CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

DyViTo: Dynamics in Vision and Touch - the look and feel of stuff


Data Management Plan (DMP)

In month 1, as part of the Launch 3-day meeting we will develop a draft of the DyViTo’s Data Management Plan (DMP). We will discuss and refine the implementation of our agreed approach to Open Science and data management detailing what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved. The network wide-approach will ensure an international and inter-sectoral spread of best practice across the DyViTo partners. We plan to draw on the support services provided by Digital Curation Centre (DCC)70 and intend to have a member of their staff attend this meeting. The DMP will be finalized at the TA3: Complementary Skills Workshop A, month 5 with input from the ESRs, ensuring buy-in from all partners and ESRs as well as fostering a shared sense of ownership and responsibility for delivery. An Open Science Champion (Dr Andrew Logan, BRAD) will help the SB oversee training in aspects of dissemination and data management across network events and TAs and monitor delivery of the DMP. The DyViTo DMP itself will be submitted as a deliverable in month 6.

TA4: Advanced Training Course 2 and TA5: Network Meeting 3 with International Advisory panel in attendance (4 days)

Lead BILK (with support from UNEW). With up to 20 external participants, deliver in-depth scientific knowledge from experts at the highest international level, through extended (1.5–3 hour) lectures in their area of expertise. To provide training to researchers beyond DyViTo and to increase the visibility of the MCSA-ITN/ETN action, courses will be open to external participants. Selected lectures will be recorded and posted for download on the DyViTo website, along with course material (slides/handouts) from all lectures. To further outreach and dissemination, a widely advertised Public Lecture on a topic of broad interest will be held once in each course; it will be video recoded for upload on DyViTo’s and partners’ YouTube/Vimeo channels and websites. External speakers and network members will deliver course lectures. DyViTo partners personally know the proposed speakers and have already communicated with them regarding their participation in the courses. For each event, ESRs will help organize the courses, thereby gaining valuable organizational experience

TA3: Complementary Skills Workshops B and TA5: Network Meeting 5 (4 days)

Lead UNIZAR with support from LED and ALLE TA3 Complementary Skills Workshop B Excellence in Research and Innovation month 37 collocated with TA5 Network Meeting 5 The contents of the Course Modules were carefully selected using input from all partners to guarantee crossdiscipline and crosssector consensus on the required competencies and will be delivered by network partners from all sectors and appropriate external presenters and facilitators

Family activities for school half-term hosted by at NMeM and 3 ESRs

One of the scheduled outreach and disseminating events that each ESR completes as part of their secondment to one of our museum partners aimed at young family activities for school halfterm holiday As can be seen from the letter of commitment from the NMeM our partner has extensive experience and success in delivering outreach activities that attract the members of the black and minority ethnic community that is often underrepresented as museum visitor

Workshops for schools during the Bradford Science Festival hosted by NMeM and 3 ESRs

One of the scheduled outreach and disseminating events that each ESR completes as part of their secondment to one of our museum partners This will be a workshop activates for schools during the Bradford Science Festival and month As can be seen from the letter of commitment from the NMeM our partner has extensive experience and success in delivering outreach activities that attract the members of the black and minority ethnic community that is often underrepresented as museum visitor

DyViTo Industry Conference (2+1 days)

ARUP is coorganizer with DELFT of the DyViTo Industry conference month 45 collocated with TA5 Network Meeting 6 and will leverage their extensive international network of designers and technical specialists to help disseminate many of the networks deliverables The DyViTo Industry conference will be an invaluable opportunity to engage with a targeted group of prospective endusers of our collective research The format of the meeting will include projectspecific presentations delivered by ESRs thematic discussion sessions focused on cuttingedge research questions and dedicated time for effective networking In addition to disseminating our outputs to key industrial stakeholders this conference will afford us the opportunity to work with industry experts to exploit any previously unrealized application of our work

Researcher Night/'Lates' events for young adults hosted by NG (+ 2 ESRs) and NMeM (+ 3 ESRs)

