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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Joint Initiative for hydrogen Vehicles across Europe 2

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - JIVE 2 (Joint Initiative for hydrogen Vehicles across Europe 2)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-07-01 bis 2022-12-31

The underlying objective of JIVE 2 is to support the transition of fuel cell buses from technically proven but high-cost demonstrators to a more mainstream choice for public transport authorities/operators across Europe by building on the activities of existing initiatives, in particular the closely related JIVE project. The specific project objectives are:
- Deploy 156 fuel cell buses in 10 locations across Europe.
- Achieve a maximum bus price of €625,000 and validate novel procurement/ownership approaches.
- Operate buses for three years or 150,000km per vehicle with an average fleet availability of at least 90%.
- Provide anchor demands to justify installation of new hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in each site.
- Demonstrate routes to low cost (<9 €/kg dispensed) renewable hydrogen.
- Reduce environmental impact of bus operations by operating the fuel cell buses in place of diesel vehicles for extended periods.
- Provide evidence of the technical and commercial suitability of fuel cell buses for further roll-out.
- Stimulate further uptake of FC buses via a comprehensive, high-impact dissemination campaign.
Key progress during the 4th period of the project includes:

- All the buses for 7 sites (Cologne, Wuppertal, Auxerre, Toulouse, South Holland, Emmen, Barcelona) have been successfully delivered, bringing the total of buses to 98 across 9 sites. All 98 buses have entered into operation by the end of the period; this represents 63% of the total JIVE 2 fleet. Brighton is the only site which has not yet deployed its buses. Delivery and operation of the first buses started beginning of P5 (April 2023). Moreover, the additional 4 buses from Pau are due to arrive in Q1 2023.
- As of December 2022, close to 10M km have been driven cumulatively by the JIVE 1 and JIVE 2 buses.
- Refuelling activities began at 5 sites (Auxerre, Toulouse, South Holland, Emmen, and Barcelona) , among which one is still in trial operation as the station awaits to be fully commissioned. Only one station is still to start its refuelling activities.
- Technical issues identified at the Pau HRS in Period 3 were successfully resolved.
- One of the project’s bus KPIs has been successfully reached (project to date): fuel consumption. The JIVE 2 project objective was set at <9 kg/100 km (standard buses) and <14 kg/100 km (articulated buses). As of December 2022 (and looking at the project to date data ), consumptions were between 6.3 kg and 7 kg for the standard buses and at 8.8 kg/100 km for the articulated buses.
- The first half of the 1st CEE bus roadshow, proposal developed under WP4 (Unlocking further demand), was successfully carried out between November and December 2022. The final stops were done in Q1 2023 and the deliverable on the impact of this first roadshow is under development at the time of the writing to this report.
- The 2nd JIVE 2 demand aggregation workshop took place in Barcelona on the 25th May 2022.
- Dissemination activities have continued successfully, with the organisation of 1 conference (ZEB 2021 in Paris gathering 400 attendees) and 4 workshops, one policymaker roundtable, and 11 conference participations for the project. 7 specific JIVE 2 press releases were published and around 50 articles referring to the JIVE projects were issued during the period.
- An updated version of the Best Practice and Commercialisation Report (D3.8) written by the WP3 partners (Sphera and PLANET), was submitted to the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and uploaded on the FuelCellBuses website.
- Two User Group events took place during Period 4: the fifth JIVE User Group meeting was held in November 2021 jointly with the JIVE 2 FCEB Training (#2) and in conjunction with ZEB 2021. The sixth JIVE User Group meeting took place in October 2022, in collaboration with the CBEP (Clean Bus Europe Platform) and alongside the FIAA (International Bus and Coach Fair) in Madrid.
- A 1st social media campaign around the results from one of the JIVE 2 sites (Pau) was launched between September 2022 and October 2022. Information around the 2021 key figures, vehicle and HRS specifications were shared on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Other case studies are expected to follow and be published in P5.
- Key activities and dissemination events in the JIVE 2 project have been aligned with JIVE to maximise knowledge exchange between partners. This approach enables the project learnings to have a wider outreach and for both projects to enter in a virtuous cycle of knowledge sharing. Collaborations and knowledge sharing workshops have also continued with other Clean Hydrogen Partnership funded projects (e.g. 3Emotion) and with the CINEA funded project MEHRLIN.

See Part B for more details (incl. the key findings from JIVE 2 P4) and for a full version of the publishable summary.
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JIVE 2_SOA_Table 1