumer organisation website
Update overview of the press releases in each country plus reach-out in national press
Development of the PV kit tool optimisation
Working RES communities integrated in Portugal main consumer organisation website
Lobsiger-Kägi, Evelyn
Tomic, Uros
Spiess, Harry
Kuehn, Tobias
Carabias-Hütter, Vicente
Pubblicato in:
BEHAVE 2018 - 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, 2018
Winterthur:ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Hackenfort, Markus
Carabias-Hütter, Vicente
Hartmann, Cathérine
Janser, Marcel
Schwarz, Natalie
Stücheli-Herlach, Peter
Pubblicato in:
BEHAVE 2018, Numero annual, 2018
Züric: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Ernesto Taurino, Antonella Bernetti, Antonio Caputo, Marco Cordella, Riccardo De Lauretis, Ilaria D’Elia
(ENEA), Eleonora Di Cristofaro, Andrea Gagna, Barbara Gonella, Federica Moricci, Emanuele Peschi,
Daniela Romano, Marina Vitullo
Pubblicato in:
ISPRA, Rapporti 319/2020, Numero ISPRA, Rapporti 319/2020, 2020, Pagina/e 220, ISBN 978-88-448-0994-2
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