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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Chemical Reaction Networks: signal amplification, spatiotemporal control, and materials


Förderung der EU-Forschung im Bereich der chemischen Reaktionsnetzwerke

An biologischen und chemischen Prozessen in lebenden Systemen sind tausende verschiedene Verbindungen beteiligt, die durch chemische Reaktionen miteinander verknüpft sind. Diese Prozessketten werden als chemische Reaktionsnetzwerke bezeichnet. Das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt CReaNet vereint sechs akademische und vier industrielle Partner, um eine neue Generation Nachwuchsforschender für das aufstrebende Gebiet der chemischen Reaktionsnetzwerke zu begeistern und auszubilden. Die Beteiligten werden innerhalb dieses Forschungsprogramms biokompatible Materialien mit abstimmbaren positiven/negativen Feedbackmechanismen entwickeln, anhand derer die gewünschten Funktionen von vornherein programmierbar sind. Mithilfe dieses Ansatzes können neuartige und verbesserte (Bio-)Materialien mit niemals zuvor realisierten Funktionalitäten entwickelt werden.


Chemical reaction networks are ubiquitous in living systems, and hold great promise for the generation of future ultrasensitive sensors, for finding advanced production schemes towards high value chemicals and for enabling future autonomous and adaptive materials. To become a technology leader in this area, it is imperative for EU to invest in i) training highly skilled researchers and ii) conducting research interfacing fundamental sciences and technologically relevant applications. This ETN focuses on strengthening EU’s innovation capacity via an integrative EU doctoral training on “Chemical Reaction Networks: signal amplification, spatiotemporal control, and materials”. It brings together an interdisciplinary team of 6 proven academic experts and 4 non-academic partners to inspire and educate a new generation of ESRs (early stage researchers) to become leaders in this emerging research area of chemical reaction networks – a subject which is not specifically taught at EU universities. We provide the ESRs with a comprehensive, structured, interdisciplinary and intersectorial training, and bridge fundamental research and applications with a cutting-edge research program. The objective of the research program is to unravel design principles for chemical reaction networks, find pathways to modulate them from the outside, and develop them towards applications for ultrasensitive sensors and autonomous materials with time-programmed operation. The close interaction between academia and private sector will ensure a multifaceted view, and a swift transfer of fundamental discoveries to applications. The intersectorial partner setting, together with the balanced training of research-related and transferable skills, will enhance the career perspectives of the ESRs in both the academic and non-academic sectors. This ETN will form ESRs with highest levels of creativity, innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial mindsets, and thus promote EU leadership in nanosciences.


€ 549 604,08
67081 Strasbourg

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Grand Est Alsace Bas-Rhin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 549 604,08

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