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All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - AANChOR (All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-10-01 al 2023-08-31

The Atlantic Ocean is an invaluable resource shared by all Atlantic nations, and beyond. It requires effective cooperation in marine research and innovation to best unlock its secrets and to manage human activities that depend on it in a sustainable way. Supporting these values, several countries joint efforts and launched an unprecedent cooperation in marine research and innovation at the Atlantic Ocean scale through the creation of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA).
The AANChOR project aims at supporting the implementation of the Belém Statement in scope of the AAORA, through the reinforcement of the international cooperation framework between EU member states, Brazil and South Africa, and desirably other countries that border the Atlantic Ocean. AANChOR has three specific objectives: (1) Identifying concrete joint actions; (2) Contributing to the implementation of the selected joint actions; (3) Defining long term measures for sustainability of the cooperation framework beyond the lifetime of the CSA.
In the last years AANChOR has (1) built a committed All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Community, (2) engaged All-Atlantic stakeholders in co-designed and co-implementation of joint activities reinforcing Atlantic international cooperation; (3) built on, aligned and converged national initiatives across and alongside the Atlantic Ocean, as well as European and International initiatives and (4) upscaled cooperation with countries bordering the South Atlantic Ocean, in particular Brazil and South Africa. The six All-Atlantic Joint Pilot Actions (JPAs) launched are encouraging new models of cooperation, scientific exchange, training and capacity development, sharing of infrastructures and data and promote ocean-engaged citizens.
The contribution of AANChOR to promote cooperation in the Atlantic basin has been recognized through the awarding of the Atlantic Project Award in 2022 and can be divided in the Alliance three main pillars – Connect, Act, Cooperate. All 3 AANChOR objectives contribute to these three pillars.
Connect - The creation of the All-Atlantic multi-stakeholder-platform (MsP) divided in 5 sub-multiple stakeholder platforms was the start of the connection pillar. The platform counted with 70+ All-Atlantic expert stakeholders from 18 Atlantic countries. Two other activities that highly contributed to, create in some cases and strengthen in others, the connectivity among the All-Atlantic stakeholders was the support of AANChOR to 3 All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Forums and the development of a one-stop-shop portal for the All-Atlantic cooperation - a single place where all Alliance related activities are included. The portal has currently 1000+ users and the connection activities allowed the Alliance to reach 18000+ stakeholders from 44 European and Atlantic bordering countries and a number of different stakeholder typologies (researchers, entrepreneurs, science managers, policy makers, early career scientist and students).
Act - With the aim to build on what already exists and be innovative on the way we collaborate, the engaged experts in the All-Atlantic MsP, identified 800+ existing Atlantic initiatives that can contribute to the implementation of the Alliance ambition – the All-Atlantic Marine Research and Innovation Database. Based on this work and on the 56 All-Atlantic gaps and 79 All-Atlantic needs/recommendations, the experts co-designed 6 ambitious and long-term JPAs (AA-TP; AA-ATiP; AA-BIOTECMAR; AA-DATA2030; AA-BSN; AA-MARINET) which are the main implementing initiatives of the AANChOR project. One other relevant activity that allow the stakeholder to act together is the collection in a single place of 640+ relevant All-Atlantic Resources, that can be accessed in the All-Atlantic portal. Several activities were also implemented to empower and train the next generation under the All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors (AAOYA) Programme. Under the AANChOR project this programme engaged 26 ambassadors from 15 countries and 12 Mentors from the previous cohort to whom it provided an opportunity to participate in many trainings, seminars, events (including UN events) and other activities giving them tools and contacts to became drivers of change in their communities. In addition, 20 All-Atlantic Podcasts that explored collaboration efforts around the Alliance’s key priority themes were launched and 10 All-Atlantic storytelling videos were supported followed a training workshop providing simple narrative and compelling storytelling techniques to All-Atlantic researchers.
Cooperate - AANChOR supported the implementation of the 6 JPAs through providing around 3.8k€ as seed funding for the first stage of their implementation. In addition, it has actively participated in clustering meeting with All-Atlantic projects, with the aim to strengthening the All-Atlantic community. Needs for the long-term implementation of the JPAs were also identified that supported the development of initial drafts for their sustainability beyond the lifetime of AANChOR.
Results have been disseminated in the All-Atlantic Portal and its dedicated Newsletters, as well as through the participation in several meetings. JPA outcomes have also been disseminated and exploited through the development of specific infographics for each JPA that were shared with the All-Atlantic Community through the Alliance newsletter and through dedicated mailings, in addition to their highlight at the high-level event celebrating the signature of the Galway Statement in July 2023. Analysis on the All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors initiative, the JPAs draft implementation plans and its recommendations were shared with the Belém Co-Chairs to strengthen cooperation in the future.
The main legacy of the AANChOR project is the All-Atlantic community and the JPAs. The development of single communications channels (portal, YouTube channel and Alliance hastags - #AtlanticAll and #AtlanticYouth) are also a relevant legacy of the project, as well as the two databases developed (initiatives and resources).
In scope of their activities, the 6 JPAs (a) organised 18 training activities, including 3 on-site and several online courses and workshops; (b) implemented 136 synergies with existing Atlantic projects and initiatives and 3 synergies with European research infrastructures; (c) developed 14 strategic documents, including white papers, roadmaps, action plans, terms of reference, statutes, guidelines and recommendations and (d) contributed to a few national, national, European and international strategies, such as: National Plan for Implementation of the UN Ocean Decade in Brazil, Canadian Strategy for Ocean Literacy, National Sea Strategy in Portugal, National Aquaculture strategy in Brazil, National Aquaculture strategy in South Africa, Leibniz Association’s Open Science Directive, UN Ocean Decade, the Agenda 2030, Atlantic Strategy and Action Plan, EU Blue Growth Strategy, EU International Ocean Governance Communication and EU Food 2030.
AANChOR impacted impact society by enhancing the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Community through: (1) encouraging new models of cooperation on a coordinated and partnership-based approach, (2) promoting joint activities and (3) improving efficiency by making a better use of existing Atlantic initiatives, capacities, expertise, infrastructures, and other resources, avoiding overlap.
The six ltransatlantic long-term Joint Pilot Actions launched in scopd of AANChOR