CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Małopolska Researchers' Night 2018-2019 (European Researchers' Night in Małopolska)


Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Forschung in der Woiwodschaft Kleinpolen

Die Wissenschaft lässt menschliche Träume wahr werden. Doch das bedarf Leidenschaft und Lebenserfahrung. Daher können in der Europäischen Nacht der Forschung Millionen Europäerinnen und Europäer die Wissenschaften auf die spannendsten Arten erleben und genießen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MalopolskaRN baut auf den bisherigen elf Jahren erfolgreicher Erfahrungen mit der Nacht der Forschung in der Woiwodschaft Kleinpolen auf und organisiert 2018 und 2019 Veranstaltungen in sieben Städten. Dabei sollen so viele Teilnehmende wie möglich angelockt werden (Schülerinnen und Schüler, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sowie Unternehmen), die in der Region ansässig sind, um gemeinsame Experimente in verschiedenen Fachbereichen bei etwa Tausend unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten durchzuführen. Über 4 000 Menschen sind jährlich daran beteiligt.


The project covers two editions of the European Researchers’ Night (ERN) in Małopolska in 2018 and 2019, respectively for the 12th and 13th time in our region. The event will be held in 7 cities of the Małopolska Region (Kraków, Tarnów, Nowy Sącz, Niepołomice, Skawina, Andrychów, and Chrzanów) to show the wide scientific heritage, with access not being a barrier to the participation of the residents of various parts of the region. Researchers from participating institutions prepared approx. 1,000 different activities, a total of approx. 2,000 within the entire 2-year project. The preparation of such a diverse programme will involve approx. 4,000 people every year, both experienced researchers and beginners (students, representatives of scientific circles), as well as R&D employees from companies located within the region. In addition, due to the fact that 2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage, we have prepared even more attractions and surprises for this year's edition – there will also be the possibility to meet researchers in ... museums, libraries, and even in a historical church which the participants will certainly not be expecting. The next two editions of the ERN in Małopolska focus on showing researchers as ordinary people with extraordinary job that affect our daily lives and how in practice researchers change the world. An important distinction of the ERN among other events is that we focus 100% on interactivity. During the RN, the researchers present their work combining learning with entertainment (edutainment), to make children and young people as passionate about science as possible. But the participants themselves will feel like real researchers performing unusual experiments under the watchful eye of their mentors. The project has European dimension – due to its broad and diversified awareness campaign, we estimate that 4 million people will be made aware of the project and its objectives. Duration of the project: 1.04.2018-30.11.2019.


€ 38 500,00
Basztowa, 22
PL31-156 Krakow

Auf der Karte ansehen

Makroregion południowy Małopolskie Miasto Kraków
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
€ 252 837,50

Beteiligte (12)