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Super Productive Line Printing Inkjet

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SUPPLEPRINT (Super Productive Line Printing Inkjet)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-01-01 bis 2019-12-31

Topjet’s customers ask to be able to print on packaging of any type of material without any limitation in sizing, printing resolution at high speed and without limitations on the size of printed graphics. From a technical point of view, the issue is based on the design, study and realization of an original mechanical, electrical and electronic prototype of the specific components: SUPPLEPRINT must reach the print speed of more than 100 m/min, a definition of more than 600 dpi, an unlimited font dimension, a simple and intuitive graphic interface and the possibility to use multiple commercial print heads and inks on the market, in addition to being designed with modular capacity.
It is important for Topjet because the technical advantages of SUPPLEPRINT are tangibles, in particular its flexibility and modularity, proving an unlimited number of print configurations. For a good market launch, an analysis of risks has been done to determine the possible obstacles and difficulties. In addition, an analysis of “Freedom-to-operate” has been required to validate the innovations of the project.
The goal of SUPPLEPRINT is to extend the intended market of the company; in particular, we want to extend our business on the pharmaceutical and food sectors and increase our presence in the packaging market. The business model and the financial projections are based on our strategy of exploring new markets giving new possibilities to packaging producers, initially in Europe and afterward worldwide. Currently, we have received particular attention by the biggest multinationals that are attracted by our new technology through which they could reach enormous benefits.
During the first year of the project, the following activities have been carried out:
Technical activities:
1. Study, design and realization of the hydraulic system for the management of the three interchangeable ink delivery systems [WP1], namely hydraulics at constant atmospheric pression; hydraulic at constant pressure; hydraulic at recirculation.
2. Study, design and realization of the electronic boards to control the three ink delivery systems [WP2]
3. First phase of study, design and realization of the electronic control boards for the print heads. [WP2]
4. First phase of study, design and realization of the control boards for the console JP4C [WP3]
5. First phase of study and realization of the software for the management of the triple hydraulic system for the ink feeding and the command console JP4C [WP3]
6. First phase of study and software realization of TJSupervisor, that is the supervision software for the management of the system SupplePrint. [WP3]
7. First phase of study and realization of the software for the management of the graphic layouts TopLabel [WP3]
8. Analysis for the applications of the augmented reality with Industry 4.0 requirements for a simple and remote maintenance. [WP3]
As for the commercial activities, the marketing, branding and communication/dissemination strategy for our SupplePrint offer has been prepared.
A specific web page for the project has been created, registered under the Topjet domain and dedicated to technical and commercial information, as well as to the background, progress, news, events and updates.

During the second year of the project the following activities were carried out:
Technical activities:
1. Test of the electronic boards for the control of the three ink delivery systems. [WP2]
2. Test of the electronic control boards of the print heads. [WP2]
3. Creation of control boards for the JP4C console. [WP2]
4. Completion and test of the software for the management of the triple hydraulic system for ink supply and of the JP4C control console. [WP3]
5. Continuation of the implementation and test of the TJSupervisor software, or the supervision software for the management of the SupplePrint system. [WP3]
6. Continuation of the realization and test of the software for the management of the TopLabel graphic layouts. [WP3]
7. Analysis, development and testing for augmented reality applications with Industry 4.0 requirements for simple and remote maintenance. [WP3]
Commercial activities:
1. Continuation of the marketing, branding and communication/dissemination strategy for SupplePrint.
2. Continuous update of the web page for the project, registered under the Topjet domain and dedicated to technical and commercial information as well as background, progress, news, exhibition dates and updates.
3. Pre-commercial actions consisting in the study of the tendency of growing sectors and the monitoring of goals, the status and the advances of the competitors. Precious information has been obtained from the participation at the fairs planned (see the TJNEWS section of Topjet’s web page) where the new technologies are launched and presented.
4. Communication activities through the constant participation at the most important fairs, with exhibition of the prototypes.

The following results have been obtained:
1. Combination of speed/resolution of up to 150 m/min and over 600 dpi
2. A wider printing area (height>200m [actual limits for the old systems], based on unlimited multiples of 50 mm)
3. A more colourful and detailed graphic using print heads with a scale of different shades in all colors and a transmission of data of 1 GB through Ethernet and the possibility of interfacing Ethercat.
Technically, the project provides a relevant contribution to the state of art, since it clearly proves the excellent performance that the innovative technology of SupplePrint could introduce in the market.
Commercially, the prospective is to introduce the product on the market in the 2020.
The foreseen future progress are listed here:
1. A wider range of applications. We will take advantage of the benefits of our technology Inkjet UV recently developed for applications to nonporous surfaces besides the common porous cardboard/papers (for example: glitter cardboard, plastic, wood, food).
2. Adaptability at hostile working environment: the series will be realized to work in industrial environment. Developed with a protection rating IP67, it is appropriate to work at working temperatures between 5 and 45 °C.
3. Development possibilities of an application of augmented reality application with Industry 4.0 for a simple and remote maintenance.

The results expected from the launch of SupplePrint on the market are:
1. Feedback on the saving for the costumers: configurations costs, energy efficiency, reduction of the disposal of inks and packaging.
2. Financial prevision realized on the basis of a substantial increase of the turnover for the next five years from the launch of SupplePrint, due to a substantial amount of sales.
3. Increase of the work units estimated in +10 in five years after the commercialization of SupplePrint.
Complete hydraulics with control board
Hydraulic system at controlled recirculation of the ink
Hydraulic system at constant controlled pressure
Command console JP4C
Print head with command boards