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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

LIFE LAB - Connecting Communities with the UK's leading Biotechnology and Life Science Hub


Werbung für das Leben in der Wissenschaft

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt LIFE LAB soll Werbung für die Forschungs- und Innovationsinfrastruktur und die Exzellenz von Cambridge im Vereinigten Königreich in den Bereichen Biowissenschaften und Biotechnologie machen. LIFE LAB ist ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer Institutionen, die eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft über Stereotype hinweg darstellen wollen. Das Projekt wird ein Zentrum errichten, um Aktivitäten zu veranstalten, zu denen eine Roadshow für Schulen und verschiedene Veranstaltungen für die Öffentlichkeit gehören. Die Auswirkungen der Forschung auf den Alltag zu vermitteln, ist von zentraler Bedeutung dabei, junge Menschen für den Bereich zu begeistern. Gleichzeitig sollen alternative Laufbahnen angeboten werden mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Kompetenzen im Bereich Bioinformatik, an denen es aktuell mangelt.


LIFE LAB will bring researchers and publics together by drawing on the excellence of the UK’s premier region for life science research in and around Cambridge and East England . Our proposal name is inspired by those journeys from research to real-world applications that impact on people’s lives and by the notion of bringing our respective LABs to LIFE. LIFE LAB will host a compelling programme of researcher-led events in Cambridge and surrounding towns on 28 Sept 2018 and 27 Sept 2019. A primary aim of LIFE LAB is to engage communities (schools and public) not traditionally connecting with the ‘Cambridge phenomenon’ and for whom this research powerhouse on their doorstep presents real opportunity in terms highlighting the impact of research on their daily lives and promoting new career pathways to study and work.

Our LIFE LAB team represents a group of world-leading research organisations with a unique story to share. This builds on centuries of history and achievement, ground-breaking discoveries (including the structure of DNA and the Human Genome) and present-day frontier research and innovation.

LIFE LAB will connect researchers and the general public across the UK’s leading eco-system for life sciences while celebrating the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018 by casting a spotlight on science - past, present and future – as an important part of culture. LIFE LAB will be immersive - promoting hands-on approaches and involving people in research through the Nights; especially early stage research where dialogue and airing of views could bring alternative perspectives. LIFE LAB will build on partnership developed across the public engagement and education professionals in our consortium to extend reach into the region’s schools and teacher networks. Lastly, but importantly, LIFE LAB will showcase the importance of collaboration, freedom of mobility and respect of shared knowledge and values – particularly important at a time of change.


€ 41 704,00
Vereinigtes Königreich

Auf der Karte ansehen

East of England East Anglia Cambridgeshire CC
Research Organisations
€ 106 989,69

Beteiligte (4)