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New Concrete-Towers Assembly system for taller Wind Turbines.

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - AIRCRANE (New Concrete-Towers Assembly system for taller Wind Turbines. )

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-03-01 al 2020-10-31

The wind sector is facing the challenge of reducing energy production cost. Bigger turbines at higher heights seem to be one of the most efficient solutions, which can only be achieved by concrete or hybrid towers. However, as the towers grow, the current installation means are limited in both lifting capacity and availability.
In order to solve this challenge, ‘HWS CONCRETE TOWERS’ has developed an innovative climbing crane for a more cost-efficient installation of wind turbines - Aircrane system, a self-climbing crane that defies the limitations of existing cranes.

The system has two main advantages: (1) it radically reduces current assembly costs in the tallest concrete towers, and additionally (2) it opens a new market-niche, being able to assembly towers with height currently not possible due to current mobile crane limitations and low availability.
With the development of this crane, HWS aims to be a worldwide reference in the ASSEMBLY of (Full or Hybrid) CONCRETE TOWERS by using their own patented and so-called “AIRCRANE SYSTEM”, offering customers (wind-turbine manufacturers and wind farm developers) to assemble and maintain their turbines on wind farms all over the world.

The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project is to complete, qualify, set standards and demonstrate the “AIRCRANE SYSTEM”. By the end of the project, HWS has achieved to manufacture, validate and certificate by TÜV Rheinland a complete 30 t lifting capacity AirCRANE system.

The 2nd OBJECTIVE of the project is to open a new niche in the market. Aircrane system makes possible to reach upper rotor heights, bringing cost efficiency, low carbon footprint, reliability, time saving, quality and workers safety.
By the time the project has concluded, the market demand of innovative installation means for bigger and higher turbines has increased significantly. The sector is looking for solutions and there is high interest in the AirCRANE. However, the last year of the project COVID crisis has hit the world leaving most of commercial activities and studies of new technologies in standby.
During the project, HWS has met the main objective of the project by building a 30 t lifting capacity AirCRANE system. This demonstrator has been used to successfully validate the functionalities of the climbing system. This validation has been performed by TÜV-Rheinland, who has certified the design, technical file, and testing in horizontal position of the AirCRANE.
The work carried out to achieve a disruptive product, is aligned with the main objective of the wind sector for the next 10 years: reduce drastically the LCoE (Levelized Cost of Energy) reducing the costs of onshore Wind Turbines to reach 1 Million € per 1 MW-installed.

In addition, during the project a considerable work has been performed on redefining the Marketing- Mix strategy, which is described in deliverables D4.2-“Marketing Mix”. HWS believes that a great product or service could no longer be successful without an excellent strategy of Marketing.

Along the project HWS has achieved several results that have led or will lead to the successful exploitation of the AirCRANE technology:
- Engineering design finished: having the engineering design of the Aircrane for installation of any +5 MW wind turbine ready, with a net lifting capacity of 165 t, is allowing HWS to show it to potential clients, partners…In addition, the manufacturing design of the first AirCRANE system, a machine with a 30 t lifting capacity, has been completed. Since both designs are finished, and scalability work has been conducted to jump from the 165 t design to the 30 tone, it is easier to talk to clients with confidence about different type of AirCRANE systems: from 10 t lifting capacity for formworks in the construction of high rise buildings, to 250 t lifting capacity for installation of concrete towers.

- Manufacturing: the manufacturing of the first prototype of the AirCRANE system has been completed by KEYTECH in Lekunberri, Navarra (Spain).
The demonstrator has been very useful to gain credibility of external parties. Once the product has become tangible, the potential clients’ interest has increased significantly.
In addition, the collaborators and suppliers of this first unit could turn into potential technological partners in the future.

- Assessment of Conformity Certificate issued by TUV Rheinland: After reviewing all the documentation of the Technical File of the AirCRANE and attending the testing in the factory, TÜV-Rheinland has issued the certificate of the ‘Conformity Assessment according to Directive 2006/42/EC’.
Potential clients and partners like to verify that HWS has designed and manufactured a machine that complies with all the health and safety standards of European directives. With this certificate, all the doubts about the correct design of the AirCRANE are eliminated and trust is gained.

- Communication & dissemination plan: a significant work has been carried out in contacting potential customers and moving forward in the potential collaboration, win-win relationship. The contact list has been expanded to EPC (engineering procurement and contractor) firms and developers, as well as to different markets (Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Brazil, etc), leading to a higher probability of success and higher share in the market.
HWS has disseminated the manufacturing and certification of the first AirCRANE unit through the following sources: Linkedin, newspaper, magazines, Wind Conference, inviting potential clients to see the crane.
HWS had planned to bring the demonstrator to the Wind Conference, visit potential clients throughout the world and invite others to see the crane. But, the restrictions set due to COVID crisis has not allowed to conduct these dissemination activities.

- Escalation plan: In order to improve its efficiency, creativity and lean&mean structure, HWS has established strong partnership with a structural engineering and an intellectual protection firm, including them as shareholders of the company. In addition, with the aim of operating in the world market, the company has been divided in different departments. In order to strengthen the technical skills of the team related to machinery, new mechanical engineer has been hired in the last year of the project.
The main OUTCOME of the project was to obtain a complete and tested fully operational AirCRANE system. This outcome has been accomplished by manufacturing and validating a demonstrator of 30 t lifting capacity AirCRANE system. The testing conducted to validate the functionalities of the demonstrator have been supervised by TÜV-Rheinland, which has issued a certificate of Conformity with the Directive.

The implementation of the Aircrane could bring savings of up to 20% for tower installation, and 45% for wind turbine assembly, both of which lead to a relevant LCoE reduction. Additionally, its higher availability due to its low-cost, and operability in higher wind speeds, will assure a big impact in the wind energy market. Moreover, its easy adaptability to offshore, maintenance services, and construction, expands the applicability fields of the machine.

Successful project completion represents a significant business opportunity for HWS, with expected REVENUES of millions of euros in 5/7 years. In addition, the successful market introduction of the AIRCRANE SYSTEM, is expected to create over 22 new jobs in the company , and 86 new Indirect jobs by 2025.