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Setting up national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CraftEdu (Setting up national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-12-01 al 2021-11-30

The Project commences implementation of the Roadmap established and endorsed under Pillar I Build Up Skills project in the Czech Republic. The Project sets up in the Czech Republic the national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen and on-site workers in the field of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in buildings, which has been already set up in more than 20 EU MS. It also develops the training offer delivered via Slovak national scheme STAVEDU (set up by the project of the same name). This will strengthen the qualification of craftsmen, construction workers, system installers and other professions identified as priority target group in the Roadmaps. The project facilitates further investments in the skills anticipated in the EU Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe.

The project addresses the following main needs and barriers highlighted by the SQA in the targeted countries
• Low quality of construction works on-site directly influencing energy efficiency in buildings. The project aims to craftsmen as a neglected target group;
• Structural changes in construction industry related to Industry 4.0 and technological changes related to the energy efficiency (nZEBs) and development of renewables;
• Decreasing number pupils at the construction professional schools (colleges) and low interest of youth to come to the construction industry.
Capitalising on the language proximity, the project facilitates transfer of know-how and experience from the STAVEDU and Train-to-nZEB (H2020 GA no. 649810), as well as Fit-to-nZEB (H2020, GA no. 754059) projects between Slovakia and the Czech Republic, avoiding parallel efforts, cumulative financing and capitalizing on their results to the benefit of construction sector, on-site workers and craftsmen.
Particularly the project led to development of 7 8 training programmes for further education and training in the Czech Republic of craftsmen and on-site workers in the field energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources of buildings, specifically for:
• HVAC installer;
• Carpenter;
• Low-voltage electrician;
• High-voltage electrician;
• Hydro-insulator;
• Stove and chimney builder;
• Inspecting technician;
• Windows installer.
At the beginning of the project, the necessary administrative activities were made and Kick-off meeting was held, where the project detailed objectives, deadlines and contents of the partial tasks were introduced to the project partners.
Within WP2, the partners set up the teams for developing Units of Learning Outcomes (ULOs), qualification and assessment standards and training programmes for the targeted professions. According to the project schedule, the ULOs and curricula for the training programmes were developed, validated and transposed in the countries covered by the project. To achieve this, the partners organised 4 workshops.
Following the finalisation of ULOs, the partners commenced preparation of curricula. UVS, SIEA and SEVEn drafted proposals that were reviewed by the partners. The results of the curricula review workshop were incorporated into deliverable D2.5 upon its finalization.
From October 2019 to March 2020, the partners developed content of the training programmes. All training resources developed were presented at the training of trainers, which took place online due to the specific situation (COVID-19) separately within individual countries. (WP3).
Following the finalisation of ULOs, the partners prepared the drafts of the qualification and assessment standards. Standards for some professions were presented to the Sector Skills Council for the construction sector in Slovakia.
Project developed e-learning resources as part the database. Originally, one e-learning module was planned to play complementary role, as online format was not used in the vocational training or further education and training in Czechia and Slovakia. This was dramatically changed due to persisting Covid-19 pandemic that led to long-term use of online tools in vocational education at secondary level. Therefore, the use of the online tools in further education and training become common practice in the construction sector.
The partners, after informing EASME, now CINEA, developed training resources for providing training online that would not only deliver the pilot courses but would also sustain the training beyond the expiry of the project for craftsmen, as well as for apprentices enrolled in the vocational education programmes at secondary level. In total, 22 e-learning programmes were developed.
Within WP3, the partners reached out to the experts with pedagogical experience that would be able delivering the training programmes developed by the project. In total, 80 trainers were recruited and registered in the CraftEdu database. Besides the textbooks for learners, the partners developed 17 guidebooks for trainers.
The developed training programmes were demonstrated by pilot courses to test and validate the programmes and, if needed, to fine-tune the content of the training. Originally, the programme of pilot training was prepared, as anticipated by the project. Due to long-term Covid-19 restrictions and consequences on training activities, a revised program was prepared for pilot training and most of the activities were transferred to online environment. Starting on 1 May 2021 the training courses were held until 30 November 2021. The implemented change and the transfer to the virtual reality insured a smooth use of pre-recorded courses, e-learning content, and other prepared textual materials.
Four sets of teaching materials were prepared for training:
• teaching texts;
• video lectures;
• e-learning;
• tests.

Completing the course and passing the final test was rewarded with a graduate's certificate. After the end of the training, feedback by means of the questionnaire was gathered from the participants, processed and used for fine-tuning and future planning.
Main goal of WP5 was to create database of trainers and certified trainees. The database was implemented in March 2020 and tested. During May 2020 the testing was evaluated, and the necessary tweaks were made to the technical solution. The database has been fully functional since June 2020.

The overall project communication strategy and plan, which is part of WP8, was developed by EnEffect and coordinated to the project team.
The following training courses and teaching materials were created and launched within the CraftEdu project:
Czech Republic
• 8 online training courses;
• more than 640 pages of teaching texts for a total of 8 professions;
• 16 video courses and lectures;
• 10 e-learning programmes;
• 228 participants with issued certificates of completion.
• 5 online training courses ;
• 8 e-learning programmes;
• 537 pages of teaching texts for 5 professions;
• 37 video courses and lectures (881 minutes);
• 196 participants ;
• 60 participants with successful completion by final tests.
• 5 online training courses;
• 3 e-learning programmes;
• 42 course participants.
• 5 online training courses;
• 12 e-learning programmes;
• 45 course participants.
The CraftEdu project was finished reaching all its goals. We expect high number of follow up actions in the target countries, e.g. via three Build up Skills projects submitted and number of national activities.
Kick-off meeting
Buildings of the Year 2018