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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Support to Social Innovation


Agorada/Brokerage event

1 space in Agorada and/or Brokerage event organized by EURADA to maximise and exploit results

Co-created workshop Finland

Workshop tailored on: a) SE competitiveness enhancing the use of ICT potentialities both in services deliver and at the organizational level; b) Access to innovative finance opportunities; c) PMI start up in social innovation with a focus on emerging challenges (eg migrants); d) social enterprises value chains and internationalization

Half-day opening seminars

3 half-day opening seminars in correspondence of the 3 workshops (Finland, Bologna, Brussel)

Final peer learning workshop

Final peer learning session in Brussel (End June 2018). In this final stage: needs and research results will be summarised together with local stakeholders table proposals and potential good practices highlighted to be transferred.

Co-created workshop Bologna

Workshop organized in Bologns tailored on: a) SE competitiveness enhancing the use of ICT potentialities both in services deliver and at the organizational level; b) Access to innovative finance opportunities; c) PMI start up in social innovation with a focus on emerging challenges (eg migrants); d) social enterprises value chains and internationalization

Kick-off meeting

Meeting organized in Bologna to appoint the Management Board and sharing objectives, workplan and methodology

co-created workshop Valencia

workshop in Valencia to define common criteria for investigation/context for a modest research activity on chosen topics and best practices on social innovation

CDS - Communication and Dissemination Strategy

CDS should contribute to maximise the impact of ESSI objectives, and thereby, foresees a transversal effort through the work plan involving significant stakeholders and enlarging to other innovation agencies, by involving and keeping informed member of Eurada and Errin Networks to maximize the results

Design Option Paper

Drafting and review of the Design Option Paper with recommendation and inputs to be taken by Regional governments in innovation support programme. External parties (experts, other agencies outside the partnership belonging to Eurada and Errin networks, European Commission) will be invited and encouraged to deal their experiences and comments will be considered in the Paper. ERVET coordinates, all partners co-organize, give inputs, participate

EURADA bulletins/e-reminders

4 short references in EURADA bulletins and e-Reminders/ e-Flashes

ESSI visual identity/promotional video

Material for promoting and making a better understand of ESSI and its milestones to a large public. Video will be used for all seminars/workshops opening and widespread through web channels.

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