Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ULTIMATE (Bottom-Up generation of atomicalLy precise syntheTIc 2D MATerials for high performance in energy and Electronic applications – A multi-site innovative training action)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-10-01 al 2024-03-31
ULTIMATE has provided to 15 talented young researchers a well-structured training in the burgeoning field of S2DMs by developing their knowledge and understanding on: i) how to generate novel atomically precise 2D materials with defined structure and composition, and ii) how to best exploit their unique and tunable properties for electronics and energy applications. This training through research has required an intersectoral approach by specialized and skilled scientists from different (sub-)disciplines including molecular modeling (TUD), organic, macro/supramolecular synthesis (TUD, DWI, AMU), production of S2DMs (Graphenea, TUD, UNISTRA, IIT), hierarchical self-assembly (UNISTRA, KU Leuven, DWI, CNR), surface and interface studies (KU Leuven, EMPA, IBM, UNI GRAZ, CNR, APE, IIT, UNISTRA), photochemistry and photophysics (UNIME, DWI, UNISTRA, IIT), device fabrication and characterization (IIT, TUD, UNISTRA), and other skills, as well as a strong commitment to the training of young talents with the ultimate goal of achieving scientific breakthroughs in this very topical area of science and technology.
The ULTIMATE network has strengthened the EC training efforts by delivering an unprecedented cross-disciplinary and supra-sectoral training that has been carefully structured in local, network-wide, and beyond-network training activities, as well as complementary and transferable skills.
- Design and theory of new functional molecular building blocks.
- Functional building blocks and bulk synthesis of S2DMs.
- Self-assembly of S2DMs at surfaces and interfaces: the non-covalent approach.
- Reactivity in 2D: the covalent approach.
- Nanoscale studies of the properties of S2DMs by scanning probe microscopy techniques.
- Micro- and macro-scale studies of the properties of S2DMs.
- Electronics and energy applications.
In terms of training:
- The training program of ULTIMATE has been designed to provide the Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) with a highly multidisciplinary training.
- 5 Workshops, 2 Schools, 1 international conference, and 1 Symposium have been organized.
- All ESRs have established with their supervisors a personal career development plan comprising their training needs and scientific objectives.
In terms of dissemination, communication, and public engagement activities:
- 99 articles have been published in high-impact scientific journals (average impact factor: 14+). These 90+% collaborative publications have collected 2,270+ citations, 35+ press releases and highlights, and 7 cover pages.
- ESRs have reported their results through as many as 58 oral and poster presentations in 37 international conferences. They have been awarded 2 best poster prizes and 3 graduate/student/travel grants. They have also chaired 16 conference sessions.
- A website dedicated to the ULTIMATE ( has been launched and is fully functional since day one of the project.
- Social media platforms, including Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and Facebook, have been actively used to promote the dissemination of results and to increase the visibility of the project. ULTIMATE has achieved 1,000+ followers, 160+ tweets, 2,480+ likes, and 510+ retweets on Twitter/X ( 1,000+ connections, 160+ posts, 1,670+ likes, and 135,600+ impressions on LinkedIn ( and 160+ posts, 380+ likes, and 15,500+ impressions on Facebook (
In terms of coordination and management of the network:
- 1 Kick-Off Meeting, 6 Progress Meetings, and 1 Mid-Term Check Meeting, and 1 Final Meeting have been organized.
- 15 ESRs, including 25+% of women, have been recruited by the various beneficiaries.
Overall, the progress of research and training activities has been very successful in all aspects throughout the entire duration of ULTIMATE.
- Training of ESRs in fundamental science and technology of S2DMs and devices.
- Training of ESRs in complementary skills.
- Improvement of career prospects and employability of ESRs.
- Promotion of gender equality in science.
- Establishment of new collaborations among partners.
- Strengthening of pre-existing collaborations among partners.
- Enhancement of public–private sector collaborations in terms of research training.
- Reduction of the current fragmentation of the European research efforts in the field of S2DMs.
- Structuring of doctoral/early-stage research training at the European level.
- Strengthening of the European Research Area by close interactions among top-level teams.
- Enhancement of the European innovation capacity and competitiveness.