CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Training Network to develop Improved Bioresorbable Materials for Orthopaedic and Vascular Implant Applications


Neuartige Implantatmaterialien

Es besteht ein wachsender Bedarf an medizinischen Weich- und Hartgewebeimplantaten zur Behandlung orthopädischer und vaskulärer Erkrankungen. Resorbierbare Materialien, die sich nach der Implantation allmählich abbauen können, stellen eine sehr attraktive Option dar, denn hier treten keine Kompatibilitätsprobleme auf und sie erfordern auch keine wiederholten Operationen. Um diese Nachfrage zu decken, wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt BioImplant ITN junge Forschende in technischen, interdisziplinären und übertragbaren Kompetenzen ausbilden. Die Vision besteht darin, sie zu befähigen, neue Hybridmaterialien mit verbesserten mechanischen Eigenschaften und steuerbarem Abbauverhalten zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Die Partner gehen davon aus, dass ein großes kommerzielles Interesse an diesen innovativen Materialien für medizinische Implantatanwendungen besteht.


BioImplant ITN is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) programme that will provide world-class multidisciplinary training to a new generation of high-achieving ESRs in the area of medical device development. A well-balanced consortium of academic, industry and clinical partners has been assembled to deliver the training programme, spanning a number of EU countries and industry sectors to promote international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral aspects of ESR skill development. The programme vision of the BioImplant ITN is to deliver technical, interdisciplinary and transferrable skills training to the ESR community all areas of the medical device development Supply Value Chain. The BioImplant ITN programme will develop improved bioresorbable materials and implement them in orthopaedic and vascular implant applications. Bioresorbable materials are rapidly gaining traction in soft and hard tissue medical implants, with both polymer- and metal-based resorbable materials having been developed for medical device applications. However, major issues relating to their poor mechanical properties and rapid degradation behaviour have limited their application. The research programme of the BioImplant ITN will address these issues by (i) targeting new processing solutions to enhance the mechanical behaviour of bioresorbable polymers and (ii) integrate high stiffness magnesium- and ceramic-based reinforcements with polymers to produce novel hybrid/composite materials with optimised functional performance. The development of these innovative biomaterials will represent a major advancement on the current state-of-the-art in bioresorbable materials and maximise commercial potential in vascular and orthopaedic applications. Furthermore, the comprehensive skillset delivered by the programme will enhance career development and employability of ESRs within the Medical Technology sector and promote their development into leading innovators in the European Medical Technology sector.


€ 1 098 737,28
H91 Galway

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Ireland Northern and Western West
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 098 737,28

Beteiligte (8)