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Twin to Illuminate Metals in Biology and Biocatalysis through Biospectroscopy


Förderung der Biospektroskopie in Portugal

Metalle sind Bestandteile von Proteinen und lebenswichtig. Ohne Eisen etwa könnte Hämoglobin keinen Sauerstoff in das Gewebe transportieren. Trotzdem sind die zugrunde liegenden Wirkmechanismen von Metallen in Metalloproteinen noch zu wenig erforscht. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts TIMB3 ist der Kapazitätenaufbau am Forschungsinstitut ITQB-NOVA, Portugal, um mittels Biospektroskopie Spitzenforschung an Metalloproteinen zu betreiben. Die Biospektroskopie ist ein aufstrebendes Forschungsfeld, das mit Sensortechnologien die Zusammensetzung biologischer Proben untersucht. Durch wissenschaftlichen Austausch mit den Partnern von TIMB3 wird das koordinierende Institut Forschung zur Homöostase und dem Transport von Metallen fördern und die Präsenz auf internationaler Ebene stärken.


TIMB3 offers the unique opportunity to capitalize on the existing infrastructure and human resources of ITQB-NOVA (Portugal) on biospectroscopy applied to the study of metals in biology to raise its scientific profile and achieve integration in the top league of research intensive institutions. The essential role of metals in biology is well recognized even by the general public (think of iron in blood). Notwithstanding, there is a growing appreciation of the potential of their study to radically transform our capacity to improve health and well-being and to develop novel biotechnological solutions to pressing environmental problems. This project emerges from successful test runs with the world class partners CIRMMP (Italy) and TUB (Germany), using networking instruments of narrower reach such as COST actions and bilateral partnerships. The scientific theme underlying the execution of TIMB3 is the enhancement of the capacity of ITQB-NOVA in performing world class research in biospectroscopy applied to metal homeostasis and trafficking and applied to bioinspired catalysis. The research profile of ITQB-NOVA staff will be raised by a combination of exchange missions with counterparts on the partner institutions, and structured training events on scientific and soft skills, including project writing and IP awareness. These activities will enable ITQB-NOVA to create a virtual platform for biospectroscopy to be used by non-specialists to learn the potential of this versatile group of methods to solve their specific research and development problems, broadening the social awareness to the capacities of biospectroscopy applied to the study of metals in biology. At the end of TIMB3, ITQB-NOVA will be able to enter international scientific consortia and compete for funding at the highest level establishing itself as a bona fide member of the top league of research intensive institutions.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

CORDIS klassifiziert Projekte mit EuroSciVoc, einer mehrsprachigen Taxonomie der Wissenschaftsbereiche, durch einen halbautomatischen Prozess, der auf Verfahren der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache beruht.


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€ 687 500,00
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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 687 500,00

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