CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders


Mehr Resilienz Europas im Angesicht von Sicherheitsherausforderungen

Die Sicherheitslandschaft der EU wird durch zwei kritischen Risiken bedroht: Gebiete mit begrenzter Staatlichkeit und umstrittene Ordnungen. In Gebieten mit begrenzter Staatlichkeit im Osten und Süden der EU fehlt es an starken zentralen Behörden, über die Gesetze durchgesetzt und das Gewaltmonopol aufrechterhalten werden kann. Bei umstrittenen Ordnungen geraten die etablierten politischen und gesellschaftlichen Systeme ins Wanken. Vor diesem Hintergrund besteht das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts EU-LISTCO darin, diese Bedrohungen zu bekämpfen und die Sicherheit in Europa zu schützen. Insbesondere sollen Kipppunkte hin zu gewaltsamen Konflikten identifiziert werden, während gleichzeitig die Bereitschaft der EU verbessert wird, Regierungszusammenbrüche zu antizipieren, zu verhindern und darauf zu reagieren. Durch die Förderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik sollen aus dem Projekt forschungsbasierte Lösungen hervorgehen.


Two risks characterize the European Union’s (EU) regional and global security environments, 1) areas of limited statehood (ALS) in the EU’s East and South, in which central government authorities are too weak to enforce rules and/or do not control the monopoly over the means of violence; 2) contested orders (CO), in which various actors challenge the rules according to which societies and political systems are and should be organized. EU-LISTCO will investigate, first, under which conditions ALS/CO deteriorate into governance breakdown and violent conflict, turning risks into security threats for Europe. By combining risk scanning and foresight methodologies with comparative case studies, we will identify the tipping points at which risks turn into threats, and how they might be better anticipated. We will also investigate how global and diffuse threats affect tipping points as well as the sources of resilience in ALS/CO that can be leveraged from the outside. Second, EU-LISTCO will investigate how the preparedness of the EU and its member states can be strengthened to anticipate, prevent, and respond to threats of governance breakdown and violent conflict and to foster resilience in ALS/CO. In particular, we will examine the strategies, capacities, and policy instruments of EU institutions and selected member states, with a focus on the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty and the implementation of the EU Global Strategy.
A new methodology for knowledge exchange between academia and foreign policy will assist EU-LISTCO to achieve its policy objectives. EU-LISTCO encompasses a unique consortium of universities and think tanks in close cooperation with the European External Action Service as well as the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of France, Germany, and Italy. This knowledge exchange will take place continuously allowing scholars to incorporate concrete policy challenges in their research and enabling policy practitioners to pursue research-based policies.

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