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European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilisation

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ROSEWOOD (European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilisation)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-02-01 al 2020-01-31

The ROSEWOOD network long-term objective is to close the knowledge gap and support sustainable wood mobilization in EU-Regions through establishing multi-actors Wood Mobilization Regional Hubs grouping European countries into 4 regions: Northern, Southern, Central and Eastern Europe. The Hubs continuously support sustainable and economic development of forest sectors for the benefit of rural areas, regions and communities. The approach pursued by ROSEWOOD has been to intensively exploit existing innovations, best-practices and synergies between EU-Regions and at the same time take up innovation ideas from grass-root level. Responding to the need to better understand the regional/European framework in terms of education, funding possibilities and policy measures and to align these across the EU-regions (synergies), ROSEWOOD partners investigated the status-quo comparatively at the Hub and at the European level. All above, ROSEWOOD offered intense knowledge transfer activities, organized in the framework of Regional Hub workshops for stakeholders.
The specific objectives towards development of multi-actor Wood Mobilization Regional Hubs were:
1) Develop and implement multi-actor Wood Mobilization Regional Hubs in 4 main European group of regions (North, South, Central and East of Europe) as cooperation platforms and innovation networks for knowledge transfer, disseminating research and innovation results and best-practices, identifying grass-root ideas and favour new financing and political involvement as well as educational strategies.
2)Transfer and communicate knowledge on key R&I results, innovations, ideas and best practice related to sustainable wood mobilization using hands-on information and novel approaches to dissemination. Provide easy accessible material feeding EIP-AGRI and EIP-Raw Materials and supporting also other networks and platforms such as the ERIAFF.
3) Identify and develop cooperation and innovation between players in the multi-actor network as well as exploiting synergies between EU-Regions (strength and weaknesses of regions). Support exploiting of existing innovations and best practices in the value-chain and by EU-Regions
4) Support the Design of new business opportunities for sustainable wood mobilization through support, training and knowledge resources available at the Regional Hubs
5) Support the full exploitation of actual funding, educational and regulatory policies in and across the regions and support the development of the new necessary framework adapted to the need of stakeholders by establishing plans and synergies between funding instruments and R&I investment, assuring political commitment and identifying gaps in educational curses.
Project partners gathered more than 130 BP&I with the support of 74 experts that validated the results. Abstracts were prepared with details on e.g. the wood mobilisation potential, economic and ecologic impact of these exemplary cases. Analysis of these BP&I together with the SWOTs and stakeholders’ needs analysis are available in a public report on the project website. Each Hub matched the BP&I to their regional needs leading to a roadmap for wood mobilization. These roadmaps, designated to facilitate BP&I transfer among EU regions, were prepared with the support of 61 experts (through expert panels) and are freely available. To facilitate the access to the project’s results ROSEWOOD developed the MapViewer online platform, presenting all BP&I and funding opportunities identified. With its appealing design and intuitive navigation, the MapViewer is a key tool for all stakeholders willing to browse the collection and get a brief overview of specific BP&I they could transfer to their region. Suggesting different domains as search filters, the MapViewer allows seeking inspiration based on users’ specific requests. Coaching methodologies supporting interested stakeholders in the implementation of BP&I in general were developed and also published on the website.
In parallel to this an intensive work was performed in the analysis of the stakeholders’ needs. ROSEWOOD adapted an existing wood mobilisation value-chain, considering mainly the wood transformations and covering all sections of the wood life cycle. This was used for regional mapping of value chain stakeholders, mainly associations. 210 institutions were identified as relay for partnership finding. Stakeholders’ needs (forest owners, contractors and wood-using industry) were analysed by implementing an on-line questionnaire (234 answers in total) and analysing existing studies (more than 100 covered). Results were used to map BP&I with the needs in the roadmaps. To favour the emergence of new innovative ideas and solutions for the sustainable wood mobilisation, each Hub organised 2 Business Idea Creation workshops per Hub (total of 130 participants) as well as 1 B2B event (total of 113 participants) and 1 study visit (total of 145 participants). All in all 4 innovative ideas were selected and presented during the ROSEWOOD final Conference.
The collection of BP&I and the needs analysis took also into account the education, financing and political measures level. This analysis was summarised in form of public reports available on the project’s website. On this basis a set of recommendation for better sustainable wood mobilization environment in Europe were issued in form of a report available on the project’s website. Results were discussed and improved in the frame of Wood to Excellence workshops organised within the Hubs (4 events, total of 220 participants).
To reach the stakeholders and transfer the results the consortium communicated though many channels. Main actions were e.g the launch of the Best Practice of the Month Campaign on the website and the drafting and diffusion of four newsletters and press releases, presenting all results of the project, i.a. the roadmaps, MapViewer, outcome of the Business Idea Creation Workshops and analyses on funding, policy matters and education. These initiatives were coordinated by the ROSEWOOD central communication management, in charge of the project website and the social media accounts.
The ROSEWOOD network on sustainable wood mobilization managed to:
•Open up new avenues for stakeholders cooperation at the regional and European level (joint workshops, brokerage events)
•Advance sustainable forestry development by fostering the exchange of innovative solutions and technologies among regions (BP&I, roadmaps, MapViewer)
•Initiate 4 inter-regional projects following on the ROSEWOOD recommendations
The information and instruments provided and distributed through the ROSEWOOD network have:
•Enhanced capitalisation of the wood mobilisation potential in each and between region involved in the project
•Delivered recommendations for an improved EU wood mobilisation framework
•Enabled stakeholders of the value chain to access private and public funding
•Created sustainable value creation for Europe's Bio Economy
Altogether, the exchange of BP&I among regions and stakeholders initiated by ROSEWOOD will:
•Strengthen the European wood sector’s competitiveness and innovation capacity
•Contribute to an increased supply of primary and secondary wood raw materials to the forest-based bio economy, whilst preserving the EU forest ecosystems to deliver all its functions
The main results of the project is the set-up of an infrastructure for a lasting network for sustainable wood mobilization.