Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DIAG-PANTOGRAPH (Train Pantograph equipped with diagnostic system for reduction of faults and maintenance cost)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2017-06-01 al 2017-11-30
In parallel to the technical development of the project, the feasibility study has also proved that the railway market requires innovative products to improve the performance of the pantographs and reduce their Life Cycle Costs. To confirm this trend two new request of pantograph diagnostic systems arrived in November 2017 from Schunk Spain and ECM (an Italian company that supplies components for the Tunisian Railway Market).
During the SME Phase 1 we have completed the “Type” tests of the pantograph JRC15 for low speed train, which has led Contact to get the TSI certification, according the European Technical Specification of Interoperability TSI-2014, in September 2017. Furthermore, in November 2017 we completed the “Type” tests of the Pantograph Optical Unit with optical accelerometer, according the European standard EN50155.
The results of the feasibility study as well as of the technical tests and the new requests of the market confirm the usefulness, attractiveness and innovativeness of the DIAG-PANTOGRAPH product.
The outcomes of the feasibility study and the market requests has strongly convinced Contact srl to continue with the development of diagnostic system for pantographs and overhead contact line.