Unterhaltsame Aktivitäten zur Entdeckung der Wissenschaft in Schweden
Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FF18_19 wird 2018 und 2019 in 25 Städten und Gemeinden den ForskarFredag (Freitag der Forschenden) organisieren, um die Öffentlichkeit durch spaßige, festliche und praktische Aktivitäten mit Forschenden in Verbindung zu bringen. Unter dem Motto „Forschende sind gewöhnliche Menschen mit außergewöhnlichen Jobs!“ wird das Projekt Universitäten, Wissenschaftszentren, Gemeinden, Museen, Forschungszentren und einen Gemeinderat zusammenbringen und den Menschen so helfen, die lokale und regionale Forschung vor einem nationalen und internationalen Hintergrund zu entdecken. FF18_19 fokussiert sich 2018 auf das Kulturerbe und 2019 auf die 50 Jahre seit der Mondlandung. Das Projekt legt einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf Jugendliche zwischen 12 und 19 und lädt sie ein, mit Forschenden zusammenzuarbeiten.
"ForskarFredag, FF (Researchers' Friday) will unite events in 25 cities and towns in 2018 and 2019 respectively. The project will bring the general public, with a special focus on pupils aged 12–19, face-to-face with researchers through fun, festive and hands-on activities, all free of charge. By reaching out to all corners of Sweden, people will discover local and regional research in a national and international context. The non-profit association VA has coordinated FF annually since 2006, and FF18_19 builds on the success of previous years, drawing on experience, contacts and the ever-increasing national profile. Event programmes will be planned and executed by local subcontractors in centrally located venues and brought together under the national FF umbrella by VA. Subcontractors are universities, science centres, municipalities, museums, research centres and a county council. Each local event is organised in a way to give the highest impact in the local community, building on local strengths and using local networks. The local organisers share experiences and learnings in a national contact network. VA is responsible for the quality, framework, national identity and national awareness campaign. Annual themes – the European year of cultural heritage in 2018 and ""50 years since the moon landing"" in 2019 – will inspire innovative local activities with the researcher in focus, connect the local activities and strengthen the national profile. Common activities include the high-profile communications contest Researchers’ Grand Prix, Borrow-a-Researcher for schools and Science Cafés. Two annual massexperiments, inviting pupils to work together with researchers, will be conducted nationally as part of the awareness campaign. Collaboration and synergies with other ERN projects on the awareness campaign, activities and impact assessment will highlight the European dimension. FF:s motto is: ""Researchers are ordinary people with extraordinary jobs!"""
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