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Next generation of life Saving appliances and systems for saFE and swift evacuation operations on high capacity PASSenger ships in extreme scenarios and conditions

Descrizione del progetto

Un modo intelligente di evacuare le navi passeggeri

L’affondamento del Titanic nel 1912 è forse la più famosa catastrofe marittima. Questo naufragio e tanti altri verificatisi da allora hanno reso la sicurezza delle grandi navi passeggeri una preoccupazione a livello mondiale. Ciononostante, le operazioni di evacuazione di una nave passeggeri di grandi dimensioni si rivelano molto complesse. A tale proposito, il progetto SafePASS, finanziato dall’UE, si occuperà della ridefinizione di operazioni, sistemi e attrezzature di evacuazione nonché delle normative internazionali relative alle navi passeggeri. Il progetto realizzerà un sistema integrato, in grado di monitorare, elaborare e informare i passeggeri e l’equipaggio sui migliori percorsi di evacuazione in caso di emergenza. L’obiettivo consiste nell’agevolazione dell’evacuazione delle navi, migliorando la sicurezza tramite operazioni a prova di errore e una più forte consapevolezza situazionale.


Evacuating a large passenger ship is a safety-critical and strictly time-bound task and a complex decision-making process based on the evolving situation and the information available. Timely evacuation requires fast and accurate evaluation of ship’s condition and estimation of remaining evacuation time. The assumption that all passengers will be able to comprehend and follow instructions or even that the crew will be able to communicate verbally during a crisis is very optimistic. In response, a system that will provide clear instructions and guide passengers safely on how to react in an emergency situation without reliance on any passenger skills or experience is of paramount importance for any large passenger ship.
SafePASS will radically redefine the evacuation processes, evacuation systems/equipment and international regulations for passenger ships in all environments, hazards and weather conditions, independently of the demographic factor, by developing an integrated system that will collectively monitor, process and inform during emergencies both crew and passengers of the optimal evacuation routes, coupled with advanced, intuitive and easy to use LSA, resulting to a significant reduction of the total time required for ship evacuation and increased safety. SafePASS is an integrated solution that provides passengers tailored evacuation assistance, assists the crew by enhancing their situational awareness and ability to handle de-skilled equipment, while incorporating fail-safe processes for the evacuation procedure.
SafePASS prototypes will be validated in real environment, on a cruise ship and in LSA manufacturers testbeds and towing tanks. The consortium, consisting of 15 partners, amongst which academic institutions, classification societies, innovative SMEs, shipyard, LSA manufacturers and a cruise operator, safeguards both the high impact and implementation of the project results, through the preparation of a set of recommendations for IMO submission.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 234 375,01
157 72 ATHINA

Mostra sulla mappa

Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 234 375,01

Partecipanti (18)