One of the scheduled outreach and disseminating events that each ESR completes as part of their secondment to one of our museum partners This will be part of Researchers Night or a Lates events for young adults

TA5: Network Meeting

TA5 Network Meeting this is collocated with DyViTo Industry conference month 45 The DyViTo Supervisory Board which will include ESR representatives formally meets to carry out the final review the quality of the networkwide training of ESRs and monitor each ESRs PDPP for outcomes achieved The collocation with DyViTo Industry conference will facilitate additional ESRs training in effective approaches for presenting research to nonacademic industrial partners and the opportunity to establish connections with prospective employers

TA4: Advanced Training Course 1 and TA5: Network Meeting 2 (4 days)

Lead GIESS (with support from UULM). With up to 20 external participants, deliver in-depth scientific knowledge from experts at the highest international level, through extended (1.5–3 hour) lectures in their area of expertise. To provide training to researchers beyond DyViTo and to increase the visibility of the MCSA-ITN/ETN action, courses will be open to external participants. Selected lectures will be recorded and posted for download on the DyViTo website, along with course material (slides/handouts) from all lectures. To further outreach and dissemination, a widely advertised Public Lecture on a topic of broad interest will be held once in each course; it will be video recoded for upload on DyViTo’s and partners’ YouTube/Vimeo channels and websites. External speakers and network members will deliver course lectures. DyViTo partners personally know the proposed speakers and have already communicated with them regarding their participation in the courses. For each event, ESRs will help organize the courses, thereby gaining valuable organizational experience

DyViTo Supervisory Board established

The DyViTo Supervisory Board is the primary management structure for developing, monitoring and delivering excellence in research, training and innovation within DyViTo. It consists of representatives from all partners and beneficiaries and 3 seats on the board are reserved for ESRs, on 9 month offset rotations.

TA4: Advanced Training Course 3 and TA5: Network Meeting 4 (4 days)

Lead CAM with support from SOTON With up to 20 external participants deliver indepth scientific knowledge from experts at the highest international level through extended 153 hour lectures in their area of expertise To provide training to researchers beyond DyViTo and to increase the visibility of the MCSAITNETN action courses will be open to external participants Selected lectures will be recorded and posted for download on the DyViTo website along with course material slideshandouts from all lectures To further outreach and dissemination a widely advertised Public Lecture on a topic of broad interest will be held once in each course it will be video recoded for upload on DyViTos and partners YouTubeVimeo channels and websites External speakers and network members will deliver course lectures DyViTo partners personally know the proposed speakers and have already communicated with them regarding their participation in the courses For each event ESRs will help organize the courses thereby gaining valuable organizational experience

TA3: Complementary Skills Workshops A and TA5: Network Meeting 1 (4 days)

Lead beneficiary: NMeM (with support from BRAD) TA3: Complementary Skills Workshops A: Responsible Research and Public Communication This 4-day workshop draws on the expertise of one of our non-academic partners NMeM (the workshop host) and other external experts as well as academic and non-academic DyViTo members. It is scheduled soon after the ESR recruitment is complete to ensure that the crucially important aspects of RRI are embedded from the beginning in their training and research. The collaborative and network wide approach to establishing the DyViTo Communication and Public Engagement Strategy as well as the dissemination and Data Management Plan (DMP) ensures buy-in from all partners and ESRs as well as a shared sense of ownership and responsibility for delivery and allows for an international and intersectoral spread of best practice across DyViTo network.

ESR positions advertised

Due month is -2 but websystem will not allow entry less than 1. Job announcements will be made as early as possible to ensure ample time for screening candidates, including time for two rounds where necessary to recruit the highest calibre of applicant. Vacancies will be advertised through the following channels to maximize visibility: (1) The ‘Jobs’ section of the DyViTo, EURAXESS and host institutions’ websites; (2) mailing lists and social media channels (both community-run and institutional); (3) high visibility journal postings (e.g. Nature jobs, Scientific American); (4) word-of-mouth with international colleagues outside the network; (5) postings at conferences; (6) Master’s programmes within and outside the network.

