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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Widening the support for large scale uptake of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing


Report on assessment and recommendations

This deliverable will target the evaluation of the execution of the I2M plan. In the event that performance drops, special re-activation measures will be implemented. In addition, the best practices, lessons learnt and related know-how will be collected and internally shared, in particular with the teams working on the Blueprint strategy and the EIP on AHA WPs

Action Plans 2018-2020

The deliverable will contain the new Action Plans 2018-2020 co-developed in cooperation with the EIPonAHA Action Groups.

Report on EIPonAHA portal update

This deliverable will report the activities performed for the EIPonAHA portal maintenance and content development. Deliverable releases M12, M24, M40.

Final report

This deliverable will describe the overall activities performed and achieved results, offering recommendations for the sustainability of the three initiatives I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA.

Dissemination and communication plan

This deliverable will present the WE4AHA dissemination and communication plan. The plan will be updated along the project duration according to the project activities evolution. Deliverable releases: M6, M12, M24, M36, M40.

Third periodic report

This deliverable will report the activities performed by the WE4AHA consortium in the last reporting period.

Map of the European RS, including their key-elements

This deliverable will present the map of the existing and future Reference Sites pointing out the key elements featuring them. Deliverable releases: M18, M40

Annual content production reports

This deliverable will report the activities performed on yearly basis dealing with dissemination, communication and awareness raising actions. Deliverable releases: M12, M24, M36, M40.

Social media report

This deliverable will report the social media activities performed to reach the wide communities of stakeholders in the I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA. Deliverable releases M12, M24, M36, M40.

Action plan on synergies with R&I initiatives

An Action plan will be issued for strengthening synergies with R&I initiatives and programmes targeting AHA. ERRIN will continuously map the EU CSAs and R&I projects targeting the AHA with the aim of identifying source of cooperation and knowledge transfer. Furthermore, additional European, regional, national and International (WHO) key programmes addressing digital solutions for AHA will be identified for the creation of synergies and the establishment of communication links. Deliverable releases: M12, M24, M40.

Final key ICT enabling technologies and user scenarios supporting AHA

The deliverable will report on the final key ICT enabling technologies and user scenarios supporting AHA.

Final report on Action Plans 2018-2020 execution

This deliverable will report on the activities carried out by the EIPonAHA Action Groups for the implementation of the Action Plan 2018-2020.

Draft key ICT enabling technologies and user scenarios supporting AHA

The deliverable will report on the initial key ICT enabling technologies and user scenarios supporting AHA.

Advisory Board activity final report

This deliverable will report the activity carried out in cooperation with the Advisory Board accompanying the project execution from M25 to M40.

Blueprint updates and report on engagement progress

This deliverable will report about the activities implemented to support the updates of the Blueprint and on the stakeholders engagement progress. Deliverable releases: M12, M24, M36, M40.

Second periodic report

This deliverable will report the activities performed by the WE4AHA consortium in the second reporting period.

Report on Reference Site twinnings and thematic workshops

This deliverable will report on the new twinning pairs launched and financed within the project and the thematic workshops that will be organised for supporting the EIPonAHA Reference Sites activities.

Report on consultation for the development of the Action Plan 2018-2020

This deliverable will target the outcomes of the consultation for the development of the new EIPonAHA Action Plan 2018-2020.

Final report on Administrative Support

This deliverable will report the complet set of activities executed for the administrative support to the stakeholders involved in I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA.

First periodic report

This deliverable will report the activities performed by the WE4AHA consortium in the first reporting period.

Report on the Call for Engagement in the “Blueprint Digital Transformation of Health and Care for the Ageing Society”

This deliverable will report on activities and results for setting up a Call for Engagement in the Blueprint in order to capture capacity for the engagement of all stakeholders, including the initial champions. The call will seek diversity in stakeholders – industry, financial institutions, health and social care providers, insurers, research, public authorities. Call requirements will be elaborated in a main call document to be agreed with the EC. Deliverable releases: M20, M40.

