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Development of a Decision Support System for increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure based on combined use of terrestrial and airborne sensors and advanced modelling tools

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PANOPTIS (Development of a Decision Support System for increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure based on combined use of terrestrial and airborne sensors and advanced modelling tools)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-12-01 al 2022-05-31

PANOPTIS aims at increasing the resilience of the road infrastructures under unfavourable conditions,
such as extreme weather, landslides, and earthquakes. The project develops an application that
combines climate change scenarios with simulation tools and actual data, so as to better manage the
infrastructures and enable an increase of the mobility by 30%.
Compared to existing systems, PANOPTIS will:
- use high resolution modeling data for the assessment of the climatic risks;
- use existing structural health monitoring data with new types of sensor-generated data to determine
accurately the infrastructure vulnerability;
- utilize tailored weather forecasts combining all available data sources for specific hot-spots,
providing early warnings with corresponding impact assessment in real time;
- develop improved multi-temporal, multi-sensor UAV- and satellite-based observations with robust
data processing to provide accurate damage diagnostics;
- design and implement a Holistic Resilience Assessment Platform that will permit a quantitative
resilience assessment;
- design and implement a Common Operational Picture that will be useful for all actors to monitor
and adapt in near real time the traffic as a function of the events.
All the project objectives (for phase 1) are fulfilled and for the system development are ahead of
During Period 2, the sensors were deployed in the two pilots sites (Spain and Greece) and all the
system components were connected to the syetem middleware. All the system data are now accessible
from anywhere in this secured cloud middleware. The integration of V1 was continued and is now
nearly completed, at the exception of the UAVs that could not be deployed and flown due to Covid.
The tests of V1 started in the beginning of P3.
Period 3 was dedicated to the finalisation iof the integration and the deployment in Spain and in Greece. A long peruiod of tests was performed in Spain by ACCIONA with regular feed-back towards the technical partners to enhace the system capability incrementally (with new applications being integrated to satisfy the end-users requests. The project terminated with a full test and demonstration session in Northern Greece to verify that the prototype fulfilled the expectations of bthe project. All the end-users were very satisfied with the results.
The work performed during the first period started by creating the project processes and tools (management process, plans for the different actions, dissemination tools). In parallel, WP2 was implemented and created the end-user requirements referential, the system specifications and the system design. After the validation of all these elements, the technical WPs (WP3, 4, 5 and 6) started to specify in detail their components and produced a detail design of all these components, including all the interfaces (external and internal). After the Critical design reviews of these components, the developments started. In parallel, the integration platforms were designed. At the end of the first period, the project middleware is fully operational. The hazards models are ready in version 1 and the first terrain installation are completed in Spain and started in Greece.
In period 2, the integration of the system started by the installation of the new in situ sensors (weather stations) and the connection of the legacy sensors (cameras, accelerometers). All the elements were connected to the middleware so the data are accessible from anywhere, including the demo sites at Spain and Greece. The hazard models were completed and calibrated. Due to the difficulties to travel, the installations and calibrations could not be terminated on time and the final integration of V1 will be fully completed mid-2021. The Hybrid UAV was tested in Twente as no deployment was possible neither in Spain nor in Greece. However, VTOL UAVs were used by the road operators at the demo sites (ACCIONA and EGNATIA ODOS) to create 3D models by photogrammetry, so the required data are available for the real test flights. The Information management system/HRAP was prepared and the remote tests should start in June 2021.
In period 3, the system was fully integrated. All the ground sensors were physically integrated. The system backbone, constituted by the middleware stored in a private cloud and the Information system is accessible through internet, which is an improvement compared to the initial system design. No need for physical deployment, the system is accessible all over the world by authorised persons, provided an internet access is available. The integration phase was completed mid-2021 and the training of the end-users started in September. The first test sessions covered the period November-December to gather the major comments from ACCIONA and Egnatia Odos. From January to the beginning of MAy, the system was enhanced following a spiral development approach with regular and frequent meetings between technical partners and the end-users. The final version of the system was assessed as satisfactory and a final trial was performed in Metsovo, Greece, combining ACCIONa results and Egnatia Odos scenarios. The exploitation of PANOPTIS, supported by the Horizon Booster, are very promising as several possible customers are already discussing with the technican partners. The dissemination actions poved to be effective as the project has been nominated for the "Etoiles de l'Europe" in France.
For the modeling of hazards, the component that has been developed is unique in the world. The precision of the predictions on very small areas were never developed before at this level.
The risks modeling takes into account all the dimensions of the problems. It combines environmental data (ground, hydrology with the best vulnerability models of the infrastructures taken into account.
The remote observation sub-system integrates various UAVs integrated in the same Generic Ground Station (Hybrid and VTOL) so that all types of monitoring (from large area to detailed inspections) can be performed. An additional operational capability is brought by the satellite workstation.
The information system including the Holistic Risk Assessment Platform, command and control system, Incident Management System and Situation Picture is nearly ready and will soon integrate the end-users workflows.

The project, through workshops and dissemination efforts, has now a lot of followers and the user and stakeholders is growing regularly in Greece and in Spain but also in other European countries due to the various partners of the project.
Landslide risks in Egnatia Odos
Display of Motorway situation in real time
Bridge to be monitored near metsovo
Tunnel to be monitored