DyViTo website goes live

The website goes live (public) and includes consortium and project information. Blog entries, news and events will be updated on an ongoing basis until month 47.

Blog Entries and Video Tutorials (date indicates final posting)

Through the use of use of social media blog entries on DyViTos and partners websites and video tutorials on DyViTos and partners YouTubeVimeo channels and websites we will raise DyViTos public profile beyond that which could be achieved by each partner alone and help raise awareness of the MCSAITNETN schemes to the wider public Specifically each ESR will prepare one blog entry per year describing an aspect of their research and training in a way designed to stimulate interest in a specific nonspecialist target audience total 33 monthly entries NMeM staff will provide expert feedback on the ESRs first blog to help them develop an appropriate writing style and content tailored to their target audience This will contribute to the delivery of the DyViTo Communication Strategy by supplementing the scheduled outreach and disseminating events that each ESR completes as part of their secondment to one of our museum partners

Percpetual gloss standard

Delivered by Fellow: GIESS -ESR06 in collaboration with SCHLENK_Maile & Kuntz post industrial secondment. Report on the development and validation of a perceptually based end-to-end standard for measuring and communicating the characteristics (including dynamic aspects) of high gloss materials.

Temporal Dynamics of Context Dependent Visual Processing

Delivered after secondment of Fellow BILKESR08 to UNEWHurlbert Report on the time course of the underlying neural mechanisms involved in perceiving dynamic temporal illumination changes

Softness perception

Delivered by Fellow: GIESS-ESR7. Report on the the time course of haptic and visual interactions for softness perception.

Chromatic light field effects

In collaboration with UNEW and ARUP delivered by Fellow DELFTESR04 Extend DELFTs light field framework to the spectral domain Use real light on objects to explore light field effects in full room settings

Multisensory processing underlying predicted tactile consequences

Delivered by Fellow CAMESR02 Report describing characteristics of the functional interactions between visual signals and activity in somatosensory cortex and the temporal dynamics and causal aspects of these interactions

Integration or repulsion

Delivered by Fellow SOTONESR10 Report on how visual and haptic cues interact to influence explicit perceptual and implicit estimates of material properties inlcuding predictions of conditions that will lead to integration or repulsion effects

Perceptual characterisation of LEDs

Joint with LEDMOTIVE delivered by Fellow UNEWESR11 Report on physical measurements and computational modelling to identify the characteristics of LEDs likely to need further perceptual characterisation

Learning combinations of vision and touch

Delivered by Fellow UULMESR09 Report on the factors associated risk parameter vs structural that affect the time it takes to learn new relationships between haptic and visual cues for manipulating materials

Recognising materials over time

Report delivered by Fellow BRADESR01 on how humans ability to recognise real and virtual materials is affected by temporal and dynamic effects such as movement and agingwear of materials

Perceptual Editing for Virtual Dynamic Materials

Delivery by Fellow UNIZARESR05 of prototype software that allows user to intuitively modify virtual material appearance taking into account dynamic aspects of material perception

Lighting design tools that work with light field parameters

Delivery by Fellow DELFTESR04 of prototype lighting design tools that combine physical measurements with behavioral psychophysics and computational modelling for real and virtual spaces that work with light field parameters instead of traditional surface illuminances

Perceptual Appearance Design for Product Experience

Delivery by Fellow DELFTESR03 of simple setup for products which enables their display under virtual dynamic illumination and easy to use interface to support nonexpert users in the design of product presentations


Colour Variations Within Light Fields: Interreflections and Colour Effects

Autoren: Yu, C., Eisemann, E., & Pont, S.
Veröffentlicht in: 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2019, 2019
Herausgeber: Sage Journals
DOI: 10.1177/0301006619863862

A practical and efficient approach for correct z-pass stencil shadow volumes

Autoren: Baran Usta, Leonardo Scandolo, Markus Billeter, Ricardo Marroquim, Elmar Eisemann
Veröffentlicht in: High-Performance Graphics - Short Papers, 2019, ISSN 2079-8687
Herausgeber: The Eurographics Association

Scale ambiguities in material recognition

Autoren: Jacob Cheesseman, Filipp Scmidt, Roland Fleming
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 European Conference on Visual Perception, 2019, Seite(n) 141-141
Herausgeber: European Conference on Visual Perception

The many dimensions underlying perceived softness

Autoren: Muge Cavdan, Katja Doerschner, Knut Drewing
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 Material Science and Haptics Workshop, 2019
Herausgeber: Material Science and Haptics Workshop

The temporal dynamics of daylight: Speed limits on perception

Autoren: Ruben Pastilha, Guarav Gupta, Naomi Gross, Anya Hurlbert
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, 2019, Seite(n) 43-43
Herausgeber: Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society

The Effect of Motion on the Perception of Material Appearance

Autoren: Ruiquan Mao, Manuel Lagunas, Belen Masia, Diego Gutierrez
Veröffentlicht in: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019 on - SAP '19, 2019, Seite(n) 1-9, ISBN 9781-450368902
Herausgeber: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3343036.3343122

Visual and Haptic Softness Perception

Autoren: Muge Cavdan, Knut Drewing, Katja Doerschner
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 European Conference on Visual Perception, 2019, Seite(n) 416-416
Herausgeber: European Conference on Visual Perception

Speed limits on seeing temporal changes in daylight

Autoren: Ruben C Pastilha, Gaurav Gupta, Anya Hurlbert
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Vision, Ausgabe 19/10, 2019, Seite(n) 296d, ISSN 1534-7362
Herausgeber: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
DOI: 10.1167/19.10.296d

Colour Variations within Light Fields: Interreflections and Colour Effect

Autoren: Cehao Yu, Elmar Eisemann, Sylvia Pont
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 European Conference on Visual Perception, 2019, Seite(n) 210-210
Herausgeber: European Conference on Visual Perception

Sensitivity to gloss

Autoren: Jacob R. Cheeseman, Roland W. Fleming
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Vision, Ausgabe 19/10, 2019, Seite(n) 251c, ISSN 1534-7362
Herausgeber: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
DOI: 10.1167/19.10.251c

The many dimensions underlying perceived softness: How exploratory procedures are influenced by material and the perceptual task *

Autoren: Muge Cavdan, Katja Doerschner, Knut Drewing
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 2019, Seite(n) 437-442, ISBN 978-1-5386-9461-9
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/whc.2019.8816088

Recognising Materials Over Time

Autoren: Elisabeth De Korte, Andrew Logan, Marina Bloj
Veröffentlicht in: 2019 European Conference on Visual Perception, 2019, Seite(n) 729-729
Herausgeber: European Conference on Visual Perception

From Hate to Love: How Learning Can Change Affective Responses to Touched Materials

Autoren: Müge Cavdan, Alexander Freund, Anna-Klara Trieschmann, Katja Doerschner, Knut Drewing
Veröffentlicht in: Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications - 12th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 6–9, 2020, Proceedings, Ausgabe 12272, 2020, Seite(n) 60-68, ISBN 978-3-030-58146-6
Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58147-3_7

A Practical and Efficient Approach for Correct Z-Pass Stencil Shadow Volumes

Autoren: Baran Usta, Leonardo Scandolo, Markus Billeter, Ricardo Marroquim, Elmar Eisemann
Veröffentlicht in: High-Performance Graphics (2019), 2019
Herausgeber: The Eurographics Association
DOI: 10.2312/hpg.20191195

Ultra-high field neuroimaging reveals fine-scale processing for 3D perception

Autoren: Ng AKT, Jia K, Goncalves NR, Zamboni E, Kemper V, Goebel R, Welchman AE, Kourtzi Z
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, ISSN 1529-2401
Herausgeber: Journal of Neuroscience
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0065-21.2021

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