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KETBIO: A novel cluster model to bring KEY ENABLING BIOTECHNOLOGY research closer to markets and society

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - KETBIO (KETBIO: A novel cluster model to bring KEY ENABLING BIOTECHNOLOGY research closer to markets and society)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-10-01 bis 2020-08-31

Biotechnology and the development of bio-based products and processes are important in order to help solve some of the world’s grand challenges, such as mitigating climate change, alternatives to fossil fuel, and new materials and products as alternatives to plastics for example. A substantial amount of EU funding has already been leveraged by both academia and industry for research in this area. It has been recognised that more could be done to help commercialise the excellent science and speed up time to market. KETBIO was funded to help address this market uptake.
The overall objective has been to speed up the process of industrial exploitation and uptake of EU-funded KET Biotechnology project results by establishing a novel KET biotechnology cluster and delivering an innovative impact acceleration programme with and for the cluster, thus maximizing:
1) access to existing technology and its transfer activities and new cooperation partners throughout Europe for biotechnology projects,
2) exploitation of synergies and sharing of best practice beyond the original biotechnology projects scope, and
3) streamlining of activities of common interest relevant to biotechnology projects.
In order to reach these goals, KETBIO
- set up an interactive platform, the KETBIO Cluster Hub. It served as a networking platform, hosted online events, showcased projects, provided information and was the central tool of the project
- screened more than 300 EU-funded projects and performed 79 in-depth interviews. From these, the top 30 projects were selected by experts. They received targeted advice. In an open competition, the FlexJet project was voted as the most innovative project and received the KETBIO award.
- organized online partnerings with 1:1 meeting opportunities, presentations and discussions.
- organized 20 webinars showcasing projects and providing background information on relevant issues such as communications, IP handling or how to attract investors.
- organized roadshow events
- analyzed market opportunities for biobased innovation and assembled recommendations for prospective founders in hands-on documents.
The webinar recordings, articles and more information are accessible at
The project consists of seven work packages:
Work Package 1 covers all aspects of project management, from the coordination of the project activities and communication with the Commission to the day-to-day operations within the consortium. On all levels, rules and tools were introduced to ensure a timely and effective communication which was readily understood and accepted by all partners.
Work package 2 is focussed on the identification and review of suitable biotech projects from FP7 and H2020 programmes. A systematic approach was used to ensure impartiality across different reviewers and project types. Projects were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using set criteria to draw out those projects that appear to have potential for industrial exploitation. In total, up to end of September 2019, 303 projects were identified. 135 of those were found to be relevant Out of these projects 79 interviews have been held. The first 30 projects were evaluated with technology transfer and commercial perspective and additional market evaluations.
Under work package 3, the KETBIO Cluster as a focal point for EU biotechnology projects and stakeholders was established. The first cohorts of expert groups (online working groups) were recruited to establish the e-Academy within the KETBIO Cluster as a vehicle to drive knowledge exchange and sharing of best practice. The dedicated online hub for the KETBIO Cluster as enabler for viable and interactive communication in the EU biotech research and innovation area was created and tested.
Based on the technical platform of the KETBIO Online Cluster Hub, a number of interactive offerings are organized and managed by the KETBIO consortium in work package 4. This includes the establishment of a network and broad biotech cluster within Europe and beyond, the promotion and sharing of best practices, partnering events (online/ onsite), and an e-Academy that includes the organisation of webinars that are recorded and made available as a lecture database. All activities have been successfully implemented.
Work package 5 prepared reports on current and future market trends for bio-based products and processes and point out the opportunities for growth, using insights from the project evaluation as well as from interactions via the other KETBIO activities. Examples of new organisations, technologies and products that have been launched were used as case studies to look for best practice and what works well. Evaluation of the trends gave a view on where the sweet spots and best markets are for future investment from both the public purse and private funding to drive growth in Europe.
Work package 6 has developed a dedicated and target group related strategy for dissemination and exploitation including the monitoring of project results, together with a communication and dissemination plan that serves as an action plan to put the strategy into practice. All activities were focussed on overcoming the barriers to better commercialisation of biotechnology research results by communicating key developments; by increasing the visibility of biotech projects and promoting their results via a cascade of communication channels. Networking and syndication opportunities with other platforms and stakeholders have been enhanced to foster the knowledge and technology transfer activities. To meet these goals a wide range of communication materials have been produced and disseminated (online & print); social media campaigns have been implemented, project results have been showcased during roadshows and workshops at industry events to facilitate the commercialisation of biotech research results.
The research carried out in the KETBIO project involves human participants who are all volunteers and who give informed consent to participation. Ethics requirements have been formulated, the necessary forms for informed consent and the rules for data handling as well as all templates have been prepared and documented in work package 7.
All activities carried out contributed to delivery of the 5 identified key impact areas:
Impact 1: Speeding up industrial exploitation and uptake of results of KET Biotechnology and other
Biotechnology projects.
Impact 2: Stimulating network and alliance formation for further RTD and industrial innovation based on
KET Biotechnology achievements, including development and practical application of a clustering model.
Impact 3: Added value beyond the original scope of the KET Biotechnology projects by exploiting synergies
and sharing best practice. Increased public, policy and non-specialist awareness of the activities in this area
by targeted communication activities.
Impact 4: More effective execution of activities of common value, such as IPR management, standardisation
and policymaking.
Impact 5 – Increasing connectivity of projects and stakeholders along and across value chains.
As an example, thanks to the KETBIO biotechnology cluster e, an e-Academy delivering a series of thematic and horizontal webinars, partnering events, significant progress towards KETBIO impact 2 was made. This is also true of impact 3 where targeted and extensive publicity and engagement strategies have been developed and implemented.