CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services


Pionierarbeit für eine nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft mittels Zusammenarbeit

Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und seine Einflüsse haben unterstrichen, welch große Bedeutung der Schutz der Natur, der biologischen Vielfalt und der Ökosysteme innehaben, um weitere Schäden für Mensch und Tier zu verhindern. Die Forstwirtschaft spielt in diesem Zusammenhang eine wichtige Rolle, da sie wesentlich zur biologischen Vielfalt beiträgt und die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen verbessert. Ohne die nötige Innovation und konzertierte Anstrengungen wird es allerdings schwierig, sinnvolle Veränderungen zu bewirken. Angesichts der zu erwartenden zuspitzenden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zielt das EU-finanzierte Projekt InnoForESt darauf ab, Innovationsschaffende und Innovationen in ganz Europa zu vereinen, zu unterstützen und zu inspirieren, die sich vorrangig mit der nachhaltigen Bereitstellung und Finanzierung von Waldökosystemleistungen befassen. Außerdem wird das Projekt mit Interessengruppen und Verantwortlichen der Politik zusammenarbeiten, um wichtige Reformen in diesem Bereich durchzusetzen.


The objective of InnoForESt is to spark a transformation of the European forest sector by stimulating innovations for the sustainable supply and financing of forest ecosystem services. The project will support the governance of viable innovations and a multi-actor network by building on pioneer policy tools and business models, by establishing new alliances, and by involving key stakeholders from forest and forest-related policy, administration and business. InnoForESt will establish six real world pilots that represent a range of successful coordination approaches and business models. The project will facilitate the transfer and up-scaling of existing niche models identified and the development of new innovations, to demonstrate the feasibility of alternative income streams from a diverse set forest ecosystem services. The case study regions represent a variety of biophysical conditions and institutional settings across Europe. The core elements of InnoForESt are: (i) multi-actor networks, (ii) digital and physical innovation platforms, (iii) facilitated innovation processes for business and policy making, (iv) information generation and support for future national and EU forest policy making. Within the networks, stakeholders will exchange ideas, knowledge and practices. InnoForESt has already engaged a broad set of practice partners to establish the core of the networks. The innovation platforms will function as hubs and as spaces for exchange and learning. The project will scale up the results to the European level, making use of the thorough understanding of Europe’s social-ecological landscape as well as sustainability impacts of different governance mechanisms. The lessons will feed into a roadmap for the provision of forest ecosystem service bundles and a broad range of dissemination and communication activities. Ultimately, this will lead to better policy coordination, the well-being of EU citizens and the ecological integrity of forest ecosystems.

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