CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SUPER PV (CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-11-01 bis 2021-04-30

SUPER PV is pursuing an ambitious bus realistic goal for innovative PV system cost reduction and consequently significant LCOE reduction (26%-37%) by adopting hybrid approach combining technological innovations and Data Management methods along the PV value chain. To achieve that, key actions will be implemented at three main levels within the PV value chain: PV module innovation level, power electronics innovation level and system integration level. To ensure fast uptake of the project results by industry, state of the art modules (c-Si and flexible CIGS) and power electronics products were utilized for adopting innovations developed by research centers. For cost reduction in system integration and operation, Digitalization and Data Management solutions based on Industry 4.0 approach are adopted following successful utilization of Building Information Modelling approach in the construction sector. Selected for uptake innovations are compatible with existing manufacturing technological processes thus reducing impact on Cost of Ownership and ensuring attractiveness of proposed technologies for PV manufacturers.

Prototype SUPER PV systems will be produced in industrial environments and tested in different (including harsh) climate conditions to evaluate cost efficiency and demonstrate competitiveness of the proposed solutions. On the basis of test results, business cases for technologies under consideration will be performed, plans for production and market replication will be prepared. By delivering to the market SUPERior PV products, the project will have twofold impact on EU PV sector:

1. Will create conditions for accelerated large scale deployment of PV in Europe for both utility (non-urban) and residential (urban) scenarios and
2. Will help EU PV businesses to regain leadership and competitiveness on world market.

Project formulated technical objectives for implementation of innovations along value chain on PV module, power electronics and digital tools for PV project implementation and operation:

- To integrate innovations into state of the art PV module technologies reducing the PV module cost and improving performance (impact on PR and CAPEX).
- To implement innovations for enhancing PV power electronics durability and efficiency by deploying innovations in module level power electronics and fault tolerant converter topologies. (impact on PR and OPEX)
- To adopt digital software and hardware tools ensuring integrated information flow through the PV value chain this way reducing costs related to the PV projects implementation and operation. (impat on CAPEX and OPEX).

Project innovation activities are supported by following non-technical project objectives focused on acceleration of European PV business for EU and global markets:

- To demonstrate superiority of proposed technical innovations in real environment on demonstration sites in harsh climate conditions
- To demonstrate realistic use scenarios for proposed PV systems to support the business generation.
- To develop implement dissemination strategy and establish sites for practice oriented education, training and knowledge exchange for main stakeholders under concern.
- To broadly advertise the scientific and commercial innovations developed during the project and their associated benefits, thus facilitating market uptake.
During the first reporting period project was undergoing innovations development phase on three value chain segments namely PV module (C-SI and CIGS), power electronics and information management system (O&M).

Project development phase was implemented without serious delays or drawbacks and project moved into next phase – demonstration of project results. During this, second, reporting period preparatory work implementing plans for demonstration sites were completed and conditions for launching construction works on sites prepared.

In parallel innovations developed in research partners facilities were transferred to the industrial partner’s production lines for incorporation of the innovations, which proved their efficiency in terms of the reduction of LCOE, into production process. This process went smoothly although restrictions implied by the pandemic situation slowed down prototypes production due to inability for regular travel between research partners and producers. Despite these obstacles at the end of the 2nd reporting period most of prototypes are produced in relevant for demonstration in the field conditions quantities and transferred to the demo sites for assembly.

The same can be said about construction of the demonstration sites where tendering procedures and field works were delayed due to pandemic restrictions. Nevertheless at the end of the 2nd reporting period demo sites are at the final stage of the construction work with some demo sites (Vilnius, Seville) already running field testing of foreseen innovative PV products.

Despite the impact of the pandemic on the mobility of project partners, the implementation of the project was accompanied by various dissemination activities. The results of the project were presented at conferences, scientific and other publications, web site, social networks and via media channels. Project activities also were supported by training activities organizing online educational workshops on topics covered by project activities.
Project activities smoothly moved from development phase under which number of innovations impacting LCOE for PV systems were developed and adopted for the production of the novel PV products along value chain segments (module, power electronics and system level management tools). After evaluating innovations efficiency in terms of the LCOE reduction best performed innovations were moved to the industrial partners production lines and prototypes for demonstration in the field conditions were produced. Industrial partners evaluated feasibility of the proposed innovations in terms of production efficiency. Progress of the transfer of innovations into production was permanently monitored and evaluated by project Exploitation team on the basis of defined KPIs and recent market developments to ensure that project results will provide competitive advantage for companies involved.

It is expected that such approach will help manufacturing industry partners to deliver superior quality products to the market immediately after the project and align innovative technologies with recent market trends such as new solar cells dimensions, overall power of the module or PV plant novel constructions for bifacial PV modules and tracking options. It is expected that this way project will have positive impact on competitiveness of PV industrial partners and in general PV industry in EU and create wider possibilities for deployment of EU based products in EU and world-wide market. It will support Green Deal strategic objectives providing affordable RES based energy to European customers.
Demonstration sites for the SuperPV project in harsh climate conditions.