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Risultati finali
D5.1 Training methodology, EM, M10
Training materials on public and private fundingD5.2 Training materials on public and private funding, EM, M15
Best PracticesD4.1 Best Practices, NACUE, M10
Report on engagement at Start-up Europe Week in 2019D3.4 Report on engagement at Start-up Europe Week in 2019, SBE, M15
In depth country analysisD2.1 In depth country analysis, NOVA, M4
Report on engagement at Start-up Europe events in 2019D3.2 Report on engagement at Start-up Europe events (Startup Europe Summit, Startup Ole, Slush) in 2019, USAL, M24
MY-GATEWAY technology transfer methodologyD4.3 MY-GATEWAY technology transfer methodology, BIU, M15
Report on mapping the ecosystemD2.2 Report on mapping the ecosystem, BIU, M6
Hitchhiker’s Guide on Procurement opportunities for start-upsD3.8 Hitchhiker’s Guide on Procurement opportunities for start-ups, CI, M12
Gender StrategyD1.4 Gender Strategy, EM, M3
Report on the MY-GATEWAY meetupD3.5 Report on the MY-GATEWAY meetup, IRP, M8
Report on engagement at Start-up Europe events in 2018D3.1 Report on engagement at Start-up Europe events (Startup Europe Summit, Startup Ole, Web Summit) in 2018, USAL, M12
Synergy ReportD2.4 Synergy Report, NACUE, M7
Report on Access2Finance WorkshopsD3.7 Report on Access2Finance Workshops, USAL, M22
Report on MY-GATEWAY synergiesD6.1 Report on MY-GATEWAY synergies, SBE, M24
Report on engagement at Start-up Europe Week in 2018D3.3 Report on engagement at Start-up Europe Week in 2018, SBE, M3
Report on the workshopsD6.3 Report on the workshops, SBE, M24
Quality Assurance and Monitoring PlanD1.2 Quality Assurance and Monitoring Plan, EM, M2
Talent acquisition modelD4.2 Talent acquisition model, NOVA, M15
Report on the delivery of the training coursesD5.4 Report on the delivery of the training courses, EM, M18
Report on the interview resultsD2.3 Report on the interview results, BIU, M6
MY-GATEWAY-KEY – Exploitation strategyD6.2 MY-GATEWAY-KEY – Exploitation strategy, EM, M24
Repository of online courses for entrepreneurial skillsD5.3 Repository of online courses for entrepreneurial skills, NOVA, M15
Dissemination Plan and Visual IdentityD7.1 – Dissemination Plan and Visual Identity, HM, M2
Innovation and IPR NoteD1.3 Innovation and IPR Note, EM, M3
Policy recommendationsD6.4 Policy recommendations, SBE, M24
D7.3 – Promotional campaigns and public outreach campaigns report, HM, M24
MY-GATEWAY Informational WebsiteD7.2 – MY-GATEWAY Informational Website, EM, M3
D1.1 Project Management Toolbox, EM, M1
Belma Rizvanović, Aneesh Zutshi, Tahereh Nodehi, Antonio Grilo
Pubblicato in:
Proposed Model of Evaluating Entrepreneurial University Ecosystems from a Talent Development Perspective” (Chapter 19) published in Advances in Management Research: Innovation and Technology, Numero 18 November 2019, 2019, Pagina/e 265-278, ISBN 9780-429280818
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
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