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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Researchers' Night in Latvia 2018-2019

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NIGHTLV-2018-2019 (European Researchers' Night in Latvia 2018-2019)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-03-01 bis 2019-12-31

The overall objectives of the Project are enhancing public recognition of researchers and their work notably through bringing closer the researchers and public, increasing awareness of society on research and innovation in Latvia and by increasing visibility and recognition of the researchers profession.
As such, Project aimed at:
o Familiarizing the general public, especially young people, with the scientist’s profession;
o raising the understanding of general public on the impact of researchers’ work on things that are around us;
o Attracting young people to research careers.
As year 2018 was the 100th anniversary of foundation of Latvia and the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the European Researchers’ Night activities reflected also these aspects, showing the development of research activities in Latvia and achievements of Latvian researchers as well as showing research in Latvia as part of the European research and part of the European cultural heritage.
The project activities took place in different places in Latvia. Riga being the center of the European Researchers' Night program and activities taking place in remote Latvian regions and cities such as Jelgava, Daugavpils, Rezekne and Ventspils, Cēsis and Valmiera.
The project partnership included the State Education Development Agency, 6 State Universities, 3 University colleges and 8 state research institutes. Latvian Academy of Sport Education and National Botanical Garden also were involved in the implementation of project activities.
he whole program was implemented in Latvian cities: Riga, Jelgava, Dobele, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Ventspils, Valmiera and Cesis, as well as in local regions – Irbene, Pope, Tume and Baldone.
The project activities consisted of several relaxing, attractive and interactive activities, impressive series of hands-on experiments, demonstrations, quizzes and Cafés Scientifiques which brought closer to one another researchers and general public, increased the visibility of the researcher’s profession and implicitly contributed in raising young people’s interest in research and research career as well as European corners underlining the European dimension of the event
The program of events appealed to people of all ages and discovered the amazing scientific discoveries and achievements that have made our daily lives more comfortable, enjoyable and secure today. For example, visitors of the University of Latvia Academic Centre of Natural Sciences were introduced with innovative artificial intelligence technology that allows to control the drone with human thought.
The Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and the Environment "BIOR" offered an insight into the secret life of bacteria, but everyone at the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre was able to participate in the game "Breakout from the cell". Meanwhile, at ORIGO shopping centre and Central Station the opportunity to participate in the workshop of scientific hands-on experiments organized by the Science School Laboratorium as well as to be involved in science slam was offered.
Visitors to the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in Teika district, Riga, could find out the latest developments in the field of smart fabrics and clothing, biometrics and intelligent transport systems. In the nearby Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry everyone was able to get acquainted with wood research methods and processing technologies, while at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis - to find out how new drug substances are being developed and their way to the pharmacy shelf.
In Valmiera, scientists from Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences played the role of merchants, demonstrating their achievements in the market pavilion, while Latvian University of Agriculture in Jelgava offered to find out how land surveying has changed since the Times of the Surveyors.
European Researchers’ Night demonstrated research achievements in Latvia in various science fields. The event engaged diverse auditorium of society thus increasing awareness about the importance of research and innovation.
For children interactive activities were focused to rise interest to scientific knowledge and studies. For students it was an opportunity to learn in more detail about the researcher’s profession.
The public was informed about the European dimension of the research activities showing that research community is not working isolated but in close cooperation with colleagues abroad.
Overall impact is better understanding of the key benefits that research brings to society.
European Researchers Night 2018 in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
European Researchers Night 2018 in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
European Researchers Night 2018 in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
European Researchers Night 2018 in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
European Researchers Night 2018 in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies