Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FatTryp (Exploring the hidden life of African trypanosomes: parasite fat tropism and implications for disease)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-08-01 al 2023-01-31
This project represents a completely novel research avenue built on recent work from my laboratory. By uncovering fundamental aspects of the biology of T. brucei, we will also improve the understanding of clinically relevant features of African trypanosomiasis, including relapses and weight loss. In addition, since parasite fat tropism has also been observed in malaria and Chagas’ disease, our findings will help elucidate disease mechanisms relevant to other infectious diseases.
Using a combination of mathematical modelling and cellular tools, we discovered that in the adipose tissue trypanosomes become persister-like cells: they replicate more slowly, synthesize proteins at a lower rate and switch their metabolism. In parallel, we demonstrate that Fine Needle Aspiration may be a useful tool to diagnose trypanosomiasis, especially when parasitemia in the blood is undetectable.
Aim 2. Determine the consequences of parasite fat tropism for host and disease
We have investigated how parasites distribute in the vasculature and we showed that parasite extravasation is an active process. Interactions with endothelial receptors appear to be necessary for tissue tropism.
Trypanosomiasis is associated to emaciation. We found that a T. brucei infection activates lipolysis of triglycerides in adipose tissue. Genetic ablation of this pathway prevents loss of fat mass, but results in an accelerated loss of lean mass and increased disease severity.
1. To show the metabolic adaptations of parasites to adipose tissue and consequences of this adaptation to parasite virulence.
2. To identify the parasite genes involved in tissue tropism
3. The mechanism by which parasites interact with vasculature and cross from blood into tissues.