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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Sub-Poissonian Photon Gun by Coherent Diffusive Photonics

Descripción del proyecto

Fuentes luminosas compactas y no clásicas para la metrología y la obtención de imágenes ópticas avanzadas

El equipo del proyecto PhoG, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene previsto desarrollar una fuente compacta, versátil y determinista de luz cuántica o pistola de fotones basada en redes de guías de ondas integradas con pérdidas no lineales de ingeniería. Los sistemas cuánticos con pérdidas no lineales de ingeniería son más robustos que los que tienen estados coherentes cuánticos atenuados, que se suelen utilizar en los dispositivos por comodidad. Los dispositivos de PhoG actuarán como una fuente determinista de luz altamente subpoissoniana o como fotones entrelazados en diferentes configuraciones de estado. Estos dispositivos podrían mejorar la obtención de imágenes de superresolución y la estabilidad de los relojes atómicos comerciales.


The goal of the project is to deliver deterministic compact sources of highly non-classical states, from sub-Poissonian light to multi-mode entanglement, all utilizing a solitary technological platform. The project will build their working prototypes and develop the technology foundation for applications of these sources in an advanced optical imaging and metrology. The proposed sources will be based on a novel paradigm in photonic devices: diffusive coherent photonics operating with dissipatively coupled photonic circuits. The project will demonstrate that light can flow diffusively retaining coherence and even entanglement, be effectively equalized, distributed in a controlled way or even localized in perfectly periodic structures by means of dissipative coupling. Such unique light propagation regimes will be realized with the help of a photonic analogue of a tight-binding lattice using coupled waveguide networks in linear and non-linear glass materials. These coherent photonic devices will be fabricated by ultrafast laser inscription, and the dissipative coupling implemented by mutually coupling each pair of waveguides in the chain to a linear arrangement of waveguides. Efficient quantum diagnostics methods will be developed to verify the source characteristics and to assess their technological readiness. We expect coherent diffusive photonic devices to find applications in photonic networks and in a range of metrology tasks, potentially also for simulations of complex quantum dynamics. The project goal thus is: 1) to implement a family of compact sub-Poissonian photon guns, capable of robust generation of mesoscopic non-classical and entangled states; 2) to perform a feasibility study of their applications in entanglement-enhanced imaging and atomic clocks aiming at the 2 times better clock frequency stability.

Palabras clave

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 344 017,50
KY16 9AJ St Andrews
Reino Unido

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Scotland Eastern Scotland Clackmannanshire and Fife
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 344 017,50

Participantes (4)