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Fostering a Next Generation of European Photovoltaic Society through Open Science


Die Forschung zu photovoltaischer Energie neu erfinden

Photovoltaik ist ein vielversprechendes Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgebiet. Sie bietet eine ideale Plattform, um die praktische Umsetzung der offenen Wissenschaft zu demonstrieren. Nach dem Ansatz der verantwortungsvollen Forschung und Innovation besteht das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts GRECO darin, die Nutzungsdauer und Kosteneffizienz der Photovoltaiktechnologie zu verbessern und innovative Anwendungen in der Landwirtschaft und in Gebäuden auszuloten. Dabei geht es vor allem um Möglichkeiten, die Nutzungsdauer von Photovoltaiktechnologie zu verlängern, Kosten durch bessere Leistung zu senken und neue Anwendungen in der Landwirtschaft und in Gebäuden vorzustellen. Dafür kommen Sachverständige aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten zusammen, die die Vierfach-Helix der Interessengruppen von drei Kontinenten repräsentieren. Mit dem klaren Streben nach offener Wissenschaft sowie verantwortungsvoller Forschung und Innovation bildet GRECO die vorderste Reihe der Bemühungen, die Forschung zu photovoltaischer Energie zu revolutionieren.


GRECO proposal faces the specific challenge of putting Open Science into action in a research project concerning Photovoltaic (PV) Energy Research. Photovoltaics is a realistic R&D area in which to set up and operationalize an Open Science demonstrator. By adopting the model of RRI, definitively we will demonstrate how increased endorsement of PV technology will increase utilization and integration of PV technology into the electric energy supply system.
GRECO proposes RRI solutions to increase PV technology useful life, reduce its cost through increased performance and, demonstrate novel competitive solutions in agriculture and buildings. These targets will be met by providing 6 responsible and innovative solutions.
The project brings together several expertise from many areas of knowledge in a coalition among all stakeholders of the quadruple helix representing three continents in a research project with research lines at different Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). The project duration is of 3 years. GRECO is a double OPEN proposal: on one hand this proposal will be open after the evaluation process in order to facilitate Cross-Fertilization with the project in Swafs-10-2017 call that is finally granted, and on the other, it is open to the engagement of citizens, civil society and stakeholders, embedding an MML plan and two Open Innovation actions.
How are we going to put into practice OPEN and RRI in GRECO proposal? Our scheme implies Open Science in all its dimensions including Citizen Science. Basically it includes Open Science and RRI approaches in all stages of a research project -planning, evaluation, action and closing- by considering different actions that will ensure an active participation from all relevant stakeholders included the civil society and citizens, to guide in the development of innovative solutions, and to guarantee the future acceptance of the research results.

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€ 964 270,00
28040 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 964 270,00

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