CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Advancing a GMMA-based vaccine against invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis through Phase 1 trial in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa


Veränderte Bakterien produzieren Impfstoff gegen invasive nicht-typhöse Salmonellose

Die invasive nichttyphoidale Salmonellose (iNTS) wird immer stärker zum Problem für die öffentliche Gesundheit, insbesondere in Afrika südlich der Sahara, wo die Anzahl der Todesfälle noch größer ist als die durch Typhus. Üblicherweise sind Säuglinge, Kleinkinder und immungeschwächte Erwachsene betroffen. 20bis 25 % der Fälle verlaufen tödlich. Impfstoffe werden hier dringend benötigt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Vacc-iNTS hat eine neue Herstellungsmethode für Impfstoffe entwickelt, die einfach und kostengünstig ist und einen Wirkstoff ergibt, der sehr gut Immunreaktionen im Körper auslösen kann. Klinische Studien der Phase 1 stehen kurz bevor und es gibt bereits Pläne für Datensammlungen, um die Durchführung von Phase 2 und 3 zu unterfüttern.


Invasive non-typhoidal Salmonellosis (iNTS) is an important emerging Neglected Infectious Disease in resource-poor settings of sub-Saharan Africa (sSA). No vaccine is currently available. Estimated 263,000 iNTS deaths per year in <5 year olds, a 20% case fatality rate, difficult diagnosis and increasing antibiotic resistance strongly advocate for rapid development of an effective vaccine. Vacc-iNTS bridges the gap between preclinical and early clinical development of a novel vaccine against iNTS, based on GMMA (Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens) from the most common African iNTS serotypes (Typhimurium and Enteritidis). The highly cost-effective GMMA-technology, developed by partner 2, is based on outer membrane blebs released by genetically modified bacteria. Clinical proof-of-concept for the GMMA-technology was achieved with a Shigella sonnei vaccine in European and African adults. In animals, iNTS-GMMA were highly immunogenic and induced antibodies with bactericidal activity against African iNTS strains. Simple, robust and scalable manufacturing processes for iNTS-GMMA, suited for sSA, have been developed. Vacc-iNTS proposes GMP manufacturing of clinical lots followed by a two-stage Phase 1 trial in healthy European and African adults to investigate safety and immunogenicity of the iNTS-GMMA vaccine. Analysis include serum antibody levels and functionality, cellular responses, transcriptomics and data integration through a systems biology approach. Sero-epidemiological analysis will be conducted to provide essential data for future Phase 2 and 3 trials. Vacc-iNTS will also strengthen a collaborative network of iNTS experts from academia, industry and non-profit including partners from disease-endemic countries of sSA. The network will generate data to accelerate further vaccine development, enhance awareness, drive advocacy and vaccine deployment in limited-resources disease-endemic countries, tackling major roadblocks in advancing a vaccine against iNTS.

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