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Related to Task 7.2, first status report providing an up-to-date overview of the actual implementation of dissemination and communication activities
Dissemination and communication planRelated to Task 7.2. preliminary version of the D&C plan containing the following elements: identification and classification of target stakeholders as derived from Task 1.5 and 7.1, dissemination methods and their specific associated activities for target stakeholder categories, schedule and complementarity of the dissemination activities, individual dissemination plans.
Report on the mapping, characterization and critical evaluation of the state-of-the-artReport resulting from the activities in Task 1.3, including an evaluation of the preliminarily impacts of the proposed integrated concept relative to specific European political targets and policy frameworks, including the overall balances of energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sustainability and a benchmarking of the above impacts with current state-of-the-art bio-based CHP options.
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