CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RRING (Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-09-01 bis 2021-04-30

The overall project aim is to bring RRI into the linked up global world to promote mutual learning and collaboration in RRI. This will be achieved by the formation of the global RRING community network and by the development and mobilisation of a global Open Access RRI knowledge base. RRING will align RRI to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global common denominator.
The RRING project acknowledges that each region of the world is advancing its own agenda on RRI. Therefore, RRING will not be producing a Global RRI framework or strategy that is meant to be enforced in a top-down manner. Rather, increased coherence and convergence will be achieved via a bottom-up approach, learning from best practices in RRI globally and from linkages, via the new RRING community, to develop the RRI linked-up world.

Six Objectives of RRING

Objective 1: Promote a linked up global world of RRI by creating the global RRING community network, thereby enabling mutual learning, collaboration, mobilisation of RRI concepts.
Objective 2: Mobilise, promote and disseminate a global open access knowledge base of RRI based on the State of the Art (SoA) and comparative analysis across the key geographies, all stakeholders and sectors. It will cover key platforms, spaces and players, role and influence of stakeholders, drivers and policies for R&I, regulation in public,private sectors and nation states and international organizations.
Objective 3: Align RRI to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to provide a global common denominator for advancement of RRI, and address Grand Challenges globally.
Objective 4: Determine the competitive advantages of RRI and also understand how and where RRI is perceived as a barrier and/ or disadvantage.
Objective 5: Create high level RRI strategy recommendations for the seven geographic zones, trial RRI best practice learning in 2 EU case studies
Objective 6: Promote inclusive engagement of civil society and researchers
Objective 1, Promote a linked up global world of RRI by creating the global RRING community network. The RRING network was successfully launched at the closing meeting of RRING project in April 2021, enabling mutual learning and collaboration and mobilisation of RRI concepts
Objective 2, RRING developed mobilised, promoted and disseminated a global open access knowledge base of RRI, via Zenodo. The knowledge database is based on the State of the Art (SoA) and comparative analysis across the key geographies, all stakeholders and sectors. It covers key platforms, spaces and players, role and influence of stakeholders, drivers and policies for R&I, and regulation in public and private sectors and nation states and international organizations.
Objective 3, RRING aligned RRI to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in D6.1 to provide a global common denominator for advancement of RRI, and address Grand Challenges globally
Objective 4, RRING determined qualitatively and quantitatively the competitive advantages of RRI and also understand how and where RRI is perceived as a barrier and/ or disadvantage in D5.1.
Objective 5, RRING created high level RRI strategy recommendations for the five geographic zones in D6.2 trial RRI best practice learning in 2 EU case studies report in D6.3 and reviewed EU RRI benchmarking from a global perspective in D6.4
Objective 6; Finally, RRING promoted inclusive engagement of civil society and researchers with the RRING Community and Open Access RRI knowledge base and, to gain social inclusion, co-creation, social innovation and entrepreneurship.
RRING aims to progress the concept of RRI as a flexible “linked up world” for mutual learning and with the SDGs as a common global denominator. RRING will not enforce a top-down European model, but will recognise the regional and cultural variations of RRI. Its bottom up approach is mutual learning and collaboration.
RRING Objective 1 Impact: The first active and self-sustaining and inclusive global RRI network and platform. The impact will be to bring RRI into the linked up global world through the network via mutual learning and collaboration. Results at end of project: A business model for the network is currently being created and a contact list of future members is currently being compiled. UNESCO and new partner Future Earth developed mobilisation plans for the network.
RRING Objective 2 Impact is to create a Global Knowledge Base in RRI Impact: The RRI knowledge base will facilitate better decision making and benchmarking based on real evidence, and better integration of good practice from other contexts. Results at end of project: WP4 compiled the analysis of this data across the five global regions with the results in D4.1. UNESCO will issue a policy brief in 2022.
RRING Objective 3: Impact: The alignment of RRI with SDGs will impact the advancement of the SDGs by proactive dissemination of the knowledge database enabling mutual learning and collaboration. RRI aligned with SDG will enable all global countries, including EU members states, advance further on their Grand Challenges, and better able to implement the SDGs. Results at end of project: UNESCO mapped the alignment of RRI with the SDGs in D6.1.
Objective 4: Impact: By identifying the RRI advantages, in particular the competitive advantages, RRING will impact the perception of RRI. RRI will be seen as a positive factor, especially in industry, and certain geographies. The identification of RRI KPIs will impact the integration of RRI practices. Results at end of project: The analysis associated with WP5 competitive advantage work is due to be published in D5.1.
Objective 5: Impact: The suite of high level recommendations of RRI strategies pertaining to local geographies and economies will have a principal impact on developing countries, ensuring they are not left behind in the evolving RRI concept. It will assist them in advancing their SDGs. Europe will benefit from review of EU MORRI indicators on RRI and having RRI strategy trialled in 2 EU case studies. Results at end of project:
1. Policy brief on recommendations of RRI best practice for each of the 5 global regions
2. Report on the 3 country case study of RRI roadmaps
3. Report on RRING RRI mutual learning for MORRI indicator
Objective 6: Impact: RRING will increase societal acceptance of RRI through inclusiveness of citizens in workshops and case studies. The impact will be to trigger co-creation, social innovation and social entrepreneurship. In addition, the inclusion of researchers and grassroots researcher organisation such as ICORSA in RRING project will harness the full potential of this core group. Four Public forums were conducted. Likewise school were created by the RRING project.