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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion


Reduzierung von Korrosionsschäden in Biomasseanlagen

Im Bestreben, Alternativen für fossile Brennstoffe zu entwickeln, gewinnt die Verbrennung von Biomasse in Kraftwerkskesseln an Bedeutung. Noch ist jedoch die starke Korrosion der Kessel ein ernstes Problem bei Biomasseanlagen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BELENUS sucht nun in einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz nach Lösungen. Dabei soll durch Oberflächenbehandlung die Materialleistung optimiert, durch neue Schweißmethoden für beschichtete Rohre die Qualität der Kesselkomponenten verbessert und per Online-Überwachung der Korrosionszustand überwacht werden. Ultimatives Ziel ist, die Umwandlung von Biomasse effizienter zu machen und die Lebensdauer der Anlagen zu verlängern. Ist das Projekt erfolgreich, können Bioenergiekapital und Produktionskosten künftig um 5 bzw. 60 % gesenkt werden.


The primary objective of BELENUS is to lower bioenergy CAPEX and OPEX by an average of 5 and 60% respectively. This will be addressed by preventing or mitigating corrosion as the main limiting factor through a holistic approach to prevent corrosion in the boiler, in particular in superheater (SH) tubes: a) new surface engineering: biomass corrosion highly resistant coatings on creep resistance materials; b) new strategies of welding and bending for coated tubes improving the quality and efficiency of boiler components; and c) new online corrosion monitoring system specifically designed for biomass CHP plants. In addition, the BELENUS solution will impact on other LCOE parameters by improving efficiency in the conversion (up to 42%), increasing a 5% the operational hours of the plant and plant life time (5 years) and reducing the fuel expenditure of the plant by optimising its use and providing flexibility by allowing the use of different types of biomass. Improved performance for high temperature material systems through the technological breakthroughs, will be evaluated and validated an innovative test protocol. Finally, modelling and lifetime prediction tools will be developed and cost analysis and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) undertaken so the optimum materials and coatings are chosen from the durability, economic and environmental perspectives, maximising the sustainability in economic and environmental terms. BELENUS brings together a multidisciplinary consortium comprising the main stakeholders with leading utilities, steel and tube developers, boiler designer and specialized research institutions from across Europe. This synergy allows a direct transfer of results in TRL5 to be obtained in BELENUS as technical base to go further to higher TRL into commercial biomass electric power plants within less than 5 years.

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