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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Taking European EnergyManagers to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations


Evaluation result of pilot courses in new countries

Evaluation results of pilot courses in new countriesPU abstractCO full

Abstracts of energy concepts of the 120 participants

Abstracts of energy concepts of the 120 participants (20 on average in each country); 120 x 1 page (M24) (Note: aggregated summary of results is covered in D3.5) Old country partners PU (12 examples) CO (others)

Evaluation results regarding new course elements

Evaluation results regarding new course elements by participants in old countries DGIHK based on reports by New country partners PU (abstract) CO (full)

Summary of Evaluation results

Summary of evaluation results

Curricula of training programmes

Curricula of training programme for all new countries New country partners

Abstracts of energy concepts of the 72 participants + overall summary

Abstracts of energy concepts of the 72 participants (12 on average in each new country) and overall summary of aggregated results: 72 x 1 page and 5 page summary (including results from courses in “old” countries) in English New country partners Summary: NCCI based on all country abstracts PU (12 examples + summary), CO (others)

Publishable Summary of Final Report (Brochure)

Publishable Summary of Final Report in the form of a brochure

6 good practice videos

6 testimonial / good practice videos are available online New country partners

2 EUREM conferences & 2 award ceremonies (Prague & Athens)

2 EUREM conferences carried out including Award ceremonies (M8 and M26) 1st Conference in Prague (M8) 2nd Conference in Athens (M32)

2 press releases per partner

2 Press releases per partner (approx.. M8 and M26, may vary from country to country depending on timing of national activities) Press release 1 Due Date (8) Press release 2 Due Date (30)

Project website

Project website set up and internal document repository for project partners

Information material about ISA for each country

Information material about ISA for each country All EUREM providers

Course info flyers

EUREM Info flyers for new countries New country partners

Revised course curricula, materials where necessary

Where necessary: Revised course materials (EN “master version + “old country” languages) Old country partners PU/CO

6 country portals on common online platform

6 country portals on common online platform and start page translated to all languages

4 project newsletters

4 Project newsletters (M6, M15, M30, M36) Project Newsletter 1 (M6) Project Newsletter 2 (M15) Project Newsletter 3 (M34) Project Newsletter 4 (M40)

Policy brief

Policy brief, approx. 12 pages, English, electronic format EIW

Training materials for 6 new modules in 6 national languages

All 6 national language versions ready to use All new countries

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