Stakeholders engagement Action Plan

The deliverable will report the WE4AHA Action Plan to engage stakeholders through I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA. The Action Plan will be validated through a Workshop (M6) which will be specifically dedicated to point out good practices of collaboration mechanisms at local, regional and national level. The validated Action Plan will be transferred to WP3, WP4 and WP5 as a tool to foster engagement amongst the stakeholders in the three pillars. This deliverable will have the first issue on M6 and updates on M24 and M40.

Report on the online survey regarding collaboration mechanisms

ERRIN will carry out a large-scale online survey to learn more about the collaboration mechanisms of partners who are highly involved in cooperation and why it does not happen in the case of “isolated” actors and initiatives. The survey will reach all those stakeholders groups represented in the I2M community, the Blueprint key players and the EIPonAHA membership, including the Reference Sites. Identified stakeholders include: industry, financial institutions, investors, insurers, the research community health and care organisations, national and regional public authorities and governments. To carry out this exercise, ERRIN will make use of the already existing databases and mapping results available by the PROEIPAHA and Scale-AHA study (EIPonAHA Repository Innovative Practices, Commitment Tracker Tool and Policy Dashboard, RS twinning).

Innovation to Market (I2M) Plan and updates

This deliverable will report the development, jointly with the EC and all relevant mapped stakeholders, of the I2M plan and associated services. Deliverable releases M12, M24, M40.

Yearly Administrative Support report

This deliverable will report the yearly activities carried out to provide support to the stakeholders involved in the I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA. Deliverable releases: M12, M24, M36

Set of administrative services, tools and facilities

This deliverable will present the set of administrative services, tools and facilities which will be implemented to support stakeholders involved in the I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA. FUNKA will establish an Administrative Support Team (AST) composed by 4 managers specifically devoted to designing and providing administrative and back office services to partners and external stakeholders grouped under: • I2M: innovators, buyers/industry integrators, distribution networks and investors • Blueprint: champions and new comers • EIPonAHA: Action Groups coordinators and members • EIPonAHA: Reference Sites members The AST managers will be identified on the basis of their specific competences in each field of intervention in combination with proved communication, management and organisational skills. They will closely work with the WP3, WP4 and WP5 leaders to ensure comprehensive, effective and timely support. Regular check-point meetings/calls will be organised to verify the status of the administrative support and secure that the offered services will encounter the expectations of the stakeholders. Deliverable releases: M3, M15, M27

Report of MAFEIP outputs illustrating the impact on the EIPonAHA activities

This deliverable will report the activities performed for maintaining and improving the MAFEIP tool as well as supporting and enlarging the community of users around MAFEIP. The deliverable will take into consideration the result of the current study to “Support Services for the Management and Utilization of Monitoring and Assessment of the EIP-MAFEIP Tool” conducted by OE and funded by DG CNCT. The MAFEIP tool IT platform will be shaped accordingly to the needs of the users. The community of users and other stakeholders will be invited to reinforce the validity of the tool, adding new cases that illustrate the impact of the EIPonAHA activities. Lastly, the intention is to extend the MAFEIP community beyond the boundaries of the EIPonAHA domain, adding non EU-countries and international organisations such as the OECD and WHO. Deliverable releases: M12, M24, M40.

Map of investment and gap analysis

Based on a pan-European study led by ECHA in 2017 for the EC, this deliverable will continuously report the map, detecting new investment projects from public and private demand side stakeholders and buyers (national/regional/local governments, cities, health and social care providers, nursing homes, insurers and mutual/pension funds, end-users/consumer associations, etc.). Deliverable releases M6, M18, M36.

Report on new “Call for Reference Sites”

This deliverable will summarise the results of the forthcoming call aimed at enlarging the number of the EIPonAHA Reference Sites.

Set of dissemination material

This deliverable will comprise the set of dissemination material designed and delivered to promote the phases of development of the I2M, Blueprint and EIPonAHA. Materials will be distributed through the communication media identified by the project. Deliverable releases: M12, M40

Database of engaged stakeholders

A database of contacts gathering mapped and surveyed stakeholders group will be set-up for their further involvement in the project activities. The database will be continuously updated along the project life. Deliverable releases M12, M24 and M40.

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