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KEEN Quality Keeper - A Competence and Quality Assurance System representing a totally new standard for the health care sector

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - KEEN (KEEN Quality Keeper - A Competence and Quality Assurance System representing a totally new standard for the health care sector)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2017-06-01 al 2017-11-30

Population ageing is one of the greatest social and economic challenges facing the EU. The demographic development is likely to have a considerable impact on a wide range of policy areas. More specifically concerning our Project; An aging population with more complex illnesses, require personnel with the necessary skills and competence.

Training should be seen as a part of the overall process of human development. There is an urgent need to address the current training paradigm in the health sector from knowledge and competence building to organizational transformation.
While training should emphasize skills development to perform tasks effectively, training designs should be reoriented to ensure a change in the attitude and mindset of health care providers at all levels to achieve high organizational and professional commitment.
As a result of our pilot period in Norway, our product, Keen Quality Keeper, has been developed together with the end-user to offer a tool suitable for the health worker´s reality. It provides a centralised portal for employees; e-learning, alerts, reminders and training schedules, as well as providing management with a comprehensive real-time competency overview. It provides flexibility by facilitating implementation of content in the form of e-learning courses for health personnel from third party providers.

Our Project entailed market research across the EU, revealing that today´s methods of skills and competence follow-up of health workers are not cost effective nor systemised in a sustainable manner. On the contrary, the process is mostly random and very time consuming with little or no documentation.
Our findings show these top three challenges:
1. Lack of competence and skills, even among trained personnel
2. Lack of knowledge and training in risk and incident handling
3. High turnover of employees and challenges in attracting educated, trained nurses

These findings are well documented in several academic reports, referred to in our full feasibility study. Furthermore, our research concludes that technology and digitization is not just a tool to work smarter and more efficient, it is a prerequisite for success that will solve a majority of the challenges in today's and tomorrow's care sector.

Keen Quality Keeper is a small digital revolution, providing a competence platform for every health worker on the most accessible device they have available; their mobile